If you're in the moment you can never go wrong but most of the time you're not present. That is why you can't take actions and do what you need to do, that is why you're always rushing and thinking that something might go wrong. That's why you are always scared, that is why you're expecting the worse and your make up mental health is going down. There is no such thing as mental health, it's either you're a dramatic anemic or a life lover. If you're ready to lose you will become free. If you're not attached with the future, outcome or perfection then you will become very creative. But the problem with you is you're thinking too much, you want to become perfect, you want to be liked, you want to follow the norms and crowd that is why you can't be yourself, that is why you are so slow and weak. You're indecisive because of overthinking and overanalyzing about what's going to happen next. Stop anticipating, stop expecting and just let go, this way you will become powerful, this way you're going to become more of yourself and less of them. Do it now, feel good later, you will feel much better when you start. Stop thinking, stop judging yourself, stop thinking that there is something wrong and just do it your way. Make adjustments later if you need to, correct your mistakes later, the most important thing is you start and you never hold yourself back. You can always make adjustments, sometimes there is no need to correct yourself, you just need to move forward and never stop. It's alright if you feel like a crap now, it's alright if you're confused now, what matters is you take actions and you go all the way, you allow yourself to make mistakes, allow yourself to fail and take the blame. Focus on what you're trying to finish, you need to start, force yourself to start. Discipline is the name of the game, partner it with speed and you will become unstoppable. If you wanted to change, if you really wanted a new type of experience then you need to get better every single day and stop doubting the process. It is what it is, if it's so hard so be it. Stop thinking too much about what could went wrong and start taking matters into your own hands. Focus on what you're trying to do, focus on becoming the best version of yourself. Be fast, be faster and never try to slow down, never overthink, just keep moving forward and do whatever it takes to win. So what if you fail? don't be afraid to repeat again and again, once you have this kind of mentality then you will become unstoppable, nothing will ever hold you back, nothing can block your way. Always remember that you will feel good once you take actions because it means freeing yourself from doubts, fear and laziness.
Feb 24, 2025
Feb 21, 2025
If you lose you lose, so be it, don't worry about it, don't dwell about it, don't whine or cry about it and just try again. It's harder if you will not try, it's more painful if you will just take your life for granted and let anybody control your life. You have to focus on what you can control and that is your thoughts, actions and emotions. You can become happy now, you can think positive now, you can take actions now. You can overcome or overpower depression or loneliness by moving forward and deciding to become powerful. If you are depressed, stop holding yourself cellphone and do something positive, do something that will make you better, learn something, do something and never lack off, never let laziness take over your life. This is very simple, just keep on trying and never worry about what's going to happen next. If you lose you lose, that is part of life but never take it seriously. Take the process seriously, give your best, prepare hard but never take winning or losing seriously, just treat is as another day of your life. You already won if you don't give up, this is not about winning or losing, this is about not giving up. This is a journey, most people love the destination only to find out that they want more after getting what they want. Your wants, problems, fear, greed will never end. It's only up to you how to neutralize it so it will not consume nor control you. It's ok to lose, what's not ok is you didn't even try. Use your mind, put it on a better gear, never let what other people think affect your way of thinking. Just take actions, move now, take it one step at a time, keep moving forward until you're done. If it's hard do it hard, if it's easy do it easy. Never stop trying because that is where your strength is, your power doesn't come from the results or what you accumulate. Don't be afraid of trying, that's all you need to do and you will win in life. If it's hard so be it, embrace all the challenges, embrace the difficulty and never stop trying. There is no other path to success other than that. Take actions now and keep moving forward, keep pushing no matter what. It's alright to fail, it's alright to try again, this is just a game, play it right and have fun with the process. At the end of the day losing is nothing, it's just another phase of your life, it's just a part of your life, why make it a big deal? Live your life to the fullest by trying so hard and giving your all. Not everyone will experience this, if you want to experience something great bet on yourself and do it your way. You will have the power to win if you will build the strength to lose and try again for one more time.
Feb 20, 2025
They say you have to attract success and not chase it but how can you attract it if you're not going to chase it. You will only move fast if you are chasing something and you will never be able to attract something if you are moving slow. Chase it like you want it so bad, treat it like the air you needed to breathe, think of it as something that you can't live without because you will only win if you want it so bad. You will never win if you're slacking off and being lazy like everyone else. You have to keep moving forward even if your actions seems useless or not making an impact at all. Power through despite of your insecurities and lack of confidence, keep fighting even if you don't know how to win because that is what greatness is all about... not stopping even if the whole world is telling you to stop. Chase success like a lion, have that shark mentality of not stopping, always think that you're going to die when you stop. Never care about pain, never care if you are tired... just do it, just start and keep following through no matter what. It is what it is, if you're going to go for it... go with all your heart. If it is hard so be it but don't ever complain, just keep taking actions and enjoy the journey. You don't need to rush if you are focused, you don't need to worry if you are disciplined. All you have to do is take actions and that's it. Nothing is hard if you are really serious about it, you have to have that mental edge of not giving up no matter what. You have to decide that you're going to get it no matter what. This is for you, this is how you celebrate your life... You keep getting better each day and you don't waste a single second, that is how winning is done... take matters into your own hands and believe that someday you're going to make it. You will only win if you're addicted with the process, you will lose if you're lazy and uncommitted. So start now and never mind what is missing in your life, the best thing to do is to do it now. Stop being a consumer and start being a producer, stop being a lazy bum ass person and become the hardest working person in the world. The time is ticking, stop waiting because that is the mindset of a loser. It's ok if your progress is slow, it's ok if you feel like not progressing at all, just don't stop, just keep pushing no matter what and give your all. Even if you're struggling so bad, just ignore the pain and take action now. One step at a time is all you need to do. If you will not start now then you will never win, it's all about the speed, it's all about taking actions and nothing else.
Feb 16, 2025
Take it one day at a time, take every minute as an important phase in your life. Stop thinking that it's ok to slack off or be lazy. Stop thinking that you can just take a break and just work hard tomorrow. Never let any distraction stop you from working hard. Today is the best day to start, today is the best day to continue. Just take the first step and then follow through. You have what it takes to win if you will just make yourself a winner. Start taking actions now and stop thinking that you will lose. You think that you are losing your precious time every time you work hard, what about scrolling on social media all day long? do you think you are not wasting your life by doing that? you have to be smart nowadays, stay disciplined and committed, stay strict with yourself and never let something make you a lazy person. If you really want to get better and have a better life then you better be disciplined and committed to the process. Take actions no matter what and stop thinking that you are allowed to get lazy just for a week. Once you made it a habit to prioritize the useless activities then it's game over for you, you will never win, you will become a loser forever. Prioritize what will somehow give you a better life, prioritize self improvement over gun and instant gratification. Practice delayed gratification all the time and never stop taking actions no matter what. It is what it is, it's going to get harder but you have to keep pushing if you want to win in life. Losers always stop while winners always move, stop acting like a weak clown and do whatever it takes to get a little bit better in life. Consistency is the key, you have to move even if you don't want to move. Take every minute as an important part of your life, that should be your approach if you want to get better. Time is gold, time is money, time is the key to become a winner in life. It's not the skill nor talent, it's what you do with your time. If you're a time waster then your life is a waste, as simple as that. But if you're a time treasurer then you will have a better life. It's simply like investing, where are you investing your time? what are you doing with your time? the time is now, you have to push yourself to move now before it's too late. Be fast, be decisive and bold, stop thinking that you can always do it later or tomorrow because that's the number one mindset of losers and people who always get left behind. You have to do it now, you have to think that it's urgent, you have to believe that every action will make you closer to your goal.
Feb 10, 2025
Nobody will wait for you until you get better so they can lineup you on their team, the coach will never wait for you to blossom, you have to get better now, you have to become the best if you want to secure your slot. You are your own now, nothing will help you, nobody will be there to save your sorry ass. You need to get better now by doing whatever it takes to get better. Be ready even if you're not ready, be strong even if you're not strong. Stop thinking and just do whatever it takes to get better. Practice, study, learn, lift some weights. There is something you can do to get better and level up, all it takes is being a fast starter and not stopping every single day. This is your life, you are the director of it, if you want to win you need to start now and stop thinking too much. Never let the distractions stop you, own your mind and quit thinking negatively. It's how you feel about yourself that will help you, if you're feeling superior then that's a good thing. Back it up with hard work and you will become unstoppable. So stay disciplined and committed to greatness if you wanted to win in life. Never let anybody do it for you, do it for yourself, be the strength that you are looking for, be the best that you can be and never let anything get in your way. Do it for yourself, do it for greatness, you need to stop looking for what is missing or what is happening and just do it your way. You will only get stronger if you will become independent, if you will trust yourself and the effort that you can put in. It's in your mind, you will never
Feb 8, 2025
Slowly transforming into something better than yesterday, slowly grinding and embracing the process. Getting rid of your bad habits slowly and painfully. This is a painful process, if you wanted to change you need to be ok seeing zero progress and all sacrifices. You must be ok having a hard time, you must still believe even if you're working hard but getting zero results. You should be ok with the failures, embarrassment, rejections, pain and difficulties. You must be ok with the struggle and learn to motivate yourself while failing everyday. That is what being serious is all about, not stopping, not giving up and forcing yourself to become faster and do more. Forcing yourself to believe in yourself no matter what. if you want to become unstoppable then you can become unstoppable, it's just a matter of not stopping and doing whatever it takes to realize your dream. Whatever dream you have, take it seriously or else you will never get it. You must come to the point where you don't care anymore, you must come to the point where you will do everything you can just to get it even if it's really tiring and exhausting. Focus, avoid all the distraction, avoid all that stops you from taking an action. It is what it is, if it's hard it is hard, if it's easy then just be happy and still grind like a hungry dog. If you're so sick and tired of being weak then you need to do everything to become strong, dedicate your time for greatness only and never care about something that is pulling you down. Discipline and taking action must be your number on priority and nothing else. Stop letting instant gratification swallow your personality and turn you into a weak clown that has no control. You must change your habits, attitude and character if you want to get bigger, as simple as that. You don't need to learn something, you don't need to improve, you don't need a massive transformation, you just need to drop everything that is making you weak, broke and a loser. Change your mind, change your actions and you will change your life, there is no way but to go up and that will only happen if you will focus on being the best version of yourself. Best thoughts, best actions, strongest decisions, best words and best habits. Look at yourself, you have the weakest and ugliest habits, you're so lame that is why you keep on losing again and again. It's time to stop the stupidity now, go all in, never care if it is hard, never care if you can't win and just force yourself to win. The time is now, go with whatever you have, make a decision to go stronger and stronger, never care if you're struggling because you will only grow if the situation is really hard. Stay focused, stay committed, that's all you need to do.
Feb 7, 2025
Fear is the guide, fear is the blueprint, fear is the compass. Do something when it is uncomfortable, do it while you're still scared because that is where growth is. You will never grow when it is always easy and comfortable, growth will only happen during the most stressful moments of your life. When you're scared, confused, feeling lazy and wanting to make excuses... that's the best time to move or else nothing will happen to you. Discomfort is a sign that you must do something or else your life will become more uncomfortable. You will get weaker and weaker every time you seek for comfort and security. It will not come, you have to force yourself to move now and never wait for the right timing because it's not even real. When you're distracted focus, when you're unhappy do something, when you're in pain just do something, when you're depressed take the first step now, when you're feeling lazy or overwhelmed just decide to move and keep going further. What you can't do is take your life for granted, never take your time for granted because it's too precious to waste. Focus on your own life, focus on what you do and never let any thought stop you. You must be a single minded person, be present and never let the feeling of guilt, regret, or worry stop you from evolving. You will only become better if you're forcing the situation, forcing yourself to move even if you're feeling negative. At the end of the day it's all just a drama, it's all just fear, why will you become scared of something that's not even real? it's not happening yet, you will only know the truth if you keep going further, so now while you still have some strength left in your system, while you can still move... take actions and never let the thought about fast and future stop you. You have to keep pushing no matter what, you have to focus on what you're doing now and finish it no matter what. You will only improve if you're not letting laziness and excuses take over. Stop making excuses and you already won, stop thinking about what other people think and you're already free. You hold yourself back because you're too worried of what people might say, if you want to become free for the rest of your life... stop letting other people's opinion make you weak. You must treat this as a game, you must feel powerful by not letting anyone or anything stop you. You must do it your way, you must let your instincts take over, follow your heart and never let any judgement from other people make you feel bad. You must be aware if something is distracting you, follow your goals, stick with your philosophy no matter what, at the end of the day your thoughts are the only thing that is stopping you, it's not the people, it's not the circumstances... it's your thoughts.
Feb 4, 2025
If you really wanted to change you have to take the process seriously. You have to believe in your work, you have to be fast, you have to start fast and become a decision maker. You're so slow when trying to decide on something, you're not a finisher that's why you can't change. Believe in the power of speed, if you will not force yourself to take actions then you will become stuck in the same old place forever, you will never grow, you will never learn. That's why it is so important to stop being afraid of failure, that's the only path to change and breakthrough. Try something, start something and never give up, as simple as that. All you have to do is force yourself to move, start now and keep going further. Some people will start but will never finish, all they do is start and talk about it, all they do is dream but they never push. If you want a different results you have to become different, you have to move differently and talk differently. All you need to do is force yourself to work harder and that's it. If you really believe in yourself then you will work harder even if you're not getting any result or momentum. If you don't believe in the process then you will stop and will get distracted with easier activities that are not even worth doing. You have to remind yourself if you really wanted to change because every second is critical, every minute is crucial for your success. You will never win if you're always waiting for the right time. The right timing is not right, the right time will never come. It's always about the present moment and nothing else. So get serious and never stop, that's the only way to win. There are only two person in this world the one is focused and the one is distracted, which one are you? You have to make a move now if you really want to make something significant with your life. If you really want to know how good you can be then you need to push yourself to the limits and never give up. The only way is to do it now, do it your way and keep pushing yourself to the limits. Stop looking for an easier path, stop thinking that there is an easy way around, if it is hard then do it hard, if it is easy then do it easy. You can never complain nowadays, most people are soft now so it's easier to become successful. Most people are lazy and just wasting their time, you have to really use your time the right way, use it carefully and be selfish with it. Never let a stupid post eat your time, never let a toxic person ruin your day, never let anyone make you feel bad, you have to protect your time and take care of it like your life depends on it.
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