May 18, 2022


Hesitations is for fools, hesitation is for the weak. Why will you hesitate if you can just do it? why will you overthink and worry about the things that you can't control if all you need to do is take the next step? Just do it and forget about the future, forget that it is hard, forget that it's getting harder and harder. No need to become scared. Just focus on what you can control and that is your thoughts and actions. Start fast and finish strong, keep pushing forward and let go of your fears and insecurities. It's your life, you can do whatever you want to do with it, nobody is going to punish you, just take charge, take matters into your own hands and prepare for yourself with what's going to happen next. Because at the end of the day you really wanted to do it, you're just hesitant because you're thinking too much. 

Time is money, time is opportunity, time is gold, time is an opportunity to change yet you're not giving importance to your time because you think it will never run out. You're hesitating too much because you think that there is always a next opportunity. What if there is none? what if the only opportunity you have is now? You have to devour every second and execute the best idea that you have right now Whether it's a logical or stupid idea... do it, test it and never regret if you fail. The idea here is to stop wasting a lot of time. Stop burning every second for stupidity and cowardice. You have to keep going no matter what, keep moving forward because it's the best thing to do. Stop using your brain for overthinking or entertaining useless and stupid thoughts, you're better than that. You don't need to become something special, you just need to stay disciplined, committed and serious with your goals if you wanted to succeed. The time is now, stop hesitating and just do what you need to do. Always be on a sense of urgency, take massive actions now, don't wait for the right time before you start. Make the time right and give time for your ambitions. 

Hesitation will never get the job done, action does, you need to take control of your life and just do what you think will work. Taking actions is 1000x better than thinking. You don't need to worry anymore, you just need to try. Just do it, start it now, don't be afraid of failure, don't be afraid of critics. Believe in yourself, believe that somehow your small bravery can produce something positive. It's on you if you wanted to succeed, the power is in your hands, stop wasting opportunities because of overthinking and acting like you're special. You're not special, never protect yourself from scrutinity, failures or mistakes. Always think that you're a nobody and just enjoy your life by taking chances. 

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