Sep 26, 2021


Success is just a series of choices, high quality choices made from time to time, you make consistent high quality choices and you will achieve a wonderful life. The thoughts you choose, the actions you choose, every decision you made will affect your life. A small detail can make a big impact to your life, most people doesn't know anything about this and that's why they're living a miserable life. The thoughts you entertain, the actions you engage with is either making you or breaking you that's why discipline is very important here, you must be serious enough to know what is helping you or pulling you down. Be aware of what you're thinking and doing, accept that sometimes a pleasure is making your life uglier. 

Are you going to eat that junk food? are you going to get mad with your neighbor? are you going to give attention to things that will never make you evolve? it's really one good choice at a time, you can pick the right thoughts, you can pick the right images that will play into your head, it's really up to you. make a good choice for yourself, you know what will give you an advantage, you know what will give you money or glory. Stop fooling around, stop clowning around and take your life seriously. If you will not take the process seriously then you will go down, as simple as that. Discipline is a very powerful thing, focus will make you a beast. Focus on getting stronger, smarter and better and you will see your full potential. You can't feel powerful for now because you're not making the right choices, you're always  falling into a trap of wanting to feel good but making the wrong choices. If something was too easy, if it is delicious, if it is easy to get, if it is not a little bit hard then it is bad for you. Just like the unhealthy food, one night stand, watching porn, being lazy... these things are fun but will never give you anything in return. You have to mature because you're already old, and even if you're still young you also need to mature because if you don't then it will become your habit to destroy your life everyday. 

One good choice at a time is enough to make you a winner, not a perfect choice, not the best choice, just a good choice to make you improve is enough to become successful. You know what are these choices, you know what will put you on a best position to succeed, stop playing too much, stop clowning around and be the best that you can be. It's all in your hands, it depends on your ability to discipline yourself. Focus on become better and better and you will have a different life, something that is 100 times better than the past. It's on you, nobody can help you, you must take matters into your own hands and force fate, if you're not getting an opportunity now... create your own opportunity. 

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