Apr 20, 2021


Are you so sick and tired of not getting what you want? do you feel like everyday is the same day? do you feel like progress is impossible? well, I have a good news for you, try this method and for sure you will get some success. Try the MAD MAN METHOD. It's simply being mad in a good way, it's simply doing whatever it takes to succeed, you don't care about failure anymore, you don't feel the resistance anymore, you will just go all in everyday. You don't care if it is hard, you don't care if the dream is too far, you're not wasting time, you're so invested to getting it and you are really serious about it. You're not entertaining any other things anymore, you're like a mad man who is so obsessed with your dream. Your focus is unbelievable, you're unshakable, you don't blink, you don't rest, all you want is to make your dreams come true. This kind of mentality will make you do a lot, you will be able to take massive actions that will bring massive results. You're hungry all the time, you want to make progress and you're not stopping until you make one. You don't care if you already failed a million times, you keep pushing and pushing, you're giving everything you've got. 

Nothing can disturb you, you're locked in. Nothing can stop you, you feel unstoppable and invincible. You just knew you're going to get it no matter what. You're like a man possessed, you're on a mission, you don't care if something is fun... if it's not related to your goal you will reject it and ignore it like a trash. All you wanted to do is be closer from your dreams. You don't care if nobody supports you, you don't care if you're not making any progress... you just do what you think will work and you believe with all your heart. There is nothing wrong in having an insane focus, actually it is the fastest route to success. You have to push yourself to the limits and limit all of your junk behaviors. Everything must be calculated, you must have a burning desire, your motor should be different, it's like you come from a different cloth. You're not doing what everyone is doing, you have your own world and that world is the path to greatness. 

Don't be a fool, you want something big right? so the sacrifice must also be big. You should be obsessed with the process, your belief should be immeasurable. That's why you have to upgrade yourself, don't engage with the same thinking anymore, forget your old habits. Be aware of what you're doing and try to have fun working hard as much as you can. Always think that what you're doing may lead to a better future. Every second counts, every effort counts so don't feel bad if you're working hard yet not getting any results in life. 

Dream big and work big, never settle for less. Always think that you deserve something big because you're really working hard. Hard work pays off, remember this all the time. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Apr 19, 2021


People will wonder why are you doing that, your will will stop you from dreaming, your friends will ridicule you for dreaming so big, your parents will think you're crazy, people around you will stop you from doing what you think will work. It's normal, it's because they can't see results from what you're doing yet. They think you're not serious, they think you're just dreaming and playing around. Keep doing what you're doing because they will understand in the future once you're making enough success or money. Endure the pain for now, endure the hurtful words that you're going to hear. They can't get you, they don't know what's inside of your mind, they can't feel the burning desire inside of your heart. Stop trying to explain yourself because they will never understand. 

It's about not giving up, it's not about winning or losing... it's about not giving up. You can never control when is the time that your success will arrive, there is only one thing you can control... your actions and decisions. That's why you need to focus on what you can do instead of waiting for success, because you will only get frustrated if you're expecting it all the time and it's not showing any signs that it will come. That's why you need to focus on not giving up, focus on following through all the time even if you can't see signs that you need to continue. Hard work will pay off, you will reap the fruits of your labor one day. Never ever give up because the moment you do it then it's over for your journey. 

Never listen to what people are trying to say, listen to your heart because it's right all the time. Just because you can't see it now doesn't mean it's not there, it will come on the right time once the right amount of effort was exerted. Always believe that anything is possible, you can become successful too if you will choose to. Your time will come, they will regret that they didn't believe in you. So keep believing yourself and never stop, that's all you need to do. Make the process simple, just keep moving forward and give everything you've got. Don't stop for a second, don't doubt yourself, trust the process and keep your journey alive. Someday they will understand why are you doing it. Someday they will see what you are all about so ignore everything that is trying to stop you and try with all your might to make your dreams come true. 

Perseverance will always thrive in the end, nothing can beat perseverance. Just hang tight in there and never let go, never give up. Motivate yourself through actions and small improvements. Never get jealous with other people's success, never try to make shortcuts. Face the pain of mockery from other people, never let their words affect you, protect your mind and your dream... keep going even if you don't have a strength anymore. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Apr 18, 2021


Don't talk about money if you don't have money. Who are you to talk about millions if you haven't experienced having a million bucks first? who are you to talk about courage if you haven't experienced a very big challenge and were able to overcome it? who are you to talk about hard work if you're lazy like a turtle and completely useless in your family. Stop being a fake, you're better than that. If you want to have what you're talking about then work for it, don't brag about it, don't talk like you already hold it in your hands, be about it, be real and stop faking people. Because it will backfire at you, they will see that you're a fake, you will be disgusted with yourself because you're talking about riches but you're working like the efforts of poor people. 

Be humble and be real, if you really want to be what you're talking about then have it first. Show some evidence and proof that you are legit instead of faking everything and trying to look smart. Because it will backfire at you if you keep doing it. People will know the truth, nobody will trust you anymore and your confidence will go down. Stop being a con artist and be what you're talking about or dreaming about. That's why challenge yourself to really get what you want before talking about it. Because your mind will get satisfied that you just talk about it, you will be satisfied that people are praising you and that you will never work hard anymore. 

It's not what you know, it's now what you talk about... it's what you can prove, it's what you can do that matters. Anybody can talk but when it's proving time, nobody can move and take actions. It's better to be quiet than to be arrogant that can't prove what he's talking about. Most people nowadays were too soft and ambitious, all they do is talk and look great, they don't want to do the hard work. Now is the time to prove that you are real. Don't talk about your dreams now and will decide to just pursue it later, you will never do it anymore if you keep on postponing it. You have to unleash the beast now, do something that is legendary and valuable. Stop using your mouth and start using your hands and feet, move and take actions, stop holding yourself back. Don't be satisfied just talking about it, be about it, be real. 

Take massive actions and keep quiet. Confuse them with your silence, shock them with your results. If you don't have the right to be proud now then quit opening your mouth. You have to have results first before trying to feel proud, what did you do? what do you have? quit opening your mouth and let your actions do the talking. Again, anybody can talk but nobody can kill themselves with hard work.

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Apr 16, 2021


Move now and create a very small momentum that will give you some motivation to finish what you need to finish. Every tiny action can create a momentum that will make you faster and energetic later. The reason why you don't have an energy is because you don't want to start. Don't you know that now doing what you need to do will make you feel so sick and weak? Your mind will become a disaster, you will feel overwhelmed even more. Just like a student who has an exam tomorrow but it's already 3am and he hasn't started yet... this kid is so scared right now and panicking, he is even thinking of not going to school and just make an excuse that he got sick, what a poor little kid. But if he will just open his book and start reading something... he will feel much better, even if it's already 3am he will feel much better and have more energy if he open his book instead of opening some crappy websites on the internet. 

You don't need to finish right away, just start fast and feel everything, don't try to rush, don't try to wish that everything will be easier, just do what you can do regardless of what time it is. You have to start right away and stop doing a lot of ceremonies before you start, always remember that the best time to start is when you feel uncomfortable. Just do it, just start and never look back. If you can't start because the resistance is so strong... just remember that the problem will go away if you don't start and that you will feel worse later if you procrastinate and delay something again. Always remember that you already won if you do what you are suppose to do. There's no pressure here, if you can just let go of the future and forget who you are then you will be able to move. Stop caring too much about your identity, stop caring too much about your emotions, stop being to soft. You want to get something get it, you want to finish something start it, you want your life to change... change, as simple as that. All it takes is moving, what's so difficult about it? Once you move your life will change, you will never live like a bum anymore. 

Good opportunities and situation will only come if you will move, you will only feel much better if you will stop being a coward and push yourself to take actions. The reason why you are bored is because you're not doing anything, the reason why you feel so weak is because you know what to do but you keep on holding yourself back. Greatness can only be done through actions, it's now about what you know it's about what you can prove, it's about how much work are you willing to do. Your fear will only get bigger and bigger every time you procrastinate like a king, you're no king, you don't have the luxury to become lazy and still live a good life. You have to work hard, you have to start now, what the hell are you waiting for? Good feelings will only be felt if you're trying to give your best every single day. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com

Apr 5, 2021


Create a new you by stopping. Evolving is not always moving, improvement and creating a new identity doesn't always need to be taking actions all the time. Sometimes it's all about stopping. Stop all the nonsense in your life, stop all the procrastination, stop wasting your energy for activities that are bringing you down instead of raising you up. Subtract the nonsense and add some activities that makes sense to create a new life. Little by little, face the pain of getting bored, face the difficulty of disciplining yourself. It's all about getting rid of the bad habits and replacing it with the good ones. 

Embrace a chaotic mind, your mind will always be wandering anywhere, it will entertain a lot of thoughts that are unpleasant and negative but never let your actions be paralleled with those negative thoughts. If you're thinking about something that is bad or useless don't ever do something that is related to that thought. It's better to be not doing anything at all than doing something that will put you on a worse position. Not doing something will make you think correctly, stay still for 5-10 minutes and decide what are the right actions to take to put yourself on the best position to succeed. 

Stop all the crap in your life, stop all the useless activities and you will be able to have a space for creation and hardwork. The reason why you can't work is because your mind is occupied by a lot of useless information and data, it's consumed with garbage thoughts. You have to stop what is not working and focus on what will give you something in the future. Of course the useless activities and entertainment were more fun but it's not taking you anywhere, you're stuck on the same level. You've got to be smart and disciplined if you want to make a change in your life. 

To create abundance, to create greatness make your life simple, always focus on what you need to do and never stop doing it. Stop engaging with nonsense things, people and activities because it will drain you, it will make you suffer. You have to know what you really want, you have to know your desired destiny and never stop taking steps to get there. Make the process simple, believe in everything that you do and your desire must be burning, you must have a military life discipline if you want to get better. Be fast, once there is an urgent task... do it right away and never do some other tasks that are completely irrelevant. 

It's just a matter of choosing the right actions and thoughts. If you're good in doing this then nothing can stop you. Small correct steps can take you further, you can unleash your full potential if you're using every second for your growth. Never squander your time having fun in activities that will full you down, you're better than that, you need to start changing yourself now. Create by stopping the nonsense junks in your life, you have the power to do it, you just need to focus on what you really want to happen. 

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Apr 3, 2021


If you feel blessed, if you really love your life then why will you get jealous with someone? why will you feel the lack and zero abundance? If you're confident enough that you can succeed too then you have no time for negativity, jealousy, hatred or unfair treatment. You just knew that what you have is enough and you don't need to give attention to other people anymore. It's just a waste of time to be using your energy for negative people and things, you're just wasting your life and pushing away the blessings that are about to come. 

Stop being needy, you don't need what they have, you are not suppose to have what they have. If you really need it then get one too but if you don't then be happy with what you have and stop being jealous. Examine your life very well and you will see how blessed you are, you should stop focusing on the things that are only making you feel bad, you're better than that. If you're just appreciative then good things will be attracted to you, stop being jealous, stop trying to prove your point, stop forcing them to praise you. Focus on what you have and make it grow as big as it can be. You have so much in your life but you can't see it and make it flourish because you're too focus on hating people, using your time to watch them instead of watching your own life. You will never grow if you're watering the garden of your neighbor, you should water your own garden and make it beautiful as it can be. 

Opportunities will go away if you will give attention to things that are outside of your control. The only things that you can control is your vicinity, your area, your territory, your mind, your body and reactions. Focus on these areas and you will live a happier life, as simple as that. Look at yourself, the reason why you're unhappy is because you're not interested with your life anymore. You're more interested with other people's journey. The result of NFL game is affecting you, your sad when your idol is pregnant again and there's no father of her upcoming child, you're mad when your favorite politician is getting ridiculed by the public, you're devastated when your neighbor is noisy, you're jealous when your enemy is succeeding. These things are irrelevant to your happiness but you keep on connecting it to your emotion. 

This is just a matter of controlling yourself. Happiness and success is just a matter of placing your focus on the right things, using your time the right away and doing what is best for yourself. You just need a discipline and you will be alright. Discipline with your thoughts, body and actions. You don't need to become super great, you just need to pick the best option available in front of you. The best option is the harder option but has rewards in the future. Every second you are deciding, ever second you are building your life. Are you going to build your life with negativity? or are you going to give your best to make your life better each day.?

For more motivational and great stories that will reshape your mind for a better future, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com