Oct 24, 2021


Every time you train, exercise, study something, do a research, read a book, listen to a meaningful content... you already improved. Maybe you won't feel the improvement, maybe you can't see it but the truth is you already improved. You will only see the bigger development if you do it consistently for how many months. You can never see it in just one week or even in one month but if you don't stop and don't get frustrated then you will see the improvement. It's better to be doing something now than not doing anything at all. One small action is already an improvement. So choose action over procrastination, it's all about building a habit that will take you to another level, it's all about trying to become better than yesterday, work harder than yesterday and you already improved. Yeah, it's hard but it's harder to become a bum for life, it's harder if you don't have the right attitude to become successful. You don't necessarily need to become a genius or something, you just need to discipline yourself to improve everyday. Whether it's about a simple skill, mentally, physically or work ethic... you need to improve at least a little bit better, and you really need to believe that you're improving, you really need to feel that somehow you're a little bit better than yesterday. 

That's why you have to move now, put down your cellphone, ignore all the noises outside of your journey, ignore all the distraction and work hard now, do something positive now, stop feeling weak, stop feeling like a bum that can just lie on bed everyday, push yourself to get up and move, push yourself to become more disciplined and focused. It's time to become better, it's time to live a new life... something far from the past. The moment you feel you need to stop... push even more, just take the next step and the next one and the next one, don't stop, feel relentless, feel unstoppable, this is your domain, this is your life you can feel powerful as much as you can if you don't stop. Don't quit, don't think about losing and just keep moving forward, always feel that you are winning every time you take an action. And even if you're not getting anything, even if you can't reap the fruits of your labor... just go all out and do something. Always keep pushing no matter what, even if it's too difficult, even if it's impossible, just push it and never stop until you're done. 

Believe in the power of baby steps and matching it with consistency. Take baby steps and you will go further, you don't need a huge stride, you don't need to take a big leap, it's ok being slow, for as long as you are moving forward... you're on the right direction. Don't stop, don't get jealous with other people who are making it fast, don't compare your journey to other people's journey, stay on your lane and do whatever it takes to succeed. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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