Jun 30, 2019


If you're not getting what you want it means you're not looking further, it means you're not seeking hard enough. Look further, if you can't find what you're looking for from where you at then you need to look further, you need to keep pushing forward and do whatever it takes to see it and get it. It's what you see that what you're getting, if you're seeing less from your place then you need to look for more from another place. Stretch your beliefs, stretch your limits, there is more in this world, all you have to do is find it and claim it. Keep looking further, you will see it if you believe it, you have to believe that you're going to have it, you have to believe that you will succeed even if you can't see something positive in your surrounding.

Some people have great talents but they're not looking further that's why they get less. They could have been bigger than what they use to be but they choose to become conservative, they were simply lazy looking for more, they sell themselves short that's why they keep on getting the same thing over and over again.

Your eyes can see unlimited, it can always see something new and better all you have to do is open it. You think your awake but the truth is you're sleeping. Sometimes the opportunity is already in front of you but still you can't see it because you're not looking further, you don't believe in yourself enough to achieve bigger things in life.

There is nothing wrong in looking further, there is nothing wrong if you will open your mind for biggest things. It's ok to dream for more and get more, you have the right to get everything you want in this world.

So never belittle yourself, what you see is what you will get, all you have to do is adjust your vision, always see the biggest things in life, adjust your beliefs, make sure you believe in yourself, make sure you're working hard to get what you want and that's it.

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Jun 29, 2019


It's on, the journey starts now, your long journey is starting today so what are you waiting for? move fast, start fast, don't let yourself get behind. It's now or never, if you will not start now then you will never achieve anything in life. It's hard, it's really hard to start and force yourself to move but you have no choice but to move. It's on, this is not a joke, this is not an ordinary game, if you really want it then you need to work hard for it, you need to give everything you've got, that's the only way to go to the top. It's on, you can't afford to feel lazy now, you can't afford to do stupid things. This is an all or nothing situation. It's too simple, all you will do is focus and grind and stop being lazy, that's it, it's too easy, it's not even complex, you don't even need a great mind here. Just start, do what you need to do and never stop working until you succeed. Work on it, work on it, keep pushing, condition your mind to enjoy adversity and hard work.

If you really want it then you will push past pain, you will hustle, you will sacrifice. You have to think now, you have to decide if you're going all in or not because this is not a joke, this is a serious business. You have to feel ready even if you're not ready, you have to answer when you're called, you have to give everything you've got even if you feel that you have nothing left to give. So go all out, do what you can do even if you feel that you can't do it. Stop thinking about dominating or doing good right away, start working on your dreams now.

Always think that you only have once chance and if you wasted it then there will be no more chance. You have to be careful but you need to take risks, you have to be mindful but you need to lose your mind, you have to be cool and chilled but you need to have a burning desire.

So move fast, start fast and stop waiting time. You got this if you will push yourself to the limits, you will win this time so forget about losing, show them what you've got, make them feel how strong you are.

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Jun 28, 2019


This is a formula to become successful, the combination of these two things will surely bring success into your life... just be simple and humble. 

BE SIMPLE. Don't try to look cool, don't try to look flashy and rich, don't try to impress people. Just do your thing, know what is needed in your life. Never complicate your life. Just have simple friends, simple process, simple dreams, simple life and you will become successful fast. You don't need to impress a lot of people, you don't need to live like a king or a star, just be simple and people will like you especially of you're succeeding. Be simple and that's it, don't look to become popular, just know what you want and go for it. If you want to become popular then it's cool too but don't force it, let it come to your life, stop being to arrogant and loud because you will never become successful having that kind of attitude. Just do what you need to do, just be responsible and work hard, give your very best and success will come to you. You don't need to do stupid things, you don't need to look great and get attention from people, just be yourself and you will become successful. You don't even need to show them your skills and talents, just keep developing it and they will look for you

BE HUMBLE. Not all the time you will have a good life, not all the time you're in top. If you're succeeding right now keep wanting for more, keep working harder and never brag about your success. Just be humble, keep working hard and stay consistent. It's hard to become successful but it's harder to maintain it. So while the fate is still on your side... never relax, never feel arrogant because the moment you feel that you're too good to fail... that is the time you will fail. Never let your guard down, stay alert, stay competitive and keep striving for more. 

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If it's so hard then your belief should go stronger and stronger, as simple as that. That's how to fight in life, that's how to become a fighter, that's how to succeed. Your beliefs is the only thing that is real here, your beliefs is making you powerful. So if your belief is getting weaker and weaker then you're in big trouble. You need to be mindful of your beliefs, you need to be aware if you still believe in yourself or not.

It's easy to feel confident and great if everything is under control, but what if it's not anymore? Anyone can feel confident and cocky when the situation is good but what if they're in big trouble? of course their beliefs change too, they become depressed, worried and scared. It only means their beliefs where unshakable.

So whenever you're dealing with a very frightening adversity... don't look at the situation, look at your beliefs. Is your belief still intact? what are you believing? do you believe that you're going to win or going to lose? it all depends on how you belief, your belief will shape your reality. It doesn't matter how big the adversity is, if your belief is too big then no adversity can defeat you. You're in control if you have that strong belief that can withstand anything. Just weather the storm and make your belief stronger and stronger each day. Make it simple, focus on your beliefs, focus on how to make it unshakable and you will be able to bend the reality.

Your beliefs can create miracles, it can burn the fire, it can make the air visible, your belief is what shapes you reality. If you believe in something hard enough and you keep fighting... nothing is impossible to you, you will make it in life, you're going to create greatness.

So make a commitment that when everything feels so heavy and it's impossible to overcome it... focus on your beliefs, visualize that you're winning, shape your mind, make your mind tougher than what it was, entertain thoughts that will empower you and more motivated. Never focus on the thoughts that will make you weak. This is simple, it's all about moving forward and believing in yourself.

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Jun 27, 2019


You can adapt, I can adapt, he can adapt, anyone can adapt, even the ants can adapt. Anyone can adapt to any kind of situation that is happening to him, anyone can survive in any kind of situation. Humans were very powerful, they can adapt easily, they can manage to find a way how to survive. Look at the beggars, they were not even doing anything but did they die?

You can adapt, your mind can adapt and your body can adapt. So don't worry if you're suffering now, you will get use to it in just a matter of time, one day it will never even bother you anymore. Just play it cool, if you're being stressed right now because you're so virgin to the situation and you haven't experienced something like that before... just play it cool and don't even bother to complain. Complaining is for the weak, it is for the dramatic spoiled divas that can never enjoy any situation. For as long as you're alive... you must not complain about anything, just enjoy life because that everything is just part of the journey, everything is part of your life may it be good or bad.

Feel ready even if you're not ready, don't worry if a big challenge comes to your life, you can always get away with it, any problems will pass, any frightening obstacles will move away, you don't have to worry anymore, just live your life and give your very best... you can adapt no matter how painful or scary it was.

So whenever something is bothering you and makes you think... stop thinking, over thinking will only make you hurt even more. Just deal with it, have fun in solving it, have fun living with it. You never know, maybe it's a blessing in disguise, maybe it's a luck. Everything happens for a reason, it's difficult at the moment but you will be able to adapt, you will be able to make adjustments. So just keep moving forward even if it's too hard, don't be scared... just move and everything will be alright.

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Jun 26, 2019


Show the new you, if you're so sick and tired of living the same life over and over again then you need to create the new you, you need to be different than yesterday. The new you is waiting for you, you can't be like your old self forever, if you want to experience a new life then create a new you and live it, make a stand to live new forever.

The stronger you, the more believer you, the more powerful you, the more creative you, the more persevering you... you need to become different, what is the point of living a weak life? what is the point of not giving your best and not maximizing your full potential? you're just wasting your life if you're not living your life, create the new you... he is waiting to be lived.

So cut the craps in your life, cut the garbage habits, cut the useless thoughts and never let any useless information enter your brain. You have the power to create yourself, it's time to believe in yourself and stop trusting others. Believe on the power of believing in yourself. The new you is powerful, the new you can dominate and conquer the world.. it's time for you to believe in yourself and create a new you that will make you feel much much better.

It's time to leave the weakness in your life, you've been weak for so long, you've been lying to yourself for so long. It's time to make yourself much much powerful and amazing.

Live in your own way, do what is best for your life, use your time and energy to create amazing things. Focus on what you want and it will be yours, stop focusing on what you don't want and simply focus on what you want instead.

You can change, it's just a matter of believing it and using your willpower. You can change your life, you can change your financial status, you can change the way you look. Focus on what you want to happen and it will happen, as simple as that. There is a way how to do it, all you need to do is move forward all the time and stop looking on the things that you don't want in your life. There is no pressure here, all you need to do is give your very best and that's it.

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Jun 25, 2019


Fear is fake, anything that is scaring you is fake. It is not real yet, you just keep on thinking that it will happen because you already programmed it to your mind, and when you think about it strong enough... it manifest because your body and actions is reacting to how you think. Your mind created the fear, the good thing is your mind can also destroy that fear. Your mind is a powerful tool to destroy any high levels of fear. It's just a matter of producing a thought that is more positive and has the ability to neutralize fear.

CHOOSE CALMNESS OVER FEAR. If you keep on being scared and you can't control your thoughts anymore... choose calmness over fear. Just stay still, stop thinking, stop thinking about the future nor past. Just feel your body, feel your emotions and just let anything happen. Stay still, focus on your breathing, breathe slowly and enjoy breathing as much as you can. Calmness will destroy fear, silence is very powerful. Look at the greatest and most successful people in the world... they can manage to stay calm during the stressful moments, calmness will give you peace, it will make you think clearly and take positive actions.

Calmness alone can control any stressful situation, it can make your body stronger, it can make you feel better, it can destroy can kind of stress.

Fear is nothing, it's just an emotion, you must understand that you are scared, you must be aware that you're thinking about negative thoughts and use your willpower to change those thoughts, if you can't then just stay calm, stay still, it's like meditating. Once you manage to stay calm and be in the moment... you will be able to reset your mind and go back thinking positive again.

Fear is fake, never believe on what scares you, believe in yourself, believe in the power of possibilities. What scares you controls you, if you can retaliate and fight back then nothing can control you anymore.

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Jun 24, 2019


It's not about them, it's not about how they were badly impressed at you, it's not about what they say... it's about the process and having fun, it's about doing what you love and giving your best every single day. If you know in yourself that you already did your very best then you don't need to prove yourself anymore.

The reason why you can't do the process is because you're always thinking about what they might think, you're always thinking about what should be done to impress them, you're not enjoying the process anymore you're looking for a perfect results so that you will be praised and could get some fans. You want to become a star, you want to look great and that's why you can't concentrate on the process.

It's not about them, it's about the process, it's about enjoying the journey. It's not about the results, it's not about the money, fame or success... it's about enjoying the process and giving your very best every single day. It's not about what they think of you, if you keep on wondering what's on their minds then you will never be able to perform at the highest level.

Focus on the process and you will see success, if all you see is the people around you ready to criticize your work then you will never be able to show your best and give your best. Your focus will be based on their reactions, you will become conservative, you will feel pressure, you will feel like there's a heavy chip on your shoulder.

And even if you get the results that you're looking for, you will still undergo a different process. Life is a process, if you will not undergo any process anymore then you will become stuck forever, you will go crazy because you don't have anything else to do anymore.

Just enjoy what you're doing now because it is the best thing to do, forget about what people might say, they are not even related to your goals, they were just audiences and critics.

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Jun 23, 2019


Stop getting satisfied of getting less because you can always get more than that. You can get more, do more and be more. You're just holding yourself back and not doing the steps needed to accomplish something great. If you really want to experience life and experience real power then you need to maximize your life, you need to exert a full maximum effort. You need to keep going even if you're tired, you need to keep pushing all the time. Always feel free to take one more step, it's simply about taking one step at a time and not stopping so that you can accomplish more in life. Stop stopping yourself, stop thinking that it's not worth it, stop thinking that you're already tired and have given everything you've got. You can take one more step that will lead to another level of success, it's simply about how strong your desire is.

Never regret that you push yourself to the limits, never regret that you did whatever it takes for something and feel greedy a little bit. There is more, you just need to open your eyes, you just need to consider everything try as a chance and possibility to become successful. You have to do more so that you will feel strong, if you're doing lesser than what you can do then you will feel weak, you will never reach your full potential, you will always wonder what could have been achieved if you only work hard and give everything you've got.

Your energy is unlimited, you can do a lot of things, you can do great things so stop underestimating yourself. So start now and never stop until you get what you want, there is always something to do that will make you great, all you have to do is look for it and do it immediately. Stop babying yourself, stop being lazy and just give everything you've got.

You will be surprised of what you can do if you stretch yourself and keep expanding everyday, so whenever you feel uncomfortable doing something... do it and finish it fast. Get more, do more and be more.

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Jun 22, 2019


Don't worry about the sources because it will come and it will never run out. The source of energy will come back, it may get weak for a moment but just rest a little bit, slow your pace a little bit and it will come back. It's just a matter of trusting, it's just a matter of believing that no matter what happens you will be alright because you will, no matter what happens... if your confidence is still there and you have a fix mindset that you can do it then you will be able to do it.

The source of money is always there, it will never run out, it will come when you needed it. Just feel good about money, don't be afraid to invest your money but don't overspend it, there should be a balance. Sometimes the real abundance is by simply doing nothing and let something flow. Sometimes you don't need to spend any of your money to feel abundant, sometimes all you have to do is keep it and feel good about it... if that really makes you feel rich so be it. But if you feel rich by spending and you honestly feel good doing it without your future getting destroyed then do it, it all depends on how you feel and how confident you are. What is working will always work, the source of money will never run out so don't worry about it. There will always be a source and the source will never disappear. Even the poorest country has a source of income, even the poorest man can earn money, it all depends on how much you believe in the source.

Just like your body, it will never run out of energy, it may get weak for now but once you rest it then it the energy will come back. Just like your mind, it is the source of thoughts, the thoughts will never run out no matter how much you think everyday. The source will never run out and it never will, keep trusting the source, keep believing that something good is about to happen.

You can always find it if you look for it. The source of confidence, the source of belief, the source of power, the source of energy and money... it is always there. Just like the air that never run out... you can breathe anywhere, you can do it anytime, you don't have to worry about it anymore.

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Ride that momentum, once it is there... never stop. Never stop riding that momentum, add something into it, make the fire hotter, make the situation bigger. Momentum is a very powerful force, once you feel that you have it... don't be shy to take more actions, it's time to become a little bit ambitious here.

Make that momentum stronger, make that your foundation. Always think that everytime you add something to it may it be an action or thought... that momentum goes stronger. Ride that momentum and keep it rolling, never stop until you're done. Keep doing something for it, make it as big as it can be.

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Jun 21, 2019


Just be yourself, you have nothing to prove here, if you're trying to prove them that you're right and you're the great one then you will feel a lot of pressure on your side. Your mind will think negatively, you will think abut what they are going to say if you fail or if you look funny while doing your thing. You will be scared of trying and expressing your true nature.

There is nothing to prove, you don't need to look good to anyone, stop impressing them because that means you're fake. Just let your light shine naturally, if they praise you then good but if not then it's good too. Don't try to prove anything, you don't need it, you just need to give your best. Don't try to compete with anyone because that's only making you look like a bum, why will you try to
prove yourself if you really believe in yourself? You will look unnatural, you will look like a fake and everything you will do has a pressure because you're so afraid of making mistakes.

If you will just kill your ego and stop worrying about what people say then you will feel more power. Pressure will be lessen if you will never try to think about proving yourself. You can become the number one even if you're not thinking about it. Just enjoy the ride, your journey will become much much easier if you will just let the competition go, just let the idea of trying to look good to everybody go. The more you think about what they say... the more you are stopping yourself from taking actions.

Just focus on your own journey, focus on your own actions and never think about what other people were doing or saying, if you think about them then it means you're giving away your energy. Stop caring if they were right and you are wrong, if you keep on plodding and giving your best then you will become right also in the end. Stop caring if they were mocking you because you're not succeeding yet, just focus on giving your best every single day so that you will become happier and more satisfied with what is going on with your life.

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Take it just take it, good or bad take it. Whatever card you are dealt with... take it, good or bad card... take it. Stop being too picky, stop complaining too much because it's not helping at all. Just take it n matter what, take it even if it looks like it's not going to win. Because if you will not take it and you continue being a dramatic diva then nothing will happen to you. Just take it, don't be afraid of the challenge, life is all about moving forward all the time, life is all about facing every challenge in front of you and being fierce on conquering it. It's just a challenge, it's an opportunity. No matter how bad the opportunity looks... take it. Because you don't know if it will still come again into your life, you may never know that it's the last opportunity that will come into your life.

Most people already have the opportunity laid in front of them but they were so scared to take it. IT;s because it doesn't look good and perfect, it doesn't look sure, it's scary and unattractive. But in life you can only make progress if you will take every opportunity that is presented in front of you. You can never get out from the rut that you are in if you will never push forward and do whatever it takes to get a little result.

Just take it, be a competitor not a spectator. Be a predator not a prey, you should always hunt, you should always go for what you want and be relentless in chasing it. Good or bad, take it. In any situation that you are on... you should have a mindset of finding a way and using what you've got to the fullest, you should never stop working for your dreams, you should not stop chasing what you really want in life.

You don't need a perfect situation to win, good or bad situation... you can win if you will do whatever it takes to win. So stop complaining about the situation of your life, stop asking too much about what you need in order to have a good life... whatever you have right now... take it and create a great life out of it.

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What the hell did I get myself into?


Lebron James memes
Anthony Davis

Jun 20, 2019


If you're not pushing then you will never discover yourself, your true powers will never be revealed. Pushing yourself and working hard is the only thing that will give you progress, if you want to feel different then you need to dominate this day with hard work. Be an animal, be someone who will never stop until he get what he wants.

If you want to see greatness... dominate this day, feel unstoppable, choose something to do and do it for a very long time, work hard on it, make it deeper, be the best in doing it. Hard work will make you see different things, hard work will turn you into a super human, how good was that?

If you want to become dominant then work hard, fall in love with the process and never care if you're getting results or not. Hard work is the result itself, giving your best and focusing is the result itself, you don't need to worry about it anymore. Hard work pays off, if you're not happy then it means you'er not really working hard, it means hard work is making you suffer. Don't let hard work make you suffer, let it make you happy... that's how to create greatness in your life.

Hard work will make you have some pride on yourself, you know what you can bring on the table. If you can work hard on any given day then you are safe, no problem or challenge can every affect you.

Hard work can be done by anyone but only few will trust it that's why only few will succeed. Hard work is the key, there is no shortcut to success... hard work is the only way. Hard work is the key, hard work is the right path to success and no other else. If you can just dominate this day with hard work then you will be able to see the world differently, you will have a lot of fun in your life, you can create more and be more.

This day can be yours, conquer this day and you will be able to conquer everything, you will feel much much better and happier.

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If you want to become successful... you need to experience. You need to be moving forward and experiencing success and failure. Don't be afraid to experience the struggle, even if you're struggling you are still succeeding because you're experiencing something. Moving but struggling is much much better than not moving at all. Struggling means you're trying and progressing. So if you want to become successful... keep experiencing things, don't be afraid to have a difficult time, don't be afraid that you might get in trouble sometimes... it is all part of the process of success.

Experience a lot of things, keep moving forward. Experience means success, money and everything you want will manifest if you keep on doing something positive. Feel good by taking massive actions. If you are taking it one step at a time then you are becoming closer and closer to success, as simple as that. Don't forget to move, don't forget to experience something different today. For as long as you are moving forward... you will be alright, because that technique will make you happy, that will keep your sanity right in place. People who go crazy, depressed and weak were people who are not moving at all. They just want to stay on the same place and that's why they were not making any progress or change in their lives.

So if you keep moving forward all the time and looking for something to experience... you're on the right path, success will be attracted to you later.

Forget the money, forget success, forget being on top... just experience a lot of things and you will feel better. Success is all about feeling good, you can have all the money in the world but still feel bad, it means you're not successful. Experiencing a lot of things will attract good vibes.

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It sucks feeling stuck right? part of you knows what to do but you can't do it, part of you is telling you to act now but your brain is telling you to not do it because it will never work. And that's why it's not working... you are not allowing yourself to work on it and see what may happen. Take the first step, even if you feel that it will not work... just try it, do something, always remember that your time is running and if you will not use it properly then you will be stuck in a mud forever.

Everybody can move but not all people are willing to do it, not all people are willing to make sacrifices and push forward to make a change. All you have to do is move your hands and feet and stop thinking about anything else. Stop thinking about what if it will not work? what if I am just wasting my time and energy? Don't be afraid to get tired, that's the number one reason why you can't move... you always wanted to get pampered, you always wanted to feel good by not doing anything and just wishing for things to happen. You will never be able to change your life if you're always looking for comfort, there is no growth in comfort, there is only progress during times of stress.

It sucks to feel stuck, you're going crazy, you feel so weak, you feel so tired even if you're not doing anything. But if you're moving and enjoying the progress... you will feel stronger, you will not even feel tired at all.

You're stuck because it's how you feel, but if you feel that you're succeeding even if money is not there yet or success is not there yet then you're really succeeding. Success is all about how you feel, if you feel that good things are happening then it really is. You need to make your mind believe that good things are happening, you need to feel happy so that you will never feel stuck.

So just keep moving and feel happy doing something, feel happy that you're moving because not all people want to move even if they have the energy to do it.

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You will only become a loser if you will quit but if you will keep on fighting then you're still on the right track, nobody can call you a loser because you're still trying and you sill have a chance of winning. Decide to be a fighter now and you're already a winner, if you keep on fighting forever then you will be a winner forever Fight everyday, fight for your family, fright for your goals, fight for what you think you deserve.

You don't need to become super brave in order to fight... just fight and you're already a fighter, keep fighting even if you're scared, keep fighting even if you're stunned and eventually you will summon that courage you needed in order to stay in the fight. Have that mindset of you're going to fight no matter what. Just keep on fighting even if you don't know what to do, keep using what you know, keep using your power even if you don't know what's going to happen next. Miracles will show if you keep on plodding and do what you think is the best for your life. Know what you want and fight for it until the end. Keep fighting even if you're too damn exhausted, keep fighting even if the chances of winning is very slim. One day you will win, success will submit itself to you, the universe will hear your heart crying and it will grant you your wish.

Because if you will not fight then what else are you going to do? are you just going to take your life for granted? are you just going to waste another day and let opportunities come and go without doing something about it? you better make a decision now that you're going to fight even if the challenge in front of you is too damn hard and impossible to conquer.

Maybe it looks like you're losing now but if you will fight with all your heart then you're not a loser, the situation will change, you will be able to turn things around. So if you want to become a winner... keep fighting. Fight laziness, fight inactivity, fight the challenges, fight the problems in front of you, do something about it and don't just watch. Never let life control you... control life. You will become a better person if you keep on fighting, you will be able to reverse the course.

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Jun 19, 2019


If there is a will there is a way, this old and crappy old saying is true. If you can't see the way it means your will is not strong enough, it means you have a weak will that easily gives up. Just keep pushing forward and you will find a way. Find a way out of no way, even if you're already lost... that's still a way, you can still move forward, you can still make a move, it only means you're still on the right path even if you feel like you're lost.

Just keep moving forward and the right way will be revealed by itself. Never stop taking steps, never stop hoping and believing that you're going to become successful one day. If you're persevering enough and you believe something then they way will find you, you don't need to look for it anymore. Just keep working hard and they way will show you the way.

And even if you can't really see the way... you can create your own way, you can create your own path. Just relax and it will show up, you will be able to figure out what to do next.

There's a way to become successful, there's a way to win, there's a way to solve your problem, all yo have to do is keep working and that's it... you will see it.

So believe in yourself, believe that you will win... that's the key to find that way, and of course work hard and give your very best.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link: https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 18, 2019


It's easy to become a yoga instructor nowadays. Just watch some videos in you tube and copy all the positions. Master different positions, memorize all of them, you can even invent a yoga pose on your own. If there is a warrior pose then invent a slave pose or a monk pose. It's all up to your creativity and confidence. Just make sure that you know what you're doing and talking about and you're already a yoga instructor.

Anti gravity yoga, nude yoga, black yoga, yoga while eating yogurt... you can invent any of these. You can become a professional yoga instructor if you're practicing it everyday. Practice yoga for about 1 hour a day in three months and you can already teach yoga, you can even just practice it in one month, just master the basics and you are good to go. It's very easy just teach what you know and those bums will listen. It's not about how good you are, it's about what you can show, it's about what you can teach. Most people will listen to you because you're better than them, they haven't practiced for one straight month, they were just newbies and you are a bit professional because you know something that they don't know.

It's so easy to learn something nowadays, the information is everywhere, you can even build your own house. Just watch the channel in youtube.... buildMyHouseTV they will tell you how to build a squatter house.

So don't be afraid if you don't know anything, there are lot of information on the internet that you can use. A simple website can teach you a lot, it's only a matter of executing or not. Are you going to practice what you saw? are you going to move now and try what you have learned? 

Jun 16, 2019


I'm not playing around, I'm not messing around, I'm here to do the work. My name is accustomed with serious business. I'm not clowning around, I'm not joking, I am here to do the work and be the most successful that I can be. I already moved on, I already forget the past, I don't care about the future, I'm here to hustle and hustle until I win. I don't care how long it takes, I don't care how difficult it gets... I will keep pushing until the end because I don't want to waste my life for nothing, I'm here to become a legend and the universe will help me because I deserve it. I know what to do and I'm going to do it, I will not just watch everyone succeed while I go down, I will ignore the people around me and I will go up. I will never care if they are succeeding, I will never get jealous because that is a form of weakness. I will keep on getting better everyday, I will keep on striving for greatness and will never relax. I will never make excuses, I will just focus on the small progress that I can get everyday and repeat it again and again, those small progress is my addiction, it keeps me feeling better, it keeps me feeling motivated all the time.

One dollar, two dollars, one small business after another... they're all good, I feel good about it. One win, one lose, one action... it's all good. I knew that a difficult challenge or a setback is just another opportunity to grow and win in life, it's just another opportunity to prove myself that I can win and I can do something great. I don't care anymore if I keep losing again and again, I just knew that every time I push and take actions.... I'm growing and headed on the right path to success.

My life is a serious business, my goal is a serious business, this is not some kind of a joke that you can kill anytime, it's not some kind of a hype that dies whenever there is no attention anymore. It will keep on living forever, it will keep on growing everyday, it will push even if there is a lot of resistance, it will fight even if there's no more fight left in my body. I'm not playing around, I'm always hungry and I feel that I can live forever.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link: https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 8, 2019


Unleash that killer instinct, you've been a coward for so many years, now it's time to unleash the dark side of you that wants to win so badly. You are powerful, you just don't know it that's why you can't win. It's time to trust yourself, it's time to at least give yourself a chance to become successful. Stop thinking that you need to hold yourself back, stop thinking that you have a lot to lose, you have nothing to lose here, don't be afraid to destroy your identity, don't be afraid to look embarrassing. It's time to control your fate, it's time to give everything you've got and forget what might happen next.

So what if they laugh at you, so what if the man with a higher position got mad at you? so what? It' your life, you need to take matters into your own hands and be real with yourself. Because at the end of the day, you will question yourself if you really followed your heart. So just keep trying, keep moving forward, keep doing your thing and everything will be alright.

If you want to experience having that killer instinct then you should have a mindset of nothing to lose. Feel that you can never lose anything because you really don't have something right from the start, everything will be taken away from you once you die so while you're still living... unleash that killer instinct, give yourself a chance to win and have zero regrets when you fail.

If you fail then you fail, so what? what matters is you give yourself a chance to win and you devour every opportunity presented to you.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link: https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 4, 2019


Th key to have a good life is to simply move forward, keep moving forward all the time, keep pushing all the time and never stop until you get the job done, never stop until you get your dreams. It is what it is, it is hard, it is going to be very difficult, there will be a lot of challenges waiting for you but moving forward is the only key to happiness, it is the only key to make progress in life.

Look at yourself, are you moving forward or are you moving backward? be honest with yourself, be honest with your performance. Look at your habits, look at your thoughts, look at what you're doing now because that will be your future, that will be your life. You need to take it one step at a time, you need to keep pushing no matter what, never mind if you don't know what's going to happen next... just keep moving forward and give everything you've got.

There are no rules for moving forward, you can do anything you want, you can become really creative here. For as long as you're taking positive actions... that is the right thing to do. Just be patient and results will come. You will become rich, you will become wealthy and healthy, you can become anything you desired to... just push forward and keep doing it even if it's difficult and making you wanted to quit. You have to do it because if not then you will never achieve anything in life, you will become a loser forever.

Just pull the trigger, just do the next step. It doesn't matter if it looks perfect or not, just do the next step and never look back anymore. Stop thinking about the past, stop thinking about your failures... just do the next step and give your very best. Always stay focused no matter what, always give everything you've got.

It's going to be a lot of fun moving forward, it's going to be entertaining. Forget about the results because it will only stress you even more just do what is needed, just do what will give you a little momentum and everything will be alright. It's all about the grind, it's all about the hustle, just push yourself to the limits and you will find a way.

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link: https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Jun 2, 2019


Once it didn't succeed... you need to go back to it, don't leave it nor considered it as a failure. Go back to it and make it grow, it is still alive, if your desire is still there to make it grow... it will grow no matter what. If you're willing to give a lot of effort into it... it will succeed, it will go to the highest level. All it takes is courage and effort, all it takes is the will to win.

Don't be afraid to go back, don't be afraid to try again... you will only avoid regrets if you go back and work on it. Go back to it, don't forget why you start, don't forget why you need to do it. Go back to it and just do it, just put an effort and it will come alive again, you will be able to reap the fruits of your labor. Just go back to it no matter what, remember your loyalty, remember why you really want it. Remember why did you work so hard before just to get it, forget about why you fail, what happens happens and you can never get it back anymore.

It's a discipline, you need to always remind yourself that you need to finish what you'v started, this will be hard but it's all worth it.

Go back to your goal, why leave it? what's the sense in believing other people that you can't make it? what's the sense in not believing in yourself? If you really want to become happy then go all out for your goal and push yourself to the limits to make it. Go back to it, every time you find yourself leaving it go back to it, dedicate your life to it and you will never regret it in the end. Great success needs great dedication, you need to stay committed all the time if you want to make it to the top.

Because everyone can leave you but your goal never will, it will be loyal to you if you're loyal to it. So give your heart and soul to it, focus on it and never ever quit!

If you want to LEARN MORE how to control and manage your fears and anxiety click this link: https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q