Just take the first step and that's it, there is nothing else to worry about, go for it like your life depends on it and never look back. This is simply just allowing yourself to move and forcing your mind to stay calm. Just move and that's it, there is nothing else to worry about when you're moving. All you have to do is take the first step and follow through as much as you can. Train yourself to become a doer, don't be afraid of making a mistake, don't be afraid of suffering or struggling because it will make you better and stronger. The more yo suffer the more you get better, the stronger you will be. It's all in the mind, once you get accustomed to struggling then you will become invincible, as simple as that. You have to take the first step, pull the trigger now and never wait for the right moment because it will never come, the right moment is always now, believe in the power of now, stay present and keep pushing through no matter what. Nothing can ever stop you if you feel unstoppable and committed to finishing. Never doubt yourself and just go all the way.
Jan 30, 2025
Jan 25, 2025
It's every simple.. practice delayed gratification, practice making sacrifices and avoid pleasures and easy things. That's the only way, if you want to become mentally tough then you better stay away from pleasures and instant gratification. Stay away from activities that are fun and easy but will give you hell in the future. If you want to boost your willpower then go further as much as you can and never care if you're going to win or not, just keep taking actions. Just go hard and never care about what the future holds. Be in the present moment and keep doing what you need to do. This is not hard if you will get use to it, it's simply becoming, it's simply training yourself to become a beast. Because you've been a bum for how many years, do you want to live like that forever? it means you need to change now, it means you need to do something about your situation now. Always feel that it is an urgent thing, always think that you need to do it now or else you're not going to do it forever. Take it one step at a time, don't rush for the finish line, be fast but don't panic, be patient and stay focused. It's ok if you are slow but don't ever waste some time. Every second is a must, every minute is crucial. If you want to have a better life then you better stay away from activities that are not helping you at all. You have to do it now, force yourself to take actions even if you don't like it. Become a finisher, start now and finish now, never think that you can just do it tomorrow, never believe that you will get stronger tomorrow if you rest today.
Jan 24, 2025
Most people thought that intelligence means being able to speak words nicely, being able to finish studies or graduating in a well known university. This is funny because there were some people who weren't able to finish studies but were really good in life and really successful. This is not about intelligence in the mind, this is not about looking smart and speaking elegantly. This is about taking a lot of actions and being fast when you need to start. A real smart and intelligent individual is someone who can take it one step at a time, be fast when starting and not hesitating for a second. They're not afraid to make mistakes, they're not afraid to try because they just knew that working is the real game changer and not overthinking for a very long time. This is simply about trial and error method, you don't need to become perfect here, you don't need to get it right away. You just need to work, be fast when you need to take the first step and follow through until you're done. Emotions doesn't play a major part in the process, it's just a hindrance, you have to learn how to deal with your emotions and stop being a diva when you feel so bad, lazy or unmotivated. Because the truth is you can still move despite of feeling bad. Those who can take actions despite of feeling bad are the ones who will become successful. Stop being a drama king, stop being a diva, stop being soft and weak. You need to be really good in forcing yourself to take actions. This is simply about using your willpower and believing yourself a little bit. Actually, you don't need confidence at all, you just need to pretend to be confident and just take actions. It is what it is, it's going to be hard, it's going to be rough but you can power through and make things happen. At the end of the day you will only become successful if you faced a lot of failures and didn't back down from any challenge, you will only fail if you're afraid to fail. Don't be afraid to fail, don't be afraid to get exhausted and just deal with what is infront of you. You can make it if you really want it, you can force yourself to go to the top if you really want to go to the top. It's just a matter of using your willpower and tenacity, this is not taught in school because once the students were able to master this philosophy... nobody will go to school anymore, it will become useless. If you want to thrive in life, become unstoppable, if you want to become unstoppable... never care about what is trying to make you uncomfortable and just take actions. Never c are about what is missing in your life, never care about your problems and just move, as simple as that.
Jan 23, 2025
The reason why you can't move is because you're always wanting to become perfect, smooth, right, popular and number one. You don't want to lose, you always wanted to win and be liked. And that kind of mentality is bringing you down, it's stopping you from taking actions, it's making you coward and conservative. Just start and go all the way, never stop, never hesitate, never doubt yourself for a second. Always believe that you're going to win no matter how hard it is, always believe in yourself and the work that you do. Concentrate on your work and never change course until you're done. Fail after failure, work after hard work. This should be your cycle because in just a matter of time you will have a breakthrough. Get dirty, make more mistakes, make more failures and push forward again and again. There is no time for having a down time, there is no time for being lazy and soft. You have to just do it because that is the real intelligence... just doing it and having the courage to fail over and over again. Focus on what matters even if it is hard, focus on getting dirty and rough, just do it, just take the first step and never look back. The time is now, go hard and never stop until you're done.
making sacrifices for a better cause, practicing delayed gratification all the time instead of getting addicted with pleasures, this is the path to success and greatness. This is not about what is in front of you, this is not about getting something... it's about facing the pain to gain more in the future. Enjoy what is hard and believe that one day you're going to reap the fruits of your labor and sacrifices. Enjoy the pain and boredom, enjoy the plain food, enjoy the boring activities that will make you better. If you're feeling comfortable all the time through laziness and procrastination then good luck to you because bad luck will come in just a matter of time, comfort will lead to discomfort, it will lead to havoc and ugly circumstances because laziness attracts worse things in life. You have to go all the way and work as hard as you can if you want to secure a better life, it is what it is, it's going to get harder everyday but you have no choice but to endure the pain if you want to have an edge in life. There is no free leeway here, you can never ask for something without having to work hard for it. You have to make sacrifices and do your best if you want to have control in life. Because your mentality will get weaker if you're not going harder, you will get softer if you're not pushing harder. You have to force yourself to push yourself to the limits or else you will go down in life.
Jan 16, 2025
Mistake is just a feeling, it's a guilt, you feel guilty because you thought you would have done better. It's just an emotion, the only way to haze zero mistakes is to move forward fast and never feel anything about the mistake that you did. You can apologize if you need to but don't ever feel guilty about anything because it will only destroy your mentality. Ignore your shortcomings, don't even think about it, don't even think about blaming yourself and just move forward as much as you can. Be fast, speed will make you forget how you feel, being fast will give you more energy and positive vibes to carry on. You don't need to think about the past because that kind of mentality will never help you at all. Forget what people say, forget what they're trying to inflict on you and just be yourself. Just do what you need to do, keep moving forward, if they can't stop you then that's their problem. Your life should be all about taking actions and not about thinking. Thinking too much will make you weak, slow and depressed. Just move and do something, stop thinking about the results and keep moving forward to make your life better and better each day. This is not hard if you will get use to it, all you need to do is train yourself to ignore the thoughts that are not serving you, stop taking actions that are not giving you an edge and put your mind on a place of greatness. Greatness is simply about trying and not giving up, there's n other definition of it.
At the end of the day this is a journey, it's not about the results, it's not about the final outcome... this is a work. Not being afraid to struggle is the true power, not being afraid of work, not being afraid of failing will make you invincible. You will only become unstoppable if you are free. There are really no mistakes, it's just a perception, if your intention is about being good or having a better life then how can you go wrong? So stop being cautions and just do what you need to do to get ahead in life. It is easy if you will change your culture and character. Focus on what you're trying to achieve and be the best that you can be. Stop being a chicken, don't be afraid to make the next move. Speed is the name of the game, being fast will change your life. Stop comparing yourself to others, stop getting jealous and live your life. Try as much as you can, this is simply a trial and error method. Every time you made an error... try again and never be scared of failing again. This is just a game, don't be afraid of it, life is simply a series of phases. Sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down. Don't get affected of your mistakes because it doesn't define you, what defines you is your ability to bounce back and try again. Try harder this time, go harder this time and never give up, that's all you need to do and you will win in life.
Jan 15, 2025
Your real problem is your mind, it's not the situation, it's not the problems, it's not the challenges... it's your mind... that's the real culprit, that's the real poison. You can change your situation if you will change your focus, change the content of your mind, change your thought pattern and you will be able to change your life. Your mind controls everything, your thought is the fuel and your mind is the machine. Whatever your mind is thinking right now will affect your reality, so if you are thinking negatively now change it before it attracts to you. The good news is there is always a space for change, there is always a time allowance for changing your mind, just stay calm and take a deep breathe because everything will be alright. You can become free if you will just work hard, the reason why you are a slave is because you are lazy and you're letting the outside circumstances control you instead of trying to control your mind and focusing on your own life. Your mind is your master but you need to master it, reprogram your mind. Only think about the thoughts that are empowering and will make you great, never think about something that will only make you unmotivated and weak. Don't be a slave of your mind, you need to create new pattersn that will give you an advantage in the future.
Jan 11, 2025
Life and success is simply about showing up, being consistent, being fast and not giving up.. that's it, you don't need anything else other than that. You just need to work hard and become a finisher, you just need to give your all and stop acting like a chicken. This is not a hard thing to do if you will just accept that life is really like this and that you need to stop acting like a spoiled diva that doesn't do anything other than pamper himself and feel entitled of something he didn't work for. If you want something you have to grind for it, live and die for it and give everything you've got. You can't be complaining about your life, you can't be making excuses because it will never get you anywhere. You have to go all the way and be the best that you can be. Always give your best, always move forward no matter what. Every single second is a must, every single day is important. You have to go all in or else you won't get anywhere. Just show up, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, it doesn't matter if it feels so uncomfortable, just show up and giver everything you've got. Just go and never stop, keep moving forward even if it feels so uncomfortable.
You are not here to get emotional, you are simply here to make numbers. Create numbers and you will find a way, look for a number to chase and you will have a path. It can be a number of money, number of pushups, number of minutes of exercise, number of cars, number of people you help. It can be anything, stop being emotional, stop being a pathetic dramatic and start creating numbers on your own. This is your guideline, you will never win if you're always using your emotions instead of your intelligence. You need to use your mind and stop using your heart, stop being too emotional because it will only stop you from living, it will make you weak, it will make you a loser. The ones who are emotional people are the ones who keep on losing, you need to do what you need to do and go against your emotions. Feel the fear, feel the laziness, feel the anxiety and move anyway. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, what matters is the philosophy, the mindset of just doing it no matter what. Just do it, just start and never look back, just take the first step and never think about what's going to happen next. Live in the moment and never stop yourself from improving, if you're doing it now then you're already making a progress, as simple as that. Stop waiting for the right time, stop judging yourself, stop thinking that there is something to get wrong and just take actions. Drag yourself, force yourself to move or else you will end up being a loser.
Jan 10, 2025
The fear of failure is the real sickness, it's what's slowing you down, it's what's stopping you from becoming successful. Fear is a traitor, it's a liar, it's always offering you comfort but the truth is it's pulling you down and making you stuck, it's giving you a little bit of relief but it will give you a forever regret in the end. Fear is just a feeling, it is not even real, you need to do what you need to do even if it feels so uncomfortable. Don't listen to your fears, don't listen to what people say and just do what you need to do. Start fast and finish strong, as simple as that. You don't need to become perfect, you don't need to make it all right, just do what you can do and never look back. Just be fast and you will be alright. At the end of the day this is simply about hard work, the harder you work the better it will be. You are scared because you want the outcome right away, you don't want to work hard, you don't want to undergo the process, you simply want to get it without making any sacrifices. It requires a lot of time, it requires dedication and discipline, you have to accept that it is hard and there is no free pass here. Force yourself to move, start the first step and never stop until you're done, you will make it if you really want it. The only thing that is stopping you is your mind, you're too distracted, you're thinking too much and it's not helping at all. Stop trying to be perfect and just do whatever you can to make your life better. Every action is the right action, every move will help, you need to start now and stop holding yourself back, you need to make a move or else your life will become a mess. Ignore everything that is stopping you, believe in yourself, believe in the power of hard work and dedication. This is simply about focus, focus on what you want, take massive actions to get there and that's it. Stop wasting time, it's ok if you are progressing slow but don't ever waste time, don't ever procrastinate and burn your time for nothing. Push yourself to work harder every single day. Master speed, master doing it fast, master focus and never waste your time on social media scrolling about different events, they are useless, if you want to win nowadays... you have to stay focused and committed, you have to give everything you've got no matter what. Never let fear slow you down, never let your doubts eat you. The time is now, start now and never think about what's going to happen next. Push yourself, force yourself to take the first step and follow through. Never care about your feelings because it is useless, it will only stop you and make you a loser. If you want to win in life, forget about your emotions and start taking action.
Jan 8, 2025
It's simply about converting your useless actions into more useful and beneficial ones. Discipline is mindfulness is the key. Get rid of useless thoughts and actions and start giving your very best every now and then. It's a day by day process, it's a lifestyle, you must constantly seek for actions and small improvements, you must feel that you are getting better each day and it will only be felt through hard work and determination. Back it up with consistency and you will become unstoppable. Transforming can be achieved through hard work and facing your responsibilities. It's doing more of what you can do, it's giving everything you've got no matter what. It's not giving up, it's pushing yourself to the limits and going all the way. Win or lose... just keep going and go further as much as you can. The time is now, go and get it now, go and be the best that you can be now and stop looking for any validation or stupid likes from others before you do something. Just do it, go and get it no matter what. Be the best that you can be and live your life to the fullest. It's ok to lose, it's ok to feel lazy sometimes but don't ever stop, this is a journey not a destination. See yourself winning, visualize the prize and go and get it no matter what. if you don't care about anything else anymore other than your goal then that's the time you will become successful.
Just give your very best, if they recognize you so be it, if not then just be ok with yourself. The real recognition is hard work and perseverance, it's not giving up, it's knowing yourself and continuing how to get better each day. You don't need it. You don't need anything to work hard, you just need to work hard and then the results will come. So what if they don't like you, only weak people look for love and appreciation. The real love is the love for yourself, the love for what you do and the self belief you inflict into yourself. Watch yourself all the time and just focus on what you can control. The more you focus on what you can control the stronger you get. You can control your thoughts and your thoughts can produce feelings that is paralleled to it. At the end of the day the real award is your transformation, it's what you become and not what people see you. It's your own greatness and self defined success, it's you being true to the process, true to the grind and putting all of your heart into something. They can say whatever they want but if you're really working on yourself and trying to make your life better then there is nothing else to worry about. Awards is for attention seekers, stop trying hard to have it. You will get it if you get it but if you can't then just focus on your life and be the best that you can be. Enjoy life, go to the inside and not on the outside. You will become more powerful if you seek no attention from others, seek no respect from others and just be the best version of yourself.
Jan 7, 2025
If you really want it then shut your mouth and do the work, as simple as that. Stop making excuses, stop complaining and do whatever it takes to succeed. You're complaining a lot, you're making a lot of dramas and unnecessary actions that's why you can't make a progress. It's time to get better, it's time to become a man and just take actions no matter what. If it's hard do it, if it's easy do it. This is not about being comfortable, this is not about being the best, this is not about being great... this is about pushing yourself to do it and never stop until you're finally done. If you really want to make a breakthrough then make sacrifices and never give up, stick to the game plan and stick to the process no matter what. Stop getting distracted by a lot of things, stop being a chicken and man up. Do what you are suppose to do, stop acting like you are entitled of something you didn't deserve. Get better everyday, shut up and do the work. If you really want it then make time for it, if you really want a change then change yourself, change your habits, change your lifestyle. Shut your mouth, stop talking and just push yourself to the limits. The time for being a diva is over, the time for being weak doesn't exist anymore. If you want to make it in life then just do it. Don't just take this day for granted, make it count, make it useful, make yourself efficient and stop letting laziness take over, your emotions will never help you. Being emotional will never get the job done, if you want to have a strong and better life then you need to be stronger. It means you need to keep moving forward no matter what, it means you have to do whatever it takes to succeed and give your best shot. Shut your mouth and do the work, talk is cheap, you can pretend to be intelligent but intelligence will never be rewarded, only actions will. This is too easy if you will master it. Just master moving forward and disregard all your feelings and you will have a much better life. It is not that hard, just do it, take it one step at a time and enjoy the process. You talk too much that's why you can't make a breakthrough, you need to master just doing it, take the first step and follow through as much as you can. This is not hard if you will give it a try. Be a doer not a delayer, stop making excuses, stop complaining about life, stop feeling entitled and just do the work, at the end of the day you are not special at all, you are not rich so what are you complaining about? Don't act like a king if you have a work ethic of a slave, the choice is yours all the time, take actions now and power through.
Jan 6, 2025
Just work, you talk too much you complain too much but you're not giving your all. You complain a lot and that's why you keep on losing, stop complaining and find a way how to succeed, as simple as that. Just start and finish, what the hell are you waiting for? your emotions will never help you. You have to make it a habit to just do it no matter what, do it even if it's hard, do it even if you don't want to do it. You will only make a progress and improvement through discomfort and pain. It is what it is, it's not going to be easy but your good life is on line, you will only have a much better life if you will push yourself to work harder than before. So stop waiting and just take actions now. Don't worry about winning or losing, just focus on working harder and harder every single day because that is what you need to be doing and nothing else.
If you want to be in control of your life, if you want to have a direction then pick something to do and do it with all your heart. It can be hunting money, chasing a dream, forging a strength, creating a new body, doing something that will make your life better. This must be your hobby, it can be mastering delayed gratification and being the best version of yourself. All you need to do is produce more numbers and your life will be good. More number of pushups, more repetitions, more job applications, more email to different clients, more money to produce, more time for your family, more time for yourself, more repetition for a skill you want to develop and that's it. You need to stick with the basics, make it simple, don't make it hard on yourself. You're too focused on the problems that you don't need to be focusing on that's why you're struggling so bad. Focus on increasing your numbers, it doesn't matter what field it is, just make it bigger and bigger each day and it will become your habit, you will love the process, you will love the improvement even if it's just small. That's the beauty of hard work... you can improve anything, you make it great by simply being consistent and not letting your laziness take over. Just don't be lazy, just don't waste time and you will make it through. You have to focus on yourself, look at you, what are you doing now? you know in yourself if you're acting like a bum or being serious with your life. If you're not serious with your life then you will go down, as simple as that. Just take actions now and never stop. be the best that you can be, with all your heart, give everything you've got and push yourself to the limits. Never back down to any challenge, focus on hard work and you will be rewarded.
Jan 5, 2025
If you're not afraid to lose anymore, if you're not afraid to get humiliated and take the blame then you already unlocked the game, because at the end of the day nothing is really big. The biggest thing in your life is experiencing taking the biggest risk. You need to do it if you want to feel more about life, playing safe will make you feel incomplete while taking the risk will make you feel so powerful even if you fail. Only the greatest ones takes the risk, so what if you lose? losing is just part of life, it is nothing if you will never give it any meaning. At the end of the day everything is a trash, everything was just a complete nonsense because you will never be able to hold it forever, one day you're going to disappear and everything you work hard for will be a waste. Never think that you need to get rich because your family will need it, if you are feeding them comfort then they will never experience life. Struggle is the best part of life, not winning nor succeeding. Losing means progressing, you are not going down every time you are losing, the truth is you're going up so just keep trying and never give up, as simple as that. Losing is not that painful, it only gets painful because you're so attached with the outcome, you're so in love with the product and it makes you weak. You have to love the process, love the find and never quit whatever it takes. Take you hard work to the next level and never check results, your life will only change if you change, as simple as that. Go for it, lose and try again, this is simply a trial and error method, there is nothing special about success it's just simply hard work and consistency. It's simply about being fast and doing whatever it takes to take actions. Just move, force yourself to move despite of feeling uncomfortable and stressed. The truth is you will get stressed even more if you're not moving, you have to take actions now, humiliate yourself and make mistakes, failure is simply a clue, you will only know what is the next right thing to do after failing. Failure and pain is the best teacher, you will never learn unless you try and give yourself a chance to win. Keep trying, keep pushing and never be scared of failing. When you fail it means you try, if you didn't fail then it means you're not even giving an extra effort. So start taking actions now and keep failing. Just take actions now, take the first step and never stop, as simple as that. Go for it like your life depends on it, be fast and never look back. Change your attitude then you will be able to change your life. Change your habits, change your character and you will experience a new reality. The reason why you are stuck is because you are not changing your routine, change the way you work, increase your intensity and good things will be attracted to you. If you are not afraid to lose anymore, if you are not afraid to take actions and try then you will become really unstoppable, you will become a force, the world will see you.
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