Nov 30, 2018


A lot of people will tell you that you have to work smart not hard, that's a lie. The most successful people in this world works so hard, they work like hell. Elon Musk works 16 hours a day, Mark Zuckerberg works almost 15 hours a day and Steve Jobs is not even sleeping. They hustle every second, they are not wasting time.

People who are telling you to just work smart were all lazy people, it's only for marketing purposes, they want you to buy their products about how to become successful but all that product preach is how to become lazy and how to shortcut work.

Hustling will make you a better person, it will make you forget your problem, hustling will entertain you and make your time faster. It will make your progress faster, you will learn a lot of things, you will become tougher and no problem can ever make you quit especially if you attached it into your daily life, make hustling as an addiction and your life will change.

Hustling is only hard in the beginning but it will become so much easier if you make it as a part of your daily life. Nothing will become hard anymore. Keep hustling everyday, it's good for you, don't be afraid to get tired, don't be afraid to sweat.

It's all about moving forward, it's all about putting yourself on a better position to succeed. Doing something positive is already hustling, doing something small that gives you money or momentum is already hustling. You don't need to be successful or earn big money right away, just do something that will make you a little bit better is already enough.

Never waste your life becoming lazy, it's better to be moving than doing nothing at all. Trust hustle because it will show you the way. It will give you clues on what to do next.

The power of hustle is real, you need to trust it, you need to focus your energy into it. Keep hustling and you will become successful. Don't be afraid to fail again and again and again.

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