They say you have to attract success and not chase it but how can you attract it if you're not going to chase it. You will only move fast if you are chasing something and you will never be able to attract something if you are moving slow. Chase it like you want it so bad, treat it like the air you needed to breathe, think of it as something that you can't live without because you will only win if you want it so bad. You will never win if you're slacking off and being lazy like everyone else. You have to keep moving forward even if your actions seems useless or not making an impact at all. Power through despite of your insecurities and lack of confidence, keep fighting even if you don't know how to win because that is what greatness is all about... not stopping even if the whole world is telling you to stop. Chase success like a lion, have that shark mentality of not stopping, always think that you're going to die when you stop. Never care about pain, never care if you are tired... just do it, just start and keep following through no matter what. It is what it is, if you're going to go for it... go with all your heart. If it is hard so be it but don't ever complain, just keep taking actions and enjoy the journey. You don't need to rush if you are focused, you don't need to worry if you are disciplined. All you have to do is take actions and that's it. Nothing is hard if you are really serious about it, you have to have that mental edge of not giving up no matter what. You have to decide that you're going to get it no matter what. This is for you, this is how you celebrate your life... You keep getting better each day and you don't waste a single second, that is how winning is done... take matters into your own hands and believe that someday you're going to make it. You will only win if you're addicted with the process, you will lose if you're lazy and uncommitted. So start now and never mind what is missing in your life, the best thing to do is to do it now. Stop being a consumer and start being a producer, stop being a lazy bum ass person and become the hardest working person in the world. The time is ticking, stop waiting because that is the mindset of a loser. It's ok if your progress is slow, it's ok if you feel like not progressing at all, just don't stop, just keep pushing no matter what and give your all. Even if you're struggling so bad, just ignore the pain and take action now. One step at a time is all you need to do. If you will not start now then you will never win, it's all about the speed, it's all about taking actions and nothing else.
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