Dec 28, 2024


If you wanted to win then stop doing what losers do, what do they do? they waste a lot of time, they're so slow, they're not pushing themselves, they're addicted to comfort and they don't know it. You have to be fast, decide if you're going to do it then do it. If you're tired just rest and never procrastinate, never think if you're going to continue because you will spend hours and hours doing that, just rest and then when you're refreshed or energized... go back to work, speed is a big difference maker, you will go very far when you're fast and doing whatever it takes to get to the next level. Just do it and never stop, that's the game plan... keep pushing further and never quit, as simple as that. You wanted to win then you need to develop discipline, stop thinking about the results because it will only corrupt your mind, it will only make you feel negative whenever you can't see it, looking for results will make you stop. It's because you're relying on it, it's because it's your only motivator. Your motivator should be self development, you should feel happier whenever you're working harder and doing the right  things. Start now, do what will make you stronger, faster, healthier, richer. Take it one step at a time and never rush things, be fast when taking actions but never rush the results. What will happen will happen but it will only happen if you're giving your all and being disciplined. Stop wasting time and that's it... you're already on the right path, be the most productive person that you can be, always look for your best version, remember that you are not building results here, you are building yourself, it's the person that you become... that is the real results. What will you become by chasing that goal? will you get stronger or will you get weaker? the choice is always yours, it's your life you can do whatever you want with it. Everyone has a potential but not everyone realize it, everyone can get better but not everyone is being opportunistic. Everyday is a chance to get better, you can even improve now, you have to seize the moment, you have to do something now, start fast and keep going further. Never care abut failures, never care about failing over and over again, that's the game plan... fail your way to success and believe that good things are coming when you don't give up. It's only just a matter of time before you win if you take the process seriously. Focus on the task in front of you and never stop until it's done, stop multi tasking, just do one thing at a time and never stress yourself out with something that you haven't done yet, don't rush because you have a lot of time. Keep working harder, keep getting better... that's the best thing to do. 

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Dec 24, 2024


It's very simple... practice delayed gratification. Just make sacrifices, work harder, don't spend just save and that's it. Exercise everyday, train your mind and body, invest in yourself, watch your thoughts and actions and you will become a better person. Defeat laziness, don't waste time and you will have a much better life, as simple as that. You just need to live a more boring life and that's it. Without pain, boredom and sacrifices you are nothing. You will only grow through hard times and pressure. If there is no difficulty then there is no glory, as simple as that. So if you're wondering why you are depresses, weak and broke... look at yourself, it's not about your surroundings, it's not about what you don't have... it's what you're doing with your life. If you're too stagnant and doing nothing, if you're wasting a lot of your time then you're going down, as simple as that. You don't need to look for something to blame, you can't be looking for a scapegoat because it will make you weak even more. Practice making sacrifices every now and then, this simply like an investment. You have to invest on actions that are worth it and will give you something in the future. Exercise, read, train, eat healthy foods, work harder... these are very basic yet most people can't do it because it is too boring and easy. Sometimes knowing that it can be done makes it more difficult, you just need to take the first step and endure the boredom. Just do it, it's only uncomfortable in the beginning but it will be very easy once you have that habit of doing it for a long time. 

You don't need to start a business to get rich, there are lot of self proclaimed entrepreneurs out there that are broke and unhappy. You just need to work harder and save money, learn new things where you can attract more money and that's it. You don't need to complicate things here, you just need to stick with the basics and stay simple. Stop buying stuffs that you don't even need, stop buying stupid things just to impress people. Take care of your time, remember that time is money, time is an opportunity to become great, don't waste it watching some random stupid videos on tik tok that is trying to corrupt your mind. Don't put too much information on your mind because it will make you anxious, worried and unfocused. Take care of your time and become productive as much as you can. You will become faster and stronger if you will take care of your time and stay disciplined all the time, stop being too emotional. Emotions is making you weak, if you are pampering your emotions then you will get slower and slower all the time. Focus on taking the right actions and never care about the things that will not even improve your life. 

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Dec 19, 2024


Don't think about what you need to do in life and just go back to hustle fast, just start, do something that will give you more money or something. Mind your own business only and start getting better everyday... that's how to win in life. You will only win if you will force yourself to work hard every single day and never waste any single second for useless activities. You are what you repeatedly think and do so be mindful of your actions and thoughts, be aware of what's going on inside of you. Hustle will make you stronger, hustle will make you better, you have nothing to lose here, all you have to do is give your very best and never give up, as simple as that. Take actions, it's much better than procrastinating and wasting your time scrolling on instagram or tik tok, those platforms are poison to your mind, it will make you slow and weak, you are being manipulated if something is eating your time so wake up and do something. Working hard on Mcdonalds is much better than working hard on comments section on facebook. You need to be matured enough to know what is real and what is fake, those posts are just trying to control you an eat your time for their own gains, you are not gaining something when you're fighting on the comments section, you better wake up and change yourself. Know what is useful and what is not, define the actions you need to take and take them without any from of hesitation. Time is fast so you should be faster, stop wasting time on nonsense things that are destroying your life. Elevate your mindset, just do it, just start now and never go back. This is easy if you will try, focus and be fast, it's hard because you're thinking too much, there are only two person in this world... one is distracted and the other one is successful and focused, so which one are you? you have to pick the right side, you have to do what is needed in order to upgrade your life. Hustle hard and never give up, practice delayed gratification all the time, discipline yourself and never waste any single second in your life. This is very simple, just try it no, change a new culture now, try a different lifestyle and you will see how powerful you are. Always trust your actions, choose to do more, choose to be powerful and fast. This is your life, you can be what you wanted to be if you will just take actions now and do whatever it takes to win in life. So what the hell are you waiting for? go hard and never go back, go hard and be the best version of yourself. Again, anything is doable if you have an insane focus, you can move forward as much as you can if you will just try, use your power, use all of your knowledge to win in life. 

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Dec 16, 2024


believe that you can win, believe that your willpower will find a way, believe that you can make a breakthrough, believe with all your heard. So keep the fight alive, do whatever it takes so succeed and never stop until you're done, that's what it is all about. It is all about the fight, it is all about being the strongest version of yourself and not giving up during difficult moments of your life. It is what it is, it's going to be hard so what are you going to do about it? complain? make excuses? go back and look for shortcuts? that's not going to get the job done, the only thing that will make your life better is by pushing forward and doing it your way. Force fate, never accept defeat, never believe that you are limited, always believe that you can make an impact, you can make a miracle, you can make a breakthrough if you will just go with all your heart. It's better to become a hardworking delusional than a pessimist that is always playing safe, you have to ignore the reality and invite a different type of experience by believing in yourself and giving everything you've got no matter what. Go with all your heart, be quiet and focus on the hustle, focus on making yourself better, stronger and faster. The results will come in just a matter of time, you have to invest your time on the most important activities that will somehow move the needle. Stop being weak, stop being slow, stop being a coward clown and do something that will make your situation a little bit better, you will only win if you're trying to win, you will never be able to attract new opportunities if you keep on being lazy and weak. The time for being a loser is over, you have to create a new personality, create new habits, be the best version of yourself and go with all your heart. If you really want it then you will stop complaining and start working, stop playing around and take the process seriously. The time to become great is now, stop waiting for the the right time because it will never come. The right time is always now, not tomorrow, not later, start now and keep going no matter what. Even if it is hard, even if it is impossible... keep pushing and do what most people can't do. Believe that you can make it happen if you will go to the extreme and do something you haven't done before. There are millions of ways how to change you life, you just need to focus on taking it one step at a time and be patient with the process. If it takes forever so be it, if it takes your whole life so be it but don't ever take your time for granted because it is the stupidest thing you can ever do. Value your time, don't waste it for useless activities that is making you worse. You have to stay disciplined now and focus on grinding. 

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Dec 14, 2024


Maybe you will not win, maybe you are born to fail, maybe you lack the skill, maybe it's not your time or your time has already passed, maybe your time will not come. You don't know, you will only find out if you keep going further and never stop until you finally know that it's not really for you. You have to keep moving forward no matter what, you have to train yourself to become a machine, you will never know if you can make it or not unless you giver everything you've got and never stop until the end. You will only know the truth if you go the extra mile, go to the extreme and find it yourself if you can really win or not. The only way to know if you can become successful is to never stop, never quit and give everything you've got no matter what. Never mind the circumstances, forget the pain, forget everything that is making you struggle and just try. If you can try then you have a very good chance of winning, as simple as that. Accept that you may not win but never stop trying because you will only know the answer if you give your all. The time for being weak is over, it's now or never, you have to go all in and do the impossible. Don't be afraid of failing, don't be afraid to disappoint yourself because it's all part of the process. The good news is you you will get better if you give our very best, you will unlock new skill, you will unlock a new level of mentality so there is really nothing to lose here. You will only lose if you take your life for granted and wasted a lot of time doing stupid things. So stop procrastinating and just take the first step, force yourself to take action. Just do it, just start and keep going further as much as you can. It's all or nothing, if you really want it then you will go for it like a man possessed. Become a doer, make yourself a finisher, stop being soft, you can always do something now, believe in your work, believe that you are improving every time you do something. Detach yourself from the outcome and focus on the work. The outcome is uncontrollable, you don't have power over on it, the only thing you have power is your work ethic and mentality. Believe that anything is possible if you work hard, believe in yourself, take the process seriously and push yourself to the limits. Accept the fact that failure is around the corner, accept that you are not immune to it and that it can touch you and play with you. Just keep playing the game, if you are being played by challenges... learn how to have fun, keep trying over and over again until you succeed. There is always a next step, there is always a next action, go for it, start right away even if it is uncomfortable. 

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Dec 13, 2024


You can block your fears by taking actions and forcing yourself to do it anyway even if it is scary... that's how to get it done. If you're so scared of being a pussy then live by your own philosophy. Weakness comes from procrastination and overthinking, you will become scared even more if you keep on delaying your actions. Choose to move now even if you are lazy, that's how to defeat fears. Don't stop pushing, don't stop believing and just live in the moment. If you are struggling now so be it but don't stop moving forward or else you will never get to anywhere. Expose yourself to pain and responsibilities. Be disciplined enough to just do it. Be fast, don't let your mind think, once you know that you are scared... do it, take matters into your own hands. The key here is to be present, you need to be aware that you are scared and entertaining your fears. Be aware if you are being lazy, most of the time you're not aware that you're doing something stupid that's why you can't make a breakthrough. If you will just take the process seriously then you will become unstoppable, as simple as that. So what the hell are you waiting for? do it now, be fast, take the first step and follow through. Never stop until you're done, focus on what you need to do and give everything you've got. This is not a race, this is a marathon but you need to move faster if you want to get more. You will have more time if you are fast, you will be in control if you're facing all of your fears. So expose yourself to pain and fear, feel the fear and do it anyway. This is not so hard to do, all you have to do is breathe and keep moving forward. You are in charge here, you are in control, nothing can stop you if you will make yourself unstoppable. Keep pushing forward, keep giving your best and your fears will goa way anytime soon. Look at your habits, look at your reactions every time you feel fear and stop doing it. You need to stay uncomfortable even if it's scary because most of the time your reaction to fear is to stop and do something else that is more comfortable, stop staying in your comfort zone, stop numbing your fears with comfort and pleasures because you are only making your life worse by doing that. If you want to feel more powerful then face your fears, embrace it, breathe with it and never give up, never stop taking actions because you will only feel better if you are moving. Procrastinating and delaying your responsibilities will only make you scared and lazier even more, it will ruin your life, it will only give you more problems, your mental game will get weaker. So every time you are afraid of moving... just move, stop planning too much, stop thinking too much and do it anyway even if the chances of failing is very high. Don't be scared of failing, don't be scared of looking like a fool and just take actions anyway. 

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Dec 9, 2024


Once you did something for a couple of days and it's making you feel something whether it's negative or positive... you will get addicted to it and it's dangerous if the actions is not taking you any further towards your goals. SO if you constantly read posts or comments on social media it will become your life, it will become your habit and it will be harder for you to get rid of it. It's because it's making you feel something, if it's giving you negative emotions then it's bad because you will get addicted to those negative emotions and you will never notice that you are constantly changing to worse. That is why you need to be mindful of your actions all the time and never let the external influences control you. Healing starts with the feeling, you will only get better if you are not resisting any emotions. Feel everything that is going on with your life and take it one step at a time. Be mindful of your thoughts, if you are rushing then you are not feeling. Checking notifications are very addictive, it  will give you pleasure but misery in the end because it's controlling you already, you are not feeling the right way anymore, that automatic emotion you felt is already your master. You need to feel the right way, feel your life little by little and pick the right actions that will give you a better life. Most of the time you are doing something because you're in an auto pilot mode. You are not conscious anymore, you are resisting something and letting the negative programming take over. If you want to make a breakthrough you need to be present all the time, be aware of yourself, be aware of your actions and always think if what you're doing is helping you or making you worse. So if you are lacking focus, if you constantly stop what you're doing because an old bad habit of yours is distracting you... stop that bad habit right away and go back to the process. Remind yourself about your chosen process and blueprint. Even if it is harder, even if it is difficult and you're struggling so bad, even if it is boring... choose that path. That is the right path, that is where your power is because you have more control. Focusing on what you can't control like opinions of people, critics, results, likes, subscribers, success, judgement of other people is only destroying your mental health. If you want to feel more powerful and alive... choose what you can control and that is your thoughts and actions. If you can detach from anything that is toxic and not serving you... you already discovered power and that is enough. Just keep moving forward all the time and enjoy the ride. Your thoughts are powerful, be mindful of it and feed only what is serving you and making your life better. Never focus on trying to change other people's opinions, never focus on forcing your beliefs onto others, just be yourself and do what you need to do that you think will make you and your life better. 

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Dec 7, 2024


Time is the most important thing in your life, where you use your time is the direction of your life. If you are wasting your time then your time is a waste, as simple as that. But if you are using it to make your life better then your life will get better, that's a simple and basic rule that you must take seriously if you want to make a progress in your life. Believe in your work, take it seriously, give more time for your goals and your life will change. Your real problem is not the lack of talent, skills, support or resources... it's the lack of awareness, it's the lack of discipline, you are not aware that you are wasting a lot of your time and it's making your life sucks. Take it seriously, take the process seriously and never stop taking actions, you have to be mindful of what you're doing and thinking if you want to have a much better life, as simple as that. Because all the time you're just wasting your energy for nothing, you're not giving enough focus for your goals and dreams that's why you're stuck in a rut for a very long time. The good news is you are still alive, you can still make something happen. It's just a matter of improving your focus and developing the right habits that will give you advantage and leverage to win in life. 


Force yourself, take actions right away and never stop, that's all you need to do and you will win in life, you will get a momentum. Don't think too much, just avoid the weakest action and do your best, choose the action that will propel you to the right direction, as simple as that. The only skill you need to develop is being disciplined, looking at yourself and checking what you've been doing everyday, if you're doing something stupid then stop it immediately and do something else that will give you something in the future. It's all abut what you think, say and do. If you're thinking about useless subjects then the next is you will say something about it and do something that is related to it, it's a domino effect. It all starts in your thought, study how your mind thinks and discipline it to think correctly to produce small actions that are giving you progress. You are not progressing fast because you are thinking wrong, that's the main reason why. You don't need to blame something else, the reason for your miserable life is your actions. Force yourself and never stop, that's all you need to do. Just do it, take the first step and never stop until you're done, all you have to do is keep pushing and everything will get better, as simple as that. Make the process simple by working hard and simply doing what can be done at the moment, the rest will take care of itself. 

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Dec 5, 2024


Feel unstoppable and nothing can ever stop you, as simple as that. The only thing that is stopping you is yourself, you're too soft and slow that's why you can't make a small progress. You're too dramatic and weak because you allowed yourself to become like that. Nothing can stop you if you will just do it, the only thing that is stopping you is your mind. You're thinking about the results, you're thinking about what people will say, you're thinking about the future that is why you are so worried and stiff. That is why you are so slow and conservative. Decide now if you're going to do it or not, if you will not do it then just sleep and never think about it anymore but if you want to do it then just do it, just start and never stop, as simple as that. You're the one making it complicated by thinking too much and thinking if it is working or not, whether the process works or not... just keep trying, this is a trial and error method. You need to be fast or else you will always be left behind. Decide fast and do it fast, stop thinking too much because it will only make you stressed even more, the reason why you are stressed is not because you're doing a lot, it's because you need to do something but you're always hesitating and overthinking. Your mind is the number on reason of your stress not your surroundings or external circumstances. Stop procrastinating, stop pausing and just do whatever ideas you have in your mind. Wasting time and delaying something is the number one root of stress, you're better than that, you need to start taking actions now and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Just take it one step at a time and never stop, that's it, there's nothing hard about it. 


The real motivation is the next action, it's the next step, it's the only thing that will give you energy. Comfort and assurance will never make you strong, it will only make you weaker and slower. If you want to get stronger then you need to find a way how to take the next action and believe that it will take you to the next level. Actions will fuel your beliefs, if you can make sacrifices and focus all of your energy to your goal then you will live a different kind of life. Just do it and you will feel much better, you are feeling like a garbage because you're not doing anything, as simple as that. Just give your very best and that's it, there is nothing else to worry about. It's too easy, just do something and never care about what's going to happen next, just keep moving forward and that's it, too easy if you will just try. Don't worry about the future and just move. 

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Dec 3, 2024


Create your hardest version, don't tolerate softness, don't tolerate laziness. Just do it, just get what you want and be very close to your goal. Position yourself to winning and never act like a weak useless clown anymore. You're acting weak that's why you can't make a statement. Stop feeling entitled of an easy life, stop feeling like a son of a king even if you're just a son of a slave because you're acting like a slave that can't do something about your life. Push yourself to create something, never stop working hard, never stop pushing because you need to make a statement now, make an impact if you want to win in life. Stop pampering yourself, just avoid distractions and you can make something happen with your life. It's up to you if you really wanted to make an improvement with your life. If you want to feel strong, if you want to see greatness then go hard and stop all the weakness, as simple as that. 


Luck will only come to people who keeps on moving forward. You never know what will work so keep trying. It is every good if you keep on failing, that's the real path to success. Luck will only be attracted to you if you are really serious with your work so stop wasting time and just keep going no matter what. Push yourself to the limits, force yourself to work hard and give everything you've got no matter what. It's not that you don't have the skills to win, it's just that you're too soft and acting like a diva, you're acting like a rich kid that have everything but the truth is you don't have anything at all. It's time to stop acting like a spoiled kid and do something, what are you going to do about it? you need to start taking actions now and do whatever it takes to win. You will only win if you will get faster and work harder, as simple as that. Discipline and speed is a big game changer, you can become fast now and do something that will make your life a little bit better. Master hard work and discipline and you will become unstoppable. 

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Nov 26, 2024


That's your problem, you're getting addicted to laziness. It's not the lack of skill, opportunity or support that stops you... it's your laziness and lack of discipline, that's it. If you will just become disciplined and committed to your goal then you will succeed, as simple as that. So stop looking for what is stopping you and focus on what can be done today. Just focus on one step at a time, one day at a time, one process at a time. You don't need to become fast here, you just need to stop wasting time and that's it. Look no further to what is missing in your life and start taking the blame, start taking full responsibility of your actions. Be disciplined enough to know what is working and what is not, if something is making your life worse then why do it? it's basic logic, you don't need a teacher to know what is right or wrong, you know it and you have to do it. Practicing and mastering delayed gratification will give you power, it will give you freedom, it's already an edge if you practice making sacrifices for a bigger picture. Stop wishing for comfort and build the strength to become resilient in times of challenges and troubles. You will never grow with comfort and easy times, you will never learn through shortcuts, you will only improve if you're experiencing what is hard. So stop blaming the government and the people that hurt you, take matters into your own hands and give everything you've got. Take it one step at a time and push yourself bit by bit, there is no problem if you will stay disciplined and focus on your dreams. So stop acting like a chicken, stop clowning around and take actions now. DO your best, just give your all and never care about what's going to happen next. You have what it takes to improve, you have what it takes to become successful. Devour every single day and treat it as an opportunity to get better because it is. You can improve every single day if you will just work hard, stay disciplined and give everything you've got. You can always give your best, you can always do something that will improve your life. Stop feeling inferior, stop feeling weak and stay strong no matter what. never care about what people say, never care about what people are going to say, just believe in yourself no matter what and go further as much as you can. 

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Nov 23, 2024


Procrastination was created through overthinking and getting addicted to comfort. If you want to become a hard worker and a fast starter then stop thinking about perfection and just do something. Just do it, just start and never stop, as simple as that. Take it one step at a time and go all the way, you can make it if you really want it. Procrastination is only in the mind, you are lazy because you are thinking the wrong way. Detach from the outcome and just do what you need to do, as simple as that. First step is never hard, it gets hard because you want to become perfect, you want fast results, you want a shortcut, you don't want to feel the pain of taking actions. 


be a fast starter, face your fears and embrace discomfort, remember that this is all just a feeling, this is all just an emotion, the winners are the ones who are not emotional. Detach from anything that is making you feel bad and you already won, as simple as that. You can become a doer, you can become a machine if you will just forget the outcome and focus on what is in front of you. 


It's all about the habits, as simple as that. You are stuck because you made yourself stuck, you are full of crappy behaviors, you are doing a lot of things that are pulling you down, as simple as that. Stop looking for faults, stop trying to blame something and look at yourself, you are wasting a lot of your time doing things that are not even important at all, you have to take matters into your own hands and force fate. Nothing will help you, the needle will not move if you will not force it to move. You will only grow if you are taking a lot of actions every now and then, every second is an opportunity to grow or make something work, you can make something click, you just need to believe in yourself and the power of your actions. So stop being a bum, stop clowning around and take your growth seriously, process the process and never complain if it is hard. If it's easy then fine but don't ever relax, you have to stay uncomfortable if you want to keep growing. The time is now, stop acting like you can win tomorrow if you can't take actions today, take actions now and push yourself to the limits no matter what. The fate is in your hands, you will never make a progress if you keep on looking for something or someone to save you. Nothing will save you unless you force yourself to take actions now, pull the trigger and never stop, the time is now, never procrastinate, never get lazy again, you have to take the first step fast, decide and never give up. 

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Nov 19, 2024


You're hoping for big results all the time that's why you can't succeed, you're wishing, you're dreaming but you're not doing anything. If you want to create a traction you need to keep moving forward, that's it, you need to force yourself to take actions so you will get better, as simple as that. You will never succeed if you're always procrastinating and holding yourself back, you need to do something special, give a full maximum effort and become something else. DO something most people can't do. Work the hardest, be the fastest and most disciplined. 


if you want to stand out, if you want to do what other people can't do... you don't need to become great, you just need to be disciplined. It is very easy and simple, just stop watching them. Most people now are distracted that's why they are failing, most people now are interested with other people's lives that's why they don't have time for themselves. Stop caring about who is winning or losing and you will have a strong mind, focus on getting better, that's all you need to do and you will stand out. You will get better and better every time you focus on yourself and stop thinking about what other people are doing. Stop being a chickenpussy and just work, you need to push yourself, wake up and do something with your life. Stop watching tik tok all day, stop daydreaming about hot girls on instagram because you will never get any of them unless you work hard and give your all. The time for being great is now, try stop wasting time and let's see what you can get by simply working hard and not giving up. Just work hard and that's it, quit thinking, quit acting like a clown and take the process seriously, as simple as that. If you can avoid getting interested with other people's stories or lives then you will be able to save a lot of time, you can save 5 hours a day b simply focusing on what really matters and not letting any distraction make your life worse. Because the truth is you are destroying your own life by wasting a lot of time for nothing. You can grow and get stronger everyday but you choose to become a bum instead. Stop living like a bum, stop being afraid of taking actions and do something positive now. Take actions now and never stop, go further as much as you can... that's how to standout. Stop getting interested with comments, hates, trends, stupid influencers because they are all traps. If you are not learning anything from them to grow, if you are not getting any useful inputs from them then stop watching them because they are wasting your precious time and you are ok with it. A sex girl, stupid prank, scripted lines, fake stories will never make you better, it will make you worse and you have to realize it. You think you're having fun watching them? stop fooling yourself because in the end it will backfire at you. A fat kid watching his favorite influencer for 2 hours a day could have just walk outside, he will have more energy, his mental game will get stronger. If you want to create a traction in your life, if you want to improve a little bit then stop wasting your time. 

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Nov 16, 2024


Don't ever think that you already gave your all because there is something else that you can do. Just move forward even if it's hard, even if you think that it's not working... still try to make it work, don't relax, don't slow it down, don't complain and never make excuses. Just do it, there is still something you can do and you can do it no matter what, you can still do it even if you think you can't. Stop being a chicken and just do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Always go for the attack, go for the kill and never stop, as simple as that, there is still something you can do and you have to do it regardless of how you feel. Stop being too soft, stop complaining and just keep moving forward. If you want to become unstoppable then stop being too emotional and just face the pain. Train yourself to become a doer, become a tryer, never give up and just do whatever it takes to win. Never live in fear, you can become fearless if you're all about taking actions, you can become unstoppable if your philosophy is to move forward no matter what. If you want to become a beast then act like a beast, stop acting like a chicken that crumbles with every sound or slight movement that is making it uncomfortable. Stop sleeping, stop killing your time and just do whatever you can do to make your life or situation a little bit better, you can do it if you really want it, you can make it if you're pushing yourself to the limits. Good things will happen if you keep on moving forward, stop wasting time hoping for things to become perfect, life will never become perfect, everything is hard and it will get harder if you don't push yourself to take actions now. Just do it, never care and just do it no matter what. If you want to get better then stop holding yourself back and do what is important. Do what will give you an edge. Never waste a single second procrastinating and daydreaming, daydreaming and hoping is for losers. You can never force something to change if you're always lazy and just dreaming about the things that you didn't work for. Just move and never think about something else, just do whatever you can do and be fast. It's all about speed, this is not about perfection, this is all about speed and trying over and over again until you become successful. If you are fast then you already have an advantage, the good news is being fast can be achieved by anyone, it's just a matter of training yourself and not being scared to pull the trigger no matter what. So just do it, start now and never stop, start now and keep fighting for your right, keep fighting for what you want. Be fast and never ever stop just for a second. 

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Nov 12, 2024


You can never change if you're trying to change everything outside of you. Nothing will change if you're focused own what's wrong with your life, surrounding or circle. Your life will only change if you will focus on the inside and start making your mentality stronger than ever. Discipline is what you need, you need to cancel everything that is making you weak. Erase the thoughts that are harmful and demotivating you. It's gonna be hard but it is very simple and everyone can do it. Everyone can change but it is really hard because you are pretending that you don't know what to do, you are pretending to be stuck but you really know what to do and that is to face the pain of hard work and discipline You have to stop doing what you've been doing for years that are only derailing yo from becoming successful. It's in your mind, it's you that is stopping yourself. Just take it one second at a time, don't rush anything, this is simply a change of lifestyle and culture, this is simply removing the useless habits that are destroying your system. Work hard for yourself, don't work hard for other people because you are only wasting your life by doing that. Start recreating the pattern that will work for you. You can enjoy your life if you are disciplined and committed to greatness. Stick with the basics, just do what will give you something in the future and that's it. Patience is the key, watch yourself all the time and stop yourself every time you're doing something stupid and useless. This is going to be a grind but it's worth it. Test yourself, what you can achieve? what can you get by being disciplined and committed to greatness. Change can start now, it can start today, force yourself to work hard and give everything you've got even if you're not getting enough results. If you hate living like a clown with no direction then you better force yourself to change your habits, timing, pattern and way of thinking. It can be done if you will believe that it is really possible. 

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If you want your life to change, never do what is comfortable, don't get addicted to easy things, do what is hard but has more benefits, do what is a little bit harder than your usual routine. Do what will make you uncomfortable, face the pain and embrace all the hardship of life. 


Struggling will make you powerful, it will take you to another level, your mentality will get stronger, you will become unbeatable if you don't quit. Struggling is good, it means you are trying. Struggle to get better, never get struggle to get worse. Some people are struggling to get worse like struggling for money just to support their vices. Don't struggle just to struggle even more. Struggle to get better like studying, practicing or exercising. Struggle for something that will give you benefits it the near future. It's like investing, the question is where are you investing your time and energy? 


Struggle now and go further, don't think about losing, don't think about failing... start now and never stop until you finally made it. Be on attack mode, always do something that will make your situation a little bit better. Stop wasting a lot of time doing stupid things that will only make you worse, you have to make yourself an animal, a beast, a fast starter if you wanted to win in life. Speed is the name of the game, you will never win if you're always holding yourself back and acting like a depressed clown because you can't see any results. You will never see any results if you're not moving, so start moving now and do whatever it takes to succeed in life. Time is ticking, don't waste your time with pleasures and comfort, it is only making you broke and lose, you have to have a winning mentality and that is using your time for your advantage only. 


Start fast, whatever you want to do... do it and never stop until you're done, discipline and focus is a very powerful force, you will become what you repeatedly do so if you're giving your best every single day then you will become the best, you will get the best, you will have the best life that you can every have, as simple as that. Just do it, never care about your feelings because it is the number one obstacle that is stopping you, so what if you feel bad and so what if you will feel bad, do what you need to do no matter what. Stop all the dramas and excuses, give your very best today. You will be surprised with what you were able to accomplish if you will focus on moving forward and giving everything you've got. Start now, what the hell are you waiting for? you will never get ready anyway so just start now and push yourself to the limits. 

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Nov 8, 2024


Any action related to your goal that was taken seriously is making you improve, that's it. So never stop taking actions, never stop moving forward because that's all you need to do. Never stop grinding, never stop hustling and just do whatever it takes to succeed... as simple as that. You have to go all the way even if you can't see any way, you have to believe that every step is taking you closer and closer to your goal. Believe in your work, keep improving through small actions. Stay consistent and face any challenges everyday. You will only grow if you really believe that hard work pays off. You have to work for longer hours, you have to be fast an avoid wasting a lot of time. Time is limited so why waste it for nothing. Hard work kills depression, envy, weakness and bitterness. If you want to feel much better, if you want to feel happier then do the work and never watch other people's lives or works because it is only making you jealous. This is a journey, enjoy your own journey, enjoy your life and never give up even if it is really hard. Time will never wait for you. Time is really fast and it will punish you if you're wasting a lot of it. So don't ever waste your time and try to grow as much as you can. Focus on living rather than resting, you are resting too much, you are too comfortable that's why you are feeling uncomfortable. If you're too lazy then you will neve really feel good at all. Your body will always look for something to do, your mind will be thinking negatively if you're not moving for yourself. So stop consuming, stop wasting a lot of time and do the work needed in order to get to the next level. Willpower is real, all you have to do is push yourself to the limits, do as much as you can and just wait for the results. The results will come in just a matter of time, you don't need to worry about it, it will be yours if you're really grinding and hustling everyday. So don't stop ever and just do what you can, this is a journey, it is your life, you can do whatever you want to do with it. Be a doer and not a watcher, look at yourself... are you watching all the time? if yes then you are being manipulated, you are setting yourself up for failure. If you want to get better then stop watching then start creating, don't be dumb, don't be fooled by these people who are trying to eat your time. Save your time and energy for greatness only. Create a new you, just do whatever you can with all your heart. You can become unstoppable if you want to, it's just a matter of going all the way and not stopping, be relentless, this is your time, don't just take your day for granted... make it productive and see what is possible for your life.  

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Nov 7, 2024


If you're going to work extremely hard, give your all and make sacrifices like no other then success is guaranteed as simple as that. You will only fail if you will give a very weak effort. Success will be yours if you're going to the extra mile and pushing yourself to the limits. Work like hell, stay disciplined and committed, the world is yours if you will do what other people can't do. Most people are weak nowadays, they are complaining, they are so soft and addicted to comfort that's why it's very easy winning now. If you can just be fast and extremely dedicated then you will become unstoppable, nothing can every hold you back. So keep pushing and be the best that you can be, this is too simple... just stop wasting time on drama, excuses, gossips and any other activity that is only derailing your progress. You are the one who is stopping yourself, stop sabotaging your own journey and give everything you've got no matter what. It's on you, the power is yours, are you just going to live like that? or are you going to believe that there is more waiting for you? Stop living like a bum, stop being weak and just do whatever you can do to make a small progress every single day. You can take actions anytime you want to, realizing that is one true power, you can move anytime you want and create something. You can improver everyday, it's just a matter of being committed and loyal with the process. Go hard every single day and never take any second for granted, you can do it if you really want it, you can make a progress if you will stop being lazy and live like a serious man on a mission. 

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Nov 6, 2024


LIFE GETS EASIER IF YOU WILL not rely on something to save your sorryass. You don't know when are you going to become successful so just move forward and never give up, a simple as that. Looking for outcome, looking for something to make you feel better is weakness. You have to trust the process, work as hard as you can and never stop... That's the only way to become happy. At the end of the day success will never make you happy forever because once you get what you want you will only become happy for a few days or even hours and then you will go back to the real you. You will feel normal again, sometimes you will even feel sad. There's no complete happiness in the outcome, stop looking for comfort, easy tasks, support shortcuts, appreciation from other people awards or even easy money. You have to enjoy the process, be present and trust that hard work alone and enjoying it is enough. You don't need to look for what is missing in your life, that is weakness. It's ok to dream about big things but crying about it is making your life miserable. So what if you can't get it? it's ok, there's so much in life than what you are wishing for. 


Decide that nothing can stop you, decide that you're going all the way. Decide that you're going to be ok no matter what. Decide that you can do anything you want whenever you want to, decide to become fast starter, decide to focus on trying to make yourself better. You can take any actions any time you need to or want to and that is power. You will become powerful if you stop being lazy. Just do it, start it and follow through. The only thing that is stopping you is your softness. Stop being soft and go hard. You're acting like a spoiled diva that's why you can't take actions. Always remember that moving is 100x better than not moving at all. 


The outcome is not in your hands. People are crying about not getting chances, subscribers, breaks, followers, money etc. They don't know that they cannot force any situation if it's not for them. You cannot force things to come to you if it's not for you. There is something waiting for you, you just need to keep moving forward and give everything you've got no matter what. What will happen will happen, forget it and just focus on working hard and giving everything you've got. You can win if you will take actions and forget about comfort. Comfort is for the weak, it's for people feeling entitled. So take actions now and allow yourself to become a beast, push yourself to the limits no matter what, do it now and never waste time, the freedom is yours. 

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Nov 4, 2024


Discipline is what you need to develop if you want to make a breakthrough. If you find yourself about to do something stupid or useless but fun and entertaining... stop it, you need to invest your time on things and activities that are more meaningful and beneficial. The only one who is stopping you is yourself, it's not life, it's not other people, it's not the world against you... it's you who is making your life miserable by getting addicted to pleasures and instant gratification. That's why be aware if your surrounding, something is trying to tempt you, something is seducing you to take a bad action and if you can ignore them one by one then your mental stamina will level up, you will be able to embrace stress and focus on something that will give you a better life. One by one... little by little... change your character and remove the bad habits and vices. One by one... detect what is trying to tempt you and ignore them. Don't waste your time and energy, you can really become very productive if you will just do what is right, stick with the basics no matter what and trust the process, trust that every action you take is taking you closer and closer to your goal. You can become fast, you can become busy, you can become a winner in just one day if you will do the winner habits. It's not about getting what you want or need, it's not about the money nor riches... it's about becoming a different person, and the good news is... you can become totally a different person in one day, you can stop all the useless habits that are derailing your progress. You can focus for 24 hours a day and do only the things that has  potential to give you a better life. If you can stay busy for one day and attack your goals relentlessly then you already won, all you need to do is repeat it forever, repeat the process everyday and you will attract anything you want. It all starts with your transformation then after that is results. You don't need to worry about the results anymore, you just need to focus on being disciplined and that is enough, you can break through bit by bit. You are in complete control here, avoid all the instant gratification and you will become a super human, you will become relentless, nothing can stop you. Build the right habits now and never go back to your old weak habits again, it's too simple. Smash your playstation, uninstall your facebook, stay away from toxic friends, turn off the news and do what can make you a little bit better. Drink water, exercise, throw away your junk food, build your own business, start learning a new skill, build your own you tube channel so you don't have to watch other channels that will waste your time and energy. 

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Nov 3, 2024


Be in the moment and you can love what you do, you can embrace a boring task, you can endure some pain, you can survive a stressful situation. Just learn to breathe and relax during hard times and keep moving forward even if you are slow. Nothing can stop you, nothing can ever make you feel bad if you will control your mind. Discipline your mind to appreciate everything in front of you, it is hard but if you can master it then you will be in control all the time. You will become powerful and unbeatable. Love the moment, love the challenges, love the people you hate and learn to toy them, if you can't then just ignore them. You don't need to take this life seriously, I mean get serious with what you do if you need to be serious about it but never think that it's the only life you have. Stop being stuck with something forever and keep moving forward as much as you can. You can make a progress now if you will just focus on what you can control, there is something you can do, stop overthinking and procrastinating because it's only making your problems bigger. Your problems will get bigger and bigger as you delay the actions that you must take. No matter what you feel, no matter where you are there is something you can do and you need to do it in order to have a momentum and more energy to finish your job. Love the process, love the struggle never complain and learn to have fun during the most difficult moments of your life. It will get easier if you will be in the moment and stop being anxious about what the future holds. What will happen will happen, you don't need to worry about it anymore, the only thing you need to be worrying about is yourself, what are you doing? what are you thinking? you must learn how to control yourself and regulate your emotions because that is the only thing that is making your problems bigger, you are focusing on your problems too much and the things that you haven't done yet. Regulate your emotions through breathing and accepting everything that is happening around you. You don't need to have a perfect life, you just need a strong mind and you will be able to survive anything, never let yourself down by overthinking and anticipating something that you don't like, stop reacting and start becoming proactive. Stick with the process no matter what, stop making excuses, stop looking for shortcuts and just do whatever you can taking actions will make you feel so much better. Just go, deal with whatever is infront of you and never be afraid if you can't solve your problems, it will be solved later, sometimes you don't even need to think about it you just need to move forward and it will be solved naturally. 

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Nov 2, 2024


You've been doubting yourself for a long time, you're scared, you're worried if you can win or not because you feel that it's really difficult and impossible. Always remind yourself that the external things doesn't matter and what matters is your thoughts and actions. Cater the right thoughts, build the right habits and you will be able to forge a different results in your life. Train yourself to become a doer, stop thinking about the results too much and just focus on the process. The real result is the person you become, it's your ability to concentrate on trying to make yourself better that counts the most. The results, money, opportunities etc. will come if you are trying to make yourself better each day. The real journey is you, it's what you do, it's your transformation, it's you becoming a different beast because you're no longer afraid of the outcome, you're so focused on being better each day and being the best version of yourself. Because you haven't seen the best version of yourself yet, you will only see it if you are focused on what you do, think and plan. Start watching yourself, stop watching other people's lives because it's only making you weak, slow and jealous. You need to focus on step by step process that makes your life a little bit better than yesterday. You have to do what you need to do in order to get a little bit better, stop thinking about shortcuts because it will only disappoint you in the end. Start believing that you can, your confidence will get stronger the moment you focus on taking actions and stop focusing on what you've been getting everyday. A human mind will always look for what is missing in his life, that is your default that is why you're always depressed, lonely and feeling the lack of something. Change your attitude now, focus on taking it one step at a time and being patient with the process. It's ok if you are slow, it's ok to get slow. Remember that it's not a race, it's a battle of mental toughness and endurance, he who can survive for a long time and enjoy the process will win. A winner doesn't mean you need to have medals, awards, money or something, a real winner is someone who can enjoy any type of experience and keep moving forward anyway. So stop complaining about what you don't have, stop all the dramas and start working on yourself. Condition your mind that you are the best in what you do, believe that you are powerful and can make an impact with your passion. Protect your mind from negativity and start facing and adversity that will make you stronger and better. You have the power to create, why not do something now? stop being programmed by wrong thoughts that are making you slow, weak and unproductive. Life is a choice, choice is everywhere, stop thinking that you are hopeless and has no choice. The best choice is to think the right way and take actions that will make you closer and closer with your goals. 

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Oct 31, 2024


If you want to believe in yourself do the work, if you want to work more believe in yourself. One thing cannot exist without the other. You will only have strong confidence if you stay disciplined, make sacrifices, focus on yourself and exert an insane effort. You will never go anywhere if you keep on acting like a useless bum. This is simply about hard work and giving your all, don't look for something else because you will never see it. Believe in yourself, if you really believe in yourself then you will never rely on hope. Hoping to get lucky, hoping to have a chance will never work, you have to get it by yourself. Believe that doing more will get the job done, stop being lazy, stop listening to gurus that there is a short way to success, those gurus are fake and just trying to sell you something, if someone is marketing something then it is not real. You have to believe in doing it your way, just don't be afraid to fail and keep trying, you will win in just a matter of time. Every action should be the right action, be mindful of the steps you take, is it taking you farther? or is it pulling you back? It requires a lot of patience, because you are making yourself a winner here and being a winner is not about getting money awards, houses or results... it's about being able to control yourself and avoid activities that will make you a loser. If you are disciplined enough, if you were able to install the right habits in your system and never waste a single second then you're already a winner, as simple as that. Opportunities will be attracted to you if you're a serious and high value person. Create something, build something now and make it big as it can be. Build that confidence little by little, keep pushing forward no matter what. Just take a small action now and then follow through, you have to stay consistent, stay serious and never let any distraction waste your time. The time is now, never wait for a perfect moment because it will never come. The right moment is always now. You have to pull the trigger and stop being a chicken, stop being a coward because you will only win if you move forward and do whatever it takes to win. Believe in yourself again, it's not about the external, it's about the internal. There will be doubts and fears, you will feel unmotivated but always think that this is just a game of belief, how can you win if you don't believe in yourself. No matter what happens you will be alright, fail or succeed you are still alive and can try again for the next time. There is no pressure here, you are just making things harder for yourself. No matter what happens... believe in yourself because that is the most important recipe for success and life. 

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Oct 29, 2024


Your biggest problem is you leave something after getting zero, you don't want to stick with the process. Zero wins, zero subscribers, zero money, you want your effort to be rewarded right away that's why you can't make a progress. You're too impatient, you're too lazy and soft. You will only become successful if you will go all the way and do whatever it takes to win. The question is are you doing whatever it takes to win? are you going the extra mile? if you can't answer the question honestly then stop complaining and go back to the grind. Hustle everyday, trust the process because the real process is you. Your transformation is the real reward here and nothing else, your evolution is the most important thing here, once you become better your value will go higher. So don't be afraid to get zero again and again, just don't give up and you are good. Every time you try, every time you do something that is connected with your goal... you are leveling up. You have nothing to lose here, you have everything to gain. At the end of the day you are the one responsible for your results, if you're not making any progress then it means you're not working hard enough. Hard work and consistency is the key here, you have to keep pushing everyday and see what is possible for your life. Don't be a punk, stop being stupid, stop being slow, stop being lazy. Just start again, nothing can stop you, you can try as much as you want and not get jailed for it. The time is now, you have to push yourself to do what is necessary. You must be in a sense of urgency all the time. Don't be afraid to lose, don't be afraid to try again and again, it's normal, failing is part of the design. The stupidest thing to do is to never try again and just give up. Giving up is for loser, you have to take matters into your own hands and do whatever you can. DO whatever it takes, stop acting like you are hopeless. Forget the results, forget what you're not getting, stop looking for what is missing in your life and start taking appreciating what you have and try to make it big as much as you can. be ok getting zero, you are not special, stop feeling so entitled that you are suppose to get everything you want anytime you want. There is a curating period, there is a waiting period, your time will only come if you don't stop working hard and do something everyday to get a little bit better. Be ok with a small progress, be ok if there's no progress at all, always remember that you're already improving everytime you are working. Be happy with what you've got and always believe that you can get more, you can get better but don't feel so attached with the results. It will come if it is about to come. 

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Oct 26, 2024


Think small, think about doing something and make it bigger and bigger as you move along. Sometimes thinking big is too overwhelming, it's making you stressed because you don't know what to do and don't know where to start. That's why you have to set small goals first and once you have a momentum... make it bigger and bigger each day, don't stop, don't rest and just take it one step at a time. This is much better than thinking big right away, if you can make small progress everyday and improve yourself then you will become unstoppable. Stop thinking about success too fast and just focus on taking one small step every now and then and be relentless with the process. Keep going further as much as you can, never let the fire die, never let any challenge stop you. You have to keep going no matter what, you have to push yourself and force yourself to do something that will contribute to your goals. Have no resistance when taking actions, just do it, just start and carry on. It doesn't matter where you end up to, what matters is you don't waste time and you just do whatever it takes to win. Think small, take small actions and keep moving forward. Once you're done with a small goal... move on to the next one and the next one. Feel unstoppable, feel your power. You will never lose if you keep moving forward, you will make something work if you believe in yourself and the power of small actions. Most people are thinking about being a billionaire but they don't know where to start, they can't take actions because they're just daydreaming. And speaking of that, daydreaming is just a waste of time, it will never take you anywhere, it will make you stuck, it will make you depressed because you're not moving. You have to prioritize taking actions, working at any fastfood restaurant is much better than doing nothing. Doing any kind of work is 100x better than just wasting your time and acting like you have a big plan that you will execute anytime soon. The best time to start is now, if you want to become big you have to believe in the power of being fast, start fast and never let anything stop you. You have to find a way how to make a small progress, find a way how to get better, it will only happen if you are working hard and always trying something new. Never quit, stick with the process and have fun with the trial and error method. You don't need to become big right away, you need to train yourself first to become a hard worker and then let's see what will happen next. So do something now and believe that every small step you take will lead you to a bigger goal that you can achieve. Step by step, inch by inch... conquer every challenge. Take small wins and get adducted to small success everyday. 

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Oct 25, 2024


You wanted to quit, you wanted to stop, you wanted to change route because you think you're wrong, you think there is no chance. Simply because you're always looking for results, you're focused on the external and not on the internal that's why you always feel that there is something wrong in what you do. You haven't given your 100 percent yet and you're already whining and acting like a victim. You quit so fast that's why you can't win, you stop all the time, you always look for what is missing and what you need to do in order to make a progress. 

What would you do if you knew you wouldn't fail? it's too simple... you will chase success. Believe in yourself, believe in your power, believe in hard work and perseverance. You have what it takes to become a winner, just give your all no matter what. Stop judging yourself and your actions, you have to feel free, if our intention for taking a particular action is to win then you are right. Just keep moving forward and never stop, that's all you need to do and you will win. Make the process simple, just keep on working hard each day and never give up, never let any challenge stop you, you have to feel unstoppable, you have to feel powerful because you have what it takes to win. Mistakes are part of the process, just because you are struggling and making some mistakes doesn't mean you're on the wrong path. Trust yourself, trust your decisions and skills, trust everything about you, stop belittling yourself, all you have to do is try. Use the trial and error method, just keep taking steps towards your goal and never feel bad every time you see no progress. Stop checking for results all the time, give time for the process to develop, just like growing a plant, you don't need to check if it's growing every now and then, you have to believe, you have to keep on moving forward and do whatever you can. Make the process simple, stop complicating it with negative thoughts, train your mind to believe, stop being emotional when things are not going your way and keep pushing from the beginning to the end. Just go with it, whatever you can do... do it and never hold yourself back, you are the only one who is stopping yourself, your thoughts are not helping you most of the time. Train yourself to think the right way, focus on taking more actions and stop overthinking because it will only make you depressed and unmotivated. If you want to have more energy... do more because it will make you happier and will give you more energy, you will become power powerful as you keep on taking actions. All the drama does is make you weak and slow. Just do it now and never stop, keep going further as much as you can. 

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Oct 23, 2024


You just cant' see it, you just don't want to accept it but the reality is every difficulty is an opportunity. You can shine from it, you can make a miracle, you can turn things around. Stop trying to curse an ugly situation because you can find something useful from it. Any challenge can motivate you or make you weak, it's really up to you, if you don't want where you are... just accept that you're there and try to get better, change from within and you will have the power to change anything outside of you, change starts from within, stop looking externally and focus on yourself. Every challenge is inviting you to grow so face it and never back down, never quit, just keep going and you will be alright, as simple as it sounds. Always remember that nothing can make you quit if you will not quit. It's very easy to become a fighter just keep moving forward no matter what, try as much as you can and never stop. This is a journey not a destination so forget about the results and focus on taking actions. It's all in the mind, if you think that it's difficult then it is but if you think that it is easy then you will be able to finish it fast, just do it, start and never complain. So never think that you are being punished, stop being hopeless, stay calm and keep moving forward, that's all you need to do, if you are moving while struggling then you are on the right path. Most people will panic when it is hard, they don't know that they are getting better and stronger when they are taking actions even if it is hard. Stop complaining like a weak clown, you're not a bum so stop acting like a bum and do what you can. 


Never give up, enjoy what you feel, enjoy what you think and focus on trying to make the situation a little bit better. Just give your best and have fun with the process. Life is not a destination, it's a journey, if you can accept this then you will become free. Whatever happens happens but it doesn't mean that you have the right to do whatever stupidity that comes in your head, of course do what is good, do what will make your life better but never put too much pressure on your shoulders because it's only a way of suffering. You don't need to feel the pressure because you have nothing to lose here. You will gain more if you will put yourself on the experience and never try to resist anything. You can adapt to anything, you can learn, you don't need to be scared anymore. Just enjoy the ride and have fun with the experience, you are in control, you can become very creative, the process can be very fun if you will just think the right way and stop wasting your precious time.  

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Oct 21, 2024


Most of you wanted to win but most of you doesn't believe in yourself. You wanted to win but you're always doubting yourself and that's the reason for your failure. If you really believe in yourself then you will trust the process and go all the way no matter what. You will push yourself to the limits and do whatever it takes to win. Willpower and taking action will be your number one thing. If you really believe yourself then you will never care about the difficulty of the task. If you really believe that you're going to win then you will give your all, you will never care if it is hard, you will never care about the problems and obstacles. You just take actions no matter what and you never care if you keep on failing again and again, you just knew that you're going to win in the end. Believing is the hardest thing to do, if you want to believe in yourself then work the hardest and never stop, as simple as that. Taking actions will increase your confidence in yourself, it's because you will know that you can take actions anytime you need to even if it is hard, even if you're feeling unmotivated. If you want to believe in yourself more then push yourself even if you can't push anymore, force yourself to take actions and make results. Be aggressive be fast and never hold yourself back, never let anything stop you, you can become unstoppable if you will just learn to ignore your emotions and focus on taking actions. Focus on giving your best no matter what. 


Stop judging yourself, that's the key to become very productive and effective, just do it with all your heart, believe in yourself like you're the best in what you do. Do it no matter what, do it even if you're failing, do it even if you have a lot of critics. Just start with small actions and never stop, never make excuses, never take a break, it's like meditating, take it one step at a time and feel the discomfort, feel the pain and never quit no matter what. Take it one step at a time and never care about your emotions, never care about your feelings because that is only stopping you. Your feelings is telling you to don't go, it's whispering you negativity, it's telling you to stay comfortable and don't go the extra mile. Champions keep going even if they don't have anything left in their tank. If you wanted to win then don't stop and just go for it. Stop aiming for perfection and focus on execution, just do it, do it even if you feel you're wrong, do it even if it feels that there is something missing, you don't need to be great right away, you don't need to become 100% correct all time, just show up and do something and you are good. At the end of the day taking actions is what really matters and nothing else. 

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Oct 18, 2024


You're not poor if nobody can abuse you, bully you, command you or make you do something you don't want. You are poor if you can't hold your own time, if you have no say to your life and cannot even absent in work when you don't want to work. You are poor of your boss can abuse you and make you do something you don't really want. Being rich simply means being in power, being in control and doing whatever you want that you think will give you a better leverage means you are not poor because you have the right mindset. You are in the right path and it's only just a matter of time before you attract more money. 


Create a system, save money for emergency and upgrade, don't waste your time and energy for weak activities like watching TV and porn, stop playing video games and do something that will give you something in the future. Discipline is the name of the game, if you are discipline enough and doing something that will upgrade your mind, body and financial status then you are in control, you already have some power. Having power is not about controlling people, it is controlling your life, it is controlling your mind and doing what you want to do whenever you want to do it. Work hard and you will have more power, if you are working hard you skills will upgrade your value will go higher, learn something new, develop some skills that are valuable in the market. 


Not being controlled by social media and porn, most people waste their time on social media that's why they don't have time for themselves anymore, they are not getting better they are getting worse the result is they are getting broke in the end. Stop wasting your time for some random stupid girl dancing on tik tok because it is taking away your chances of getting better and having a much better life. It's better to work on McDonalds rather than wasting your time watching some lustful activities by those girls 8 hours a day. Stop being controlled by temptation, stop letting anything waste your time and energy and not getting any advantage from it. Your time is your most important resources, stop wasting it for nonsense activities that you will regret in the end. If you want to become strong, if you want to become powerful and in control... stop wasting your energy and time for something that will make you poorer, weaker and slower. 


Even if you don't have a lot of money you are not poor if you are creating your life little by little. If you are doing something now that will give you something in the near future, if you trust yourself and not being owned by some random chinese that will abuse you then you are not poor. 

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Oct 17, 2024

small actions is very addictive

Small actions once you made it a habit are very addictive, the question is where are you getting addicted to? what are you doing everyday? are you addicted to being productive or are you addicted to laziness and procrastination? the power is in your hands. You can make yourself useful, energetic and positive by taking small actions and doing it again and again. You can become unstoppable if you want to, all it takes is some use of your willpower and going all the way. Start now, never stop yourself, never hold back, never procrastinate and just do it. 


Produce as many as you can, love as much as you can, work as hard as you can, start as fast as you can. Whatever you need to do now.. do it with all your heart and passion. Be in the moment because it is the technique that will give you more energy and motivation to keep going, staying present will give you power and control, it will make you faster and stronger, it will give you more strength to persevere and face all the challenges. Get addicted with small actions that are making your life better, you need to be mindful of what you're doing, stick the the process that is making you much stronger and productive. Never build a habit that is destructive and self sabotaging. You are the one who is in charge of your life, you better do something good about it or else it will never reward you. Take care of yourself, take care of your life and do whatever it takes to become productive everyday. Start fast and finish fast, never procrastinate, never waste your time because it is too precious and limited, you have to use your time to get better each day. This is an endless process, if you really want to feel good about yourself, if you really wanted to change then just be in the moment and do something that is really rewarding and helpful to your being. 


To change yo must embrace discomfort and do it anyway. Never care about your emotions, go against your emotions and never stop doing what you need to do, you need to force yourself to take actions or else nothing will change. Change is very simple... just do it and never stop, just take the first step and never stop, all it takes is getting better every single day, even if there is no evident of change... stay consistent and never go back to your old habit again. You can do it, just trust the process and never rush anything, be in the moment and take it one step at a time, it's only hard in the beginning but once you get use to it... you will feel really better and satisfied, you will have more peace of mind if you will become a doer instead of a procrastinator. It's really that simple... force yourself to take the first step and keep going, follow through as much as you can.

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Oct 13, 2024


If you will never consider it as a problem it will never become a problem. No problem can stop you if you will use your will power and determination. You can move forward as much as you can. Take the first step and follow through as much as you can, this is simply about repetition and nothing else. You can become unstoppable and relentless if you want to, the key is to stop looking for results, stop thinking about the future and just take actions now. It's your mind that is stopping you, your negative thoughts and wrong ideas are making you weak and useless. It's your bad habits that are making you stuck. Nothing is impossible, you can do anything you want, you can make a small progress now if you will just force yourself to take actions and never hold back, once you start... never quit, keep pushing, keep going further no matter how slow your pace is. It doesn't matter if you're feeling fine or not, feelings doesn't matter at all, the most important thing is your level of perseverance, are you willing to go the extra mile? are you willing to push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got? 


You have a lot of ideas in your head but you're only executing 1 percent of it, why not at least try executing 50 percent of it? what do you think would be the result? You need to be fast, execute whatever you have in your mind before it's gone, it's an instinct, it's telling you to take action now, it will give you a very powerful momentum, that's the guide... do it even if you are scared. If you fail you fail, so be it, it is what it is, you need to take actions now because that will give you a strong habit that will attract success in the future. You have a habit of procrastinating too much that's why you can't make a progress. You are delaying too much, you need to work now and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. What the hell are you waiting for? do it before it's over, stop wasting time because it is killing you and making you worse, you need to make the best out of your life, giver everything you've got now and never look back, keep pushing forward, keep going further until you can't go no more. Start  it now and finish it now, stop acting like a slow turtle, stop playing around and take it seriously, take the process seriously and believe that every action is making an impact. It doesn't matter if you don't have money, resources, help, assistance or time, just do it and you will have time for it, do it and you will find the energy to finish it, as simple as that. Willpower is all you need, a little belief in yourself plus hard work will take you further than what you expect. 

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Oct 8, 2024


It's already late, you need to sleep but there is something important you need to do, you're afraid that you might run out of time, you are so afraid that there is no enough time left to finish it. You're already old, you think there is no enough time to pursue a big dream. There is a deadline, your boss is trying to harass you so bad because he needs an update. You want to become great but you're so afraid that it will take a lot of time to get to the next level. It's already rush hour, you're so afraid that you might get stuck in traffic and might not be able to come home on time. You're so afraid of time that is why you're stuck in your ugly situation forever and couldn't make a progress. You can't improve because you're so afraid to get stuck in a situation that requires a lot of work and a lot of time. You're so afraid to run out of time that is why you're stressed even more. But if you will forget about time then you will become free. The truth is it's not about time, it's about how you feel. Time is your ally if you will be early, fast and disciplined. It will become your enemy if you are always late, you will have more time if you are decisive and all about actions. The more you waste time the more you run out of it, the more you work hard the more you will have time. It's simply about priorities, prioritize the activities that are more important and will help your life and you will have more time. You don't need to give time to things that will not even give you something in the near future. This is not all about money, it also has something to do with your well being. So if you keep on wasting time for pleasures and useless activities then you will run out of time to get better, you will always be late, you will always rush, you will always panic and have a lot of problems in the future. But if you will use your time wisely and use most of it to get better, even if the activity is hard... you will still have a better life in the future, it's simply like investing, you invest your time for good things and good habits and you will be rewarded in the future, as simple as that. So what are you doing now? look at yourself. Be honest and never fool yourself, you know if you're working hard or not, you know if you are simply wasting your time or not. A 10 minutes studying of a specific skill is much better than wasting your 2 hours for non stop watching TV. It's your call, the power is yours, you can get better if you will just practice delayed gratification all the time. So force yourself to get better and never waste a single second, force yourself to do what you need to do now regardless of what you feel. Don't be afraid if time, take actions now and manage later, you can make adjustments later, the most important thing is having a small momentum now and make it stronger and stronger, your life will adjust if you are focused on your goals, you will do what is needed automatically if you are really serious about winning. You don't need to become perfect here you just need to move and start now. Stop being a pussy, stop being a chicken and make a move, the time is ticking, don't be afraid of it but don't ever waste it, if you need to start now then start and give everything you've got, give your best no matter what and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Yo will have more time if you are not clowning around, just don't waste it for useless activities, be on a roll, keep yourself busy and never stop until you're done. This is not about being perfect about time management, this is about taking it one step at a time to get better and better instead of getting worse and wasting your life for useless and nonsense activities. 

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Oct 6, 2024


Any deficiency can become a quality. If you're not good in one are you can become good in another are. For example if you're not good in math you can become good in science. In basketball if you're not a tall player you can become a good ball hander, you can become a great point guard, if you're not good in shooting you can become good in driving a basketball. Just believe in yourself and you will make it through. The reason why people can't succeed is because they  were focused on what they can't do rather than focusing on what they can do. Just focus on your strengths not on your weaknesses and you have a chance to become successful. If your body is already aging focus on your mind, focus on your knowledge and try to adapt to any kind of situation. There is something you can do at the moment, the greatest sin is not using your strength and wisdom to make something better. You can survive anything, you can thrive at any given situation if you will just believe in yourself, work hard and do whatever it takes to win. Never underestimate your skills, never count yourself out. Just because you're not winning doesn't mean you can't win, just because you don't look strong doesn't mean there is nothing you can do. Just find a way, just work as hard as you can and never give up, as simple as that. Deficiency can become a quality, all you have to do is look for what you can do that will make your life better and focus on it. Never waste your time and energy looking for what you don't have in life, never waste your day, keep going no matter what and do go all the way. It doesn't matter if you win or lose what matters is you give your all. So start now and never look back, do something and believe that you can win with what you have. Start with what you have and go further as much as you can. Nothing can stop you if you will feel unstoppable, nothing can hold you down, you are the director of your life, you are in control. SO keep going and keep trying, never give up when it is hard... trust the process, always take one step forward and never stop. It is ok if you are slow, it's ok if you're not progressing, just don't stop and never think about quitting. Finish a small task now towards your goals, you can go slow if that's all you can do but be consistent and never stop. Winning is simply moving forward and nothing else, this is not a race, this is not about how great you are... it's about how persevering you are so embrace the difficulty, face all the challenges and never let anything break you. Never let anything make you change your mind, be a single minded person, think only about success and moving forward, never let problems and obstacles affect your mind negatively. Always think that what is making your life harder is making you stronger. 

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Oct 5, 2024


You can watch all the motivational videos on the web and still act like a bum, you can watch all the motivational coaches in their seminar and still not learn anything. Looking for motivation is just a waste f time, it will never help you, you have to go against your emotions and do it anyway. What you need to do, what you think will work... do it and never give up, as simple as that. Keep pushing forward until you're done, you're not serious that's why you're not getting any money or progress. Take it seriously and you will be able to make a breakthrough. All the stupid coaches out there will just steal your precious time, use your time to get better now, keep getting better and better and never waste any single second for gossips, stories, posts, notifications or something. You have to become a beast if you want to become great, be hungry with the process. Never let any stupid posts from tik tok waste your precious seconds because you can never get it back. Stop giving a person with a lot of followers some respect, you are not respecting yourself if you're wasting your time watching other people because you can become great too, you can become someone too if you will just bet on yourself and be the start of your own story. It's ok to become scared, do it anyway, there is no bravery without fear, it's ok to fail just try again next time. Never let a single thought stop you. It's not that you are tired, it's because you think you are tired that is why you are stopping. It's not that you are emotional, it's because you let a single thought make you feel something, you have to be aware of something and never let a single thought control or stop you. You have to believe in yourself, any motivation is useless, if you want to get better then be faster, start now and finish fast never let any excuses derail your progress, once there is a momentum.. keep going, keep pushing forward and never stop until you're done. You have to live your life to the fullest and you can only do that by being aware of your actions, being aware if you are stopping yourself because of your stupid fear, being aware of what's happening around you. Once you find yourself stopping... start right away and never let the momentum die, keep pushing because that is what it is all about, if you are pushing you are attracting something, if you are stopping you are pushing away something. You need to be mindful of what is going on with your life because most of the time you are doing something because you are doing it everyday, you are addicted to it even though you don't want to do it anymore, you can't stop yourself, that's why you need to be conscious all the time and stop letting your addictions fail you. All people can become successful and win like a champion the reason why they fail is because they let their addictions control their lives, they are not controlling themselves, once you get rid of your addiction... you will win, you will never become a loser again. So start now and just do what you need to do, as simple as that. 

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