Mar 8, 2021


If you ever feel stuck in your life, if you think you're working too hard and yet you can't see results... it's time to do something, but what if you don't know what to do anymore? what if stress, busy work, failing projects is overwhelming you? then it's time to remove something, it's time to get rid of something that is stopping you or making you slow. It can be anything, it can be a habit, a hobby that is so time consuming, anything, it can be a simple part of your life or simple part of the process. Sometimes all you need to do is get rid of a little thing and everything will flow again. 

Maybe there is something wrong with the chemistry of your life that's why you need to remove something. You need to remove a thought, a habit or a relationship with other people. If you will remove something then your system will change. You will feel a little bit weird, you will feel that there is something new going on even if there's no addition into your life. Removing something will open up a space, it will create new opportunities. That's why don't be afraid to resign in your job if you don't like it, you will find a new and better one. Don't be afraid to get rid of your toxic friends, you will meet new people who will treat you better. Don't be scared to dump your useless and jobless boyfriend, you will find a rich DOM who will give you everything you want. 

It's like giving space and energy for something that is more useful. You place your energy on the right things, it is allocated for winning and nothing else. If you can't make a progress then it means there's a lot of things consuming your mind, you need to free up some space, you need to forget everything that is not serving you. Declutter your thoughts, filter your habits, have an inventory where your energy goes. Progress is not that hard to do, its simply doing the right thing, doing something different, doing something that is very much related to your goal, it's simply getting better each day. It's a small improvement, it's a small sacrifice, it's a one right decision. 

Your simply one step away from making a progress. All you need to do is execute that step. Be real, you know what is a trash, you know what is useful. If something is stopping you then stop focusing on it. Be matured enough to do the right things. You what are these things, you know what to do, you're just afraid to make sacrifices. Stop acting like you don't know it, stop pretending to be blind, face the pain of making the right decisions, face the boredom of choosing the right activities. It's going to get harder but it is what it is, you want it right? so keep moving forward. 

Even if something is fun, if it's not serving you or giving you anything that is useful... stop it, you better stop it now. Stop it while you still have a strength to stop it, because time will come and you will no longer have the power to stop what is making your life miserable. Success is in your hands, you have the power to make progress, you have the power to become successful. It's all about going further and believing that you're going to win, there is nothing special needed to be done here, you can become successful even if there is no special on you. 

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