May 2, 2021


If you want to make something big, if you want to make something successful, if you want something to progress then you have to keep it moving all the time. You have to feed it, give it some energy, give it some life, give it some movement and momentum. Every second you must be taking actions for it, you must stay focused and keep grinding to make it work, to make your dreams come true. There is something you can do, think what it is and execute right away. Stop waiting, stop hesitating. You need to start fast and finish strong, it's all about taking actions and nothing else. The formula is so simple... keep it moving all the time. There is no time for being slow, being slow will kill you it will make you insane, you have to execute whenever you have a chance to, don't think twice and simply do it. 

You will have the energy to do it if you will do it. You feel weak because you don't want to start, just start and you will find the energy to crate, as simple as that. Believe every action that you're doing, fully trust the process and never quit. That's it... move forward all the time and persevere, you have to have that burning desire in order to make a break through. If you're feeling stuck and not progressing then it means you need to push harder and focus sharper, as simple as that. Keep it moving all the time, never mind if you're perfect or not, for as long as you're moving forward... you're on the right path. 

Keep believing even if there's no reason to. Even if you're too down, even if nothing is working at the moment... keep believing, condition your mind to believe during hard times. Because that's all you need to do, that's the only way to succeed. Combine your hard work and belief and you will become unstoppable. As simple as it sounds, discipline is all you need. If you can just force yourself to work hard even if you feel lazy and believe that everything you're doing will work then you will become successful fast. There is no need to worry here, if you really believe it then you will work hard for it. Use your willpower and tenacity to succeed,  keep pushing forward, keep the journey moving all the time and never let it become stagnant. 

Put as much effort as you can and never stop, that's how to win in life, that's how to make something big, that's how to achieve your goal. Take massive actions and you will get massive results. That's why it is necessary to be in the moment all the time. Be present because if you can do this then you will never refuse to work hard, you will be able to face the pain and endure boredom. 

Whenever a thought is distracting you... get rid of it right away before it gets stronger. You should be very good in killing a thought, it's simply overwriting it with the thoughts that you know are right and will make you stronger. For example if you're thinking about losing just think about winning, overpower it with a positive thought, entertain thoughts that will keep you motivated and stronger. 

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