Jun 26, 2023


If you want to change your life, if you're dreaming lofty dreams.... you need to become delusional. People will never understand you, people will never like you, they will get uncomfortable with your energy and belief. Don't buy in to people's comments that you can't do it. It's ok to dream big if you're doing whatever it takes to get it. Become a delusional but never procrastinate, always use your time for making your dreams come true. You should be 100% committed. You get better and better every time you work on yourself. DO something to make yourself closer to what you want, even if you're struggling, even if you're not progressing at all... just take actions and never doubt your beliefs. Be aggressive all the time, do it, if you need to start it then start it now, don't wait for tomorrow, never believe in later. Just do it, push yourself to do the next step and never hold yourself back. 

Do the hustle all day, grind and work hard, never stop. Let's see if you can's still make an impact, let's see if you can't make a progress. It's all about how hard you work and how strong your belief is, as simple as it sounds. If you are delusional you will do the impossible, you will never care of the consequences, you will just do it no matter what. Your belief will become stronger than your doubts, your actions will become faster, your will power will doubled. A real delusional is someone who is not working hard. If you're working hard then you have the right to dream big. 

Train your body and mind to push, do what you hate to do that will give you success. Prove it to yourself, not to your wife, not to your enemies, not to your friends, not to other people. Just prove it to yourself that you can do it. Do whatever it takes to get to the next level and never stop improving. Love the work, love the hustle and grind, always think about winning and never think about losing again. Create powerful thoughts inside of your head. It's ok to think about the biggest things in life, just make sure you will really believe it and work for it.

If you really want to become the best then you need to upgrade your mind, change your mentality and always believe in yourself. See yourself winning and getting everything you want. Take massive massive actions and never stop until you finally win, as simple as that. The game plan is too simple, just do it and never care about what people say. People will always have something to say and you can never control it. The only thing you can control is your effort. Use your willpower to make a small progress every now and then and never stop. Just don't stop and that's it. It's better to become delusional than a lazy person who has no dream at all.  Something magical will happen if you persevere and do whatever it takes to win. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com

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