Apr 29, 2022


DO it now, pull the trigger now, why wait for tomorrow? what's the reason for the delay? you can do it now, you can take actions now, it's just a matter of deciding that you're going to do it. Tomorrow might be a worse day, there might be too many surprises and disturbance tomorrow so you better do it now while you still have some time. Most people believe that tomorrow is a better day only to find out that it's harder tomorrow. Push yourself to just do it and stop thinking about what might went wrong, just do it for the sake of doing it, do it for the sake of discipline and improving yourself. If you will not do it now then there's a big chance that you will never do it tomorrow. The best time for doing it is when you feel so uncomfortable. Do it now even if it's already too late, do it now even if you feel so lazy and heavy. If you do it now then you will feel much better, you will feel free, you will be able to erase the burden that you carry on your shoulders. Tomorrow is for the weak, the word tomorrow is for people who are not serious with what they are trying to accomplish. Most people believe in tomorrow and that's why they couldn't even start. 

Start even if you don't know how to start, just start something and forget about perfection, forget about doing it flawlessly. Remember that perfection is for the losers, it's for people who's thinking that they need to make it great right away without committing any mistake, and where do they end up? not starting anything. Stop being perfect and just grow, just do something. Looking for perfection will never get anything done. It's ok if you are slow but just start and never stop, it's ok if you're making a lot of mistakes but don't ever quit. Once you start... always go for the kill, go for the win and never change your mind. People who always do it early are the ones who succeed, people who always do it late are people who have a miserable life. It's not talent that will make you successful, it's discipline and nothing else. The more discipline you are the more you will have time and energy, the lesser disciplined you are the weaker you will get. 

You have the power to do it now so do it now, you have the time to do it now so do it now, stop making excuses, stop playing the weak game. You can always take actions whenever you need to you're just making a lot of dramas. It's time to take control of your life, it's time to become driven by purpose, you need to wake up and live your life now. Living means doing it now, it's not about pleasures, it's not about feeling good... it's about doing it now. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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