Mar 6, 2023


If you want some direction, if you're lost and doesn't know what to do with life... go to where money is, at least you have a direction. It means don't do anything, don't think anything that doesn't have to do anything with money. Go for the money, go wherever it goes so you won't be wasting your life for nothing. It's ok to chase money, it's better than chasing people and approval, it's better than chasing something that was not meant for you, it's better than drinking alcohol or partying, it's better than doing the mindless scrolling on social media, it's better than gossiping or watching news. Making money is fun, it's hard sometimes but that's part of the game, you can't be having a sweet sailing all the time. Money is elusive sometimes but once you find a way how to make it and you built a foundation to get more of it... life will become pretty amazing. You will have more options, you will have more control. 

Attack the job, accept the opportunity, do more business, believe in every chances even if the odds were against you. Even if you don't have any means of making any money... just do something, believe that you can earn today, believe that you can do something great today. Money is that bad if you will never think of it as your power. Money is not power, the real power is within, the concept here is to use money to make your life a little bit better, just make sure what you're doing is legal and you're good. Chasing money is not that bad, it's much better than wasting your time for useless activities that only makes you broke, useless and depress. It's better to be working hard than not doing anything at all. Every time you burn your time and use it for something that will not make you better... you are setting yourself up for a big time failure. 

Money is not that hard to find, what is hard is to believe. It's hard believing that you can earn money today. It's hard to believe that you can become rich. But if you will just adjust your belief and just believe in yourself then you can become a millionaire too. You have the right to dream, you can ask for any number you want. Just make sure to work hard and give everything you've got. Don't worry about anything else, don't worry about failing or getting bankrupt, don't be scared if you are broke now and doesn't have any resources to start. Just start chasing for a number and never stop until you get it. That's the only way to win, take it seriously and never give up despite of the obstacles along the way. Go all in for the goal, dream about that money and make it real. hard work is the capital, determination is your asset. Never get discourage if you keep on failing over and over again, just keep pushing forward and you will find a way. 

Money is everywhere, you can find a lot of it if your focused on getting it. Stop pretending to be blind, you will see it if you're seeking it. Look every where, abundance is everywhere, you just need to believe and work as hard as you can. The formula is very simple... just don't give up.

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