Apr 5, 2021


Create a new you by stopping. Evolving is not always moving, improvement and creating a new identity doesn't always need to be taking actions all the time. Sometimes it's all about stopping. Stop all the nonsense in your life, stop all the procrastination, stop wasting your energy for activities that are bringing you down instead of raising you up. Subtract the nonsense and add some activities that makes sense to create a new life. Little by little, face the pain of getting bored, face the difficulty of disciplining yourself. It's all about getting rid of the bad habits and replacing it with the good ones. 

Embrace a chaotic mind, your mind will always be wandering anywhere, it will entertain a lot of thoughts that are unpleasant and negative but never let your actions be paralleled with those negative thoughts. If you're thinking about something that is bad or useless don't ever do something that is related to that thought. It's better to be not doing anything at all than doing something that will put you on a worse position. Not doing something will make you think correctly, stay still for 5-10 minutes and decide what are the right actions to take to put yourself on the best position to succeed. 

Stop all the crap in your life, stop all the useless activities and you will be able to have a space for creation and hardwork. The reason why you can't work is because your mind is occupied by a lot of useless information and data, it's consumed with garbage thoughts. You have to stop what is not working and focus on what will give you something in the future. Of course the useless activities and entertainment were more fun but it's not taking you anywhere, you're stuck on the same level. You've got to be smart and disciplined if you want to make a change in your life. 

To create abundance, to create greatness make your life simple, always focus on what you need to do and never stop doing it. Stop engaging with nonsense things, people and activities because it will drain you, it will make you suffer. You have to know what you really want, you have to know your desired destiny and never stop taking steps to get there. Make the process simple, believe in everything that you do and your desire must be burning, you must have a military life discipline if you want to get better. Be fast, once there is an urgent task... do it right away and never do some other tasks that are completely irrelevant. 

It's just a matter of choosing the right actions and thoughts. If you're good in doing this then nothing can stop you. Small correct steps can take you further, you can unleash your full potential if you're using every second for your growth. Never squander your time having fun in activities that will full you down, you're better than that, you need to start changing yourself now. Create by stopping the nonsense junks in your life, you have the power to do it, you just need to focus on what you really want to happen. 

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