Dec 28, 2024


If you wanted to win then stop doing what losers do, what do they do? they waste a lot of time, they're so slow, they're not pushing themselves, they're addicted to comfort and they don't know it. You have to be fast, decide if you're going to do it then do it. If you're tired just rest and never procrastinate, never think if you're going to continue because you will spend hours and hours doing that, just rest and then when you're refreshed or energized... go back to work, speed is a big difference maker, you will go very far when you're fast and doing whatever it takes to get to the next level. Just do it and never stop, that's the game plan... keep pushing further and never quit, as simple as that. You wanted to win then you need to develop discipline, stop thinking about the results because it will only corrupt your mind, it will only make you feel negative whenever you can't see it, looking for results will make you stop. It's because you're relying on it, it's because it's your only motivator. Your motivator should be self development, you should feel happier whenever you're working harder and doing the right  things. Start now, do what will make you stronger, faster, healthier, richer. Take it one step at a time and never rush things, be fast when taking actions but never rush the results. What will happen will happen but it will only happen if you're giving your all and being disciplined. Stop wasting time and that's it... you're already on the right path, be the most productive person that you can be, always look for your best version, remember that you are not building results here, you are building yourself, it's the person that you become... that is the real results. What will you become by chasing that goal? will you get stronger or will you get weaker? the choice is always yours, it's your life you can do whatever you want with it. Everyone has a potential but not everyone realize it, everyone can get better but not everyone is being opportunistic. Everyday is a chance to get better, you can even improve now, you have to seize the moment, you have to do something now, start fast and keep going further. Never care abut failures, never care about failing over and over again, that's the game plan... fail your way to success and believe that good things are coming when you don't give up. It's only just a matter of time before you win if you take the process seriously. Focus on the task in front of you and never stop until it's done, stop multi tasking, just do one thing at a time and never stress yourself out with something that you haven't done yet, don't rush because you have a lot of time. Keep working harder, keep getting better... that's the best thing to do. 

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Dec 24, 2024


It's very simple... practice delayed gratification. Just make sacrifices, work harder, don't spend just save and that's it. Exercise everyday, train your mind and body, invest in yourself, watch your thoughts and actions and you will become a better person. Defeat laziness, don't waste time and you will have a much better life, as simple as that. You just need to live a more boring life and that's it. Without pain, boredom and sacrifices you are nothing. You will only grow through hard times and pressure. If there is no difficulty then there is no glory, as simple as that. So if you're wondering why you are depresses, weak and broke... look at yourself, it's not about your surroundings, it's not about what you don't have... it's what you're doing with your life. If you're too stagnant and doing nothing, if you're wasting a lot of your time then you're going down, as simple as that. You don't need to look for something to blame, you can't be looking for a scapegoat because it will make you weak even more. Practice making sacrifices every now and then, this simply like an investment. You have to invest on actions that are worth it and will give you something in the future. Exercise, read, train, eat healthy foods, work harder... these are very basic yet most people can't do it because it is too boring and easy. Sometimes knowing that it can be done makes it more difficult, you just need to take the first step and endure the boredom. Just do it, it's only uncomfortable in the beginning but it will be very easy once you have that habit of doing it for a long time. 

You don't need to start a business to get rich, there are lot of self proclaimed entrepreneurs out there that are broke and unhappy. You just need to work harder and save money, learn new things where you can attract more money and that's it. You don't need to complicate things here, you just need to stick with the basics and stay simple. Stop buying stuffs that you don't even need, stop buying stupid things just to impress people. Take care of your time, remember that time is money, time is an opportunity to become great, don't waste it watching some random stupid videos on tik tok that is trying to corrupt your mind. Don't put too much information on your mind because it will make you anxious, worried and unfocused. Take care of your time and become productive as much as you can. You will become faster and stronger if you will take care of your time and stay disciplined all the time, stop being too emotional. Emotions is making you weak, if you are pampering your emotions then you will get slower and slower all the time. Focus on taking the right actions and never care about the things that will not even improve your life. 

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Dec 19, 2024


Don't think about what you need to do in life and just go back to hustle fast, just start, do something that will give you more money or something. Mind your own business only and start getting better everyday... that's how to win in life. You will only win if you will force yourself to work hard every single day and never waste any single second for useless activities. You are what you repeatedly think and do so be mindful of your actions and thoughts, be aware of what's going on inside of you. Hustle will make you stronger, hustle will make you better, you have nothing to lose here, all you have to do is give your very best and never give up, as simple as that. Take actions, it's much better than procrastinating and wasting your time scrolling on instagram or tik tok, those platforms are poison to your mind, it will make you slow and weak, you are being manipulated if something is eating your time so wake up and do something. Working hard on Mcdonalds is much better than working hard on comments section on facebook. You need to be matured enough to know what is real and what is fake, those posts are just trying to control you an eat your time for their own gains, you are not gaining something when you're fighting on the comments section, you better wake up and change yourself. Know what is useful and what is not, define the actions you need to take and take them without any from of hesitation. Time is fast so you should be faster, stop wasting time on nonsense things that are destroying your life. Elevate your mindset, just do it, just start now and never go back. This is easy if you will try, focus and be fast, it's hard because you're thinking too much, there are only two person in this world... one is distracted and the other one is successful and focused, so which one are you? you have to pick the right side, you have to do what is needed in order to upgrade your life. Hustle hard and never give up, practice delayed gratification all the time, discipline yourself and never waste any single second in your life. This is very simple, just try it no, change a new culture now, try a different lifestyle and you will see how powerful you are. Always trust your actions, choose to do more, choose to be powerful and fast. This is your life, you can be what you wanted to be if you will just take actions now and do whatever it takes to win in life. So what the hell are you waiting for? go hard and never go back, go hard and be the best version of yourself. Again, anything is doable if you have an insane focus, you can move forward as much as you can if you will just try, use your power, use all of your knowledge to win in life. 

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Dec 16, 2024


believe that you can win, believe that your willpower will find a way, believe that you can make a breakthrough, believe with all your heard. So keep the fight alive, do whatever it takes so succeed and never stop until you're done, that's what it is all about. It is all about the fight, it is all about being the strongest version of yourself and not giving up during difficult moments of your life. It is what it is, it's going to be hard so what are you going to do about it? complain? make excuses? go back and look for shortcuts? that's not going to get the job done, the only thing that will make your life better is by pushing forward and doing it your way. Force fate, never accept defeat, never believe that you are limited, always believe that you can make an impact, you can make a miracle, you can make a breakthrough if you will just go with all your heart. It's better to become a hardworking delusional than a pessimist that is always playing safe, you have to ignore the reality and invite a different type of experience by believing in yourself and giving everything you've got no matter what. Go with all your heart, be quiet and focus on the hustle, focus on making yourself better, stronger and faster. The results will come in just a matter of time, you have to invest your time on the most important activities that will somehow move the needle. Stop being weak, stop being slow, stop being a coward clown and do something that will make your situation a little bit better, you will only win if you're trying to win, you will never be able to attract new opportunities if you keep on being lazy and weak. The time for being a loser is over, you have to create a new personality, create new habits, be the best version of yourself and go with all your heart. If you really want it then you will stop complaining and start working, stop playing around and take the process seriously. The time to become great is now, stop waiting for the the right time because it will never come. The right time is always now, not tomorrow, not later, start now and keep going no matter what. Even if it is hard, even if it is impossible... keep pushing and do what most people can't do. Believe that you can make it happen if you will go to the extreme and do something you haven't done before. There are millions of ways how to change you life, you just need to focus on taking it one step at a time and be patient with the process. If it takes forever so be it, if it takes your whole life so be it but don't ever take your time for granted because it is the stupidest thing you can ever do. Value your time, don't waste it for useless activities that is making you worse. You have to stay disciplined now and focus on grinding. 

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Dec 14, 2024


Maybe you will not win, maybe you are born to fail, maybe you lack the skill, maybe it's not your time or your time has already passed, maybe your time will not come. You don't know, you will only find out if you keep going further and never stop until you finally know that it's not really for you. You have to keep moving forward no matter what, you have to train yourself to become a machine, you will never know if you can make it or not unless you giver everything you've got and never stop until the end. You will only know the truth if you go the extra mile, go to the extreme and find it yourself if you can really win or not. The only way to know if you can become successful is to never stop, never quit and give everything you've got no matter what. Never mind the circumstances, forget the pain, forget everything that is making you struggle and just try. If you can try then you have a very good chance of winning, as simple as that. Accept that you may not win but never stop trying because you will only know the answer if you give your all. The time for being weak is over, it's now or never, you have to go all in and do the impossible. Don't be afraid of failing, don't be afraid to disappoint yourself because it's all part of the process. The good news is you you will get better if you give our very best, you will unlock new skill, you will unlock a new level of mentality so there is really nothing to lose here. You will only lose if you take your life for granted and wasted a lot of time doing stupid things. So stop procrastinating and just take the first step, force yourself to take action. Just do it, just start and keep going further as much as you can. It's all or nothing, if you really want it then you will go for it like a man possessed. Become a doer, make yourself a finisher, stop being soft, you can always do something now, believe in your work, believe that you are improving every time you do something. Detach yourself from the outcome and focus on the work. The outcome is uncontrollable, you don't have power over on it, the only thing you have power is your work ethic and mentality. Believe that anything is possible if you work hard, believe in yourself, take the process seriously and push yourself to the limits. Accept the fact that failure is around the corner, accept that you are not immune to it and that it can touch you and play with you. Just keep playing the game, if you are being played by challenges... learn how to have fun, keep trying over and over again until you succeed. There is always a next step, there is always a next action, go for it, start right away even if it is uncomfortable. 

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Dec 13, 2024


You can block your fears by taking actions and forcing yourself to do it anyway even if it is scary... that's how to get it done. If you're so scared of being a pussy then live by your own philosophy. Weakness comes from procrastination and overthinking, you will become scared even more if you keep on delaying your actions. Choose to move now even if you are lazy, that's how to defeat fears. Don't stop pushing, don't stop believing and just live in the moment. If you are struggling now so be it but don't stop moving forward or else you will never get to anywhere. Expose yourself to pain and responsibilities. Be disciplined enough to just do it. Be fast, don't let your mind think, once you know that you are scared... do it, take matters into your own hands. The key here is to be present, you need to be aware that you are scared and entertaining your fears. Be aware if you are being lazy, most of the time you're not aware that you're doing something stupid that's why you can't make a breakthrough. If you will just take the process seriously then you will become unstoppable, as simple as that. So what the hell are you waiting for? do it now, be fast, take the first step and follow through. Never stop until you're done, focus on what you need to do and give everything you've got. This is not a race, this is a marathon but you need to move faster if you want to get more. You will have more time if you are fast, you will be in control if you're facing all of your fears. So expose yourself to pain and fear, feel the fear and do it anyway. This is not so hard to do, all you have to do is breathe and keep moving forward. You are in charge here, you are in control, nothing can stop you if you will make yourself unstoppable. Keep pushing forward, keep giving your best and your fears will goa way anytime soon. Look at your habits, look at your reactions every time you feel fear and stop doing it. You need to stay uncomfortable even if it's scary because most of the time your reaction to fear is to stop and do something else that is more comfortable, stop staying in your comfort zone, stop numbing your fears with comfort and pleasures because you are only making your life worse by doing that. If you want to feel more powerful then face your fears, embrace it, breathe with it and never give up, never stop taking actions because you will only feel better if you are moving. Procrastinating and delaying your responsibilities will only make you scared and lazier even more, it will ruin your life, it will only give you more problems, your mental game will get weaker. So every time you are afraid of moving... just move, stop planning too much, stop thinking too much and do it anyway even if the chances of failing is very high. Don't be scared of failing, don't be scared of looking like a fool and just take actions anyway. 

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Dec 9, 2024


Once you did something for a couple of days and it's making you feel something whether it's negative or positive... you will get addicted to it and it's dangerous if the actions is not taking you any further towards your goals. SO if you constantly read posts or comments on social media it will become your life, it will become your habit and it will be harder for you to get rid of it. It's because it's making you feel something, if it's giving you negative emotions then it's bad because you will get addicted to those negative emotions and you will never notice that you are constantly changing to worse. That is why you need to be mindful of your actions all the time and never let the external influences control you. Healing starts with the feeling, you will only get better if you are not resisting any emotions. Feel everything that is going on with your life and take it one step at a time. Be mindful of your thoughts, if you are rushing then you are not feeling. Checking notifications are very addictive, it  will give you pleasure but misery in the end because it's controlling you already, you are not feeling the right way anymore, that automatic emotion you felt is already your master. You need to feel the right way, feel your life little by little and pick the right actions that will give you a better life. Most of the time you are doing something because you're in an auto pilot mode. You are not conscious anymore, you are resisting something and letting the negative programming take over. If you want to make a breakthrough you need to be present all the time, be aware of yourself, be aware of your actions and always think if what you're doing is helping you or making you worse. So if you are lacking focus, if you constantly stop what you're doing because an old bad habit of yours is distracting you... stop that bad habit right away and go back to the process. Remind yourself about your chosen process and blueprint. Even if it is harder, even if it is difficult and you're struggling so bad, even if it is boring... choose that path. That is the right path, that is where your power is because you have more control. Focusing on what you can't control like opinions of people, critics, results, likes, subscribers, success, judgement of other people is only destroying your mental health. If you want to feel more powerful and alive... choose what you can control and that is your thoughts and actions. If you can detach from anything that is toxic and not serving you... you already discovered power and that is enough. Just keep moving forward all the time and enjoy the ride. Your thoughts are powerful, be mindful of it and feed only what is serving you and making your life better. Never focus on trying to change other people's opinions, never focus on forcing your beliefs onto others, just be yourself and do what you need to do that you think will make you and your life better. 

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Dec 7, 2024


Time is the most important thing in your life, where you use your time is the direction of your life. If you are wasting your time then your time is a waste, as simple as that. But if you are using it to make your life better then your life will get better, that's a simple and basic rule that you must take seriously if you want to make a progress in your life. Believe in your work, take it seriously, give more time for your goals and your life will change. Your real problem is not the lack of talent, skills, support or resources... it's the lack of awareness, it's the lack of discipline, you are not aware that you are wasting a lot of your time and it's making your life sucks. Take it seriously, take the process seriously and never stop taking actions, you have to be mindful of what you're doing and thinking if you want to have a much better life, as simple as that. Because all the time you're just wasting your energy for nothing, you're not giving enough focus for your goals and dreams that's why you're stuck in a rut for a very long time. The good news is you are still alive, you can still make something happen. It's just a matter of improving your focus and developing the right habits that will give you advantage and leverage to win in life. 


Force yourself, take actions right away and never stop, that's all you need to do and you will win in life, you will get a momentum. Don't think too much, just avoid the weakest action and do your best, choose the action that will propel you to the right direction, as simple as that. The only skill you need to develop is being disciplined, looking at yourself and checking what you've been doing everyday, if you're doing something stupid then stop it immediately and do something else that will give you something in the future. It's all abut what you think, say and do. If you're thinking about useless subjects then the next is you will say something about it and do something that is related to it, it's a domino effect. It all starts in your thought, study how your mind thinks and discipline it to think correctly to produce small actions that are giving you progress. You are not progressing fast because you are thinking wrong, that's the main reason why. You don't need to blame something else, the reason for your miserable life is your actions. Force yourself and never stop, that's all you need to do. Just do it, take the first step and never stop until you're done, all you have to do is keep pushing and everything will get better, as simple as that. Make the process simple by working hard and simply doing what can be done at the moment, the rest will take care of itself. 

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Dec 5, 2024


Feel unstoppable and nothing can ever stop you, as simple as that. The only thing that is stopping you is yourself, you're too soft and slow that's why you can't make a small progress. You're too dramatic and weak because you allowed yourself to become like that. Nothing can stop you if you will just do it, the only thing that is stopping you is your mind. You're thinking about the results, you're thinking about what people will say, you're thinking about the future that is why you are so worried and stiff. That is why you are so slow and conservative. Decide now if you're going to do it or not, if you will not do it then just sleep and never think about it anymore but if you want to do it then just do it, just start and never stop, as simple as that. You're the one making it complicated by thinking too much and thinking if it is working or not, whether the process works or not... just keep trying, this is a trial and error method. You need to be fast or else you will always be left behind. Decide fast and do it fast, stop thinking too much because it will only make you stressed even more, the reason why you are stressed is not because you're doing a lot, it's because you need to do something but you're always hesitating and overthinking. Your mind is the number on reason of your stress not your surroundings or external circumstances. Stop procrastinating, stop pausing and just do whatever ideas you have in your mind. Wasting time and delaying something is the number one root of stress, you're better than that, you need to start taking actions now and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Just take it one step at a time and never stop, that's it, there's nothing hard about it. 


The real motivation is the next action, it's the next step, it's the only thing that will give you energy. Comfort and assurance will never make you strong, it will only make you weaker and slower. If you want to get stronger then you need to find a way how to take the next action and believe that it will take you to the next level. Actions will fuel your beliefs, if you can make sacrifices and focus all of your energy to your goal then you will live a different kind of life. Just do it and you will feel much better, you are feeling like a garbage because you're not doing anything, as simple as that. Just give your very best and that's it, there is nothing else to worry about. It's too easy, just do something and never care about what's going to happen next, just keep moving forward and that's it, too easy if you will just try. Don't worry about the future and just move. 

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Dec 3, 2024


Create your hardest version, don't tolerate softness, don't tolerate laziness. Just do it, just get what you want and be very close to your goal. Position yourself to winning and never act like a weak useless clown anymore. You're acting weak that's why you can't make a statement. Stop feeling entitled of an easy life, stop feeling like a son of a king even if you're just a son of a slave because you're acting like a slave that can't do something about your life. Push yourself to create something, never stop working hard, never stop pushing because you need to make a statement now, make an impact if you want to win in life. Stop pampering yourself, just avoid distractions and you can make something happen with your life. It's up to you if you really wanted to make an improvement with your life. If you want to feel strong, if you want to see greatness then go hard and stop all the weakness, as simple as that. 


Luck will only come to people who keeps on moving forward. You never know what will work so keep trying. It is every good if you keep on failing, that's the real path to success. Luck will only be attracted to you if you are really serious with your work so stop wasting time and just keep going no matter what. Push yourself to the limits, force yourself to work hard and give everything you've got no matter what. It's not that you don't have the skills to win, it's just that you're too soft and acting like a diva, you're acting like a rich kid that have everything but the truth is you don't have anything at all. It's time to stop acting like a spoiled kid and do something, what are you going to do about it? you need to start taking actions now and do whatever it takes to win. You will only win if you will get faster and work harder, as simple as that. Discipline and speed is a big game changer, you can become fast now and do something that will make your life a little bit better. Master hard work and discipline and you will become unstoppable. 

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