May 25, 2021


Motivation is too overrated, most people think that they can't do something big without it. Yeah it's true that you can do more if you are motivated. But the truth is you can do a lot too even if you're not feeling well. It all depends on how you use your willpower. You can treat the process as a motivation itself. There's no need for something to show up before you work hard. It's your obligation to work hard, you can't be lying on your bed all day long and expect to become successful, you really have to grind and hustle, you need to force results or else it will never show up in your life. Hard work is the key and nothing else, stop looking for shortcuts, stop looking for an easy way. You really have to work hard and fight for what you want, use your willpower to make things happen. 

You are insulting yourself if you need a motivation before you take action. Motivation will only show up if you are moving and forcing yourself to move. So move now and do what needs to be done. Go all out, do everything you can to make it happen. Never judge yourself if what you're doing is right or wrong, just do it, feel that it is working, believe that it will give you something. Once you take actions your body will change, you will feel much better, you will be in the mood to keep going. It's all about taking the next step and following through. Just do it, take it one step at a time. You can still take actions even if you're not motivated, you have to keep this in mind. Don't look at what you're not getting and focus on what you have, focus on what you can do and be happy with that. 

Don't make excuses such as it's not right or it's impossible... just do it without conscience, do it without any form of attachment. Do it without feeling pain at all, some people think that it is painful that's why they can't even start. It's not painful, it's not difficult at all, your mind and thoughts is what makes it difficult. Stop thinking that you can't do it, stop thinking that you need to be perfect and everything else will become very easy. Excuses are for the weak, it's for people who don't trust themselves. Excuses are for losers, why will you make excuses if you can do something about your situation? Every time you make an excuse you're only throwing away your chances of winning. Stop acting like that and just do something about your situation. 

Invest on your mind all the time, watch your thoughts carefully. See if you're letting yourself down, see if you're destroying your own life. The more you think negatively the more you will have an ugly life. You are putting yourself on a worse position every time you think negatively. Always think positively, always think that you can do it even if it's really hard. Be present all the time and stop thinking about the past and the future, your life is happening now, focus on the now and you will manifest greatness into your life. 

Don't ever give up when things are hard, don't every give up when you can't control yourself. Just don't do something else if you can't move, stay still, focus on yourself and think about what you need to do instead of thinking about doing what is comfortable. Think about what you want and need to do and start it slowly. Don't think about finish it fast, don't think about becoming successful. Focus on the action alone and you will feel much better. You will be able to finish any task no matter how difficult it is. 

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