Jul 26, 2018


Once you create it... forget that you create it, that's the best way to go to another level. Some people will become arrogant once they create something great, they will become too proud, they don't know that that kind of mindset is only slowing them down, it's making them weak and lazy. You have to work right away once you finish something.

It's all about having the desire to work hard again after being successful a little bit. It's all about maintaining that fire and never stopping until you become great.

Be humble, stay humble. You need to be relentless if you want to achieve something great, just a little success should not slow you down, it should even make you more motivated.

Stop celebrating small success for too long, be happy if you get something but never brag about it. Just stay humble and go back to work, you still have a long way to go, bragging about something is not a good idea, it will change your direction, it will kill your momentum.

You should be like a machine, you should never stop working, keep enjoying the process and never get tired of it. There is no room for resting here, there is no room for making excuses, you need to keep moving forward if you want to change your life, you need to be active 24 hours a day, you need to separate yourself from others if you want to attain greatness in life.

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