Oct 13, 2024


If you will never consider it as a problem it will never become a problem. No problem can stop you if you will use your will power and determination. You can move forward as much as you can. Take the first step and follow through as much as you can, this is simply about repetition and nothing else. You can become unstoppable and relentless if you want to, the key is to stop looking for results, stop thinking about the future and just take actions now. It's your mind that is stopping you, your negative thoughts and wrong ideas are making you weak and useless. It's your bad habits that are making you stuck. Nothing is impossible, you can do anything you want, you can make a small progress now if you will just force yourself to take actions and never hold back, once you start... never quit, keep pushing, keep going further no matter how slow your pace is. It doesn't matter if you're feeling fine or not, feelings doesn't matter at all, the most important thing is your level of perseverance, are you willing to go the extra mile? are you willing to push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got? 


You have a lot of ideas in your head but you're only executing 1 percent of it, why not at least try executing 50 percent of it? what do you think would be the result? You need to be fast, execute whatever you have in your mind before it's gone, it's an instinct, it's telling you to take action now, it will give you a very powerful momentum, that's the guide... do it even if you are scared. If you fail you fail, so be it, it is what it is, you need to take actions now because that will give you a strong habit that will attract success in the future. You have a habit of procrastinating too much that's why you can't make a progress. You are delaying too much, you need to work now and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. What the hell are you waiting for? do it before it's over, stop wasting time because it is killing you and making you worse, you need to make the best out of your life, giver everything you've got now and never look back, keep pushing forward, keep going further until you can't go no more. Start  it now and finish it now, stop acting like a slow turtle, stop playing around and take it seriously, take the process seriously and believe that every action is making an impact. It doesn't matter if you don't have money, resources, help, assistance or time, just do it and you will have time for it, do it and you will find the energy to finish it, as simple as that. Willpower is all you need, a little belief in yourself plus hard work will take you further than what you expect. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 8, 2024


It's already late, you need to sleep but there is something important you need to do, you're afraid that you might run out of time, you are so afraid that there is no enough time left to finish it. You're already old, you think there is no enough time to pursue a big dream. There is a deadline, your boss is trying to harass you so bad because he needs an update. You want to become great but you're so afraid that it will take a lot of time to get to the next level. It's already rush hour, you're so afraid that you might get stuck in traffic and might not be able to come home on time. You're so afraid of time that is why you're stuck in your ugly situation forever and couldn't make a progress. You can't improve because you're so afraid to get stuck in a situation that requires a lot of work and a lot of time. You're so afraid to run out of time that is why you're stressed even more. But if you will forget about time then you will become free. The truth is it's not about time, it's about how you feel. Time is your ally if you will be early, fast and disciplined. It will become your enemy if you are always late, you will have more time if you are decisive and all about actions. The more you waste time the more you run out of it, the more you work hard the more you will have time. It's simply about priorities, prioritize the activities that are more important and will help your life and you will have more time. You don't need to give time to things that will not even give you something in the near future. This is not all about money, it also has something to do with your well being. So if you keep on wasting time for pleasures and useless activities then you will run out of time to get better, you will always be late, you will always rush, you will always panic and have a lot of problems in the future. But if you will use your time wisely and use most of it to get better, even if the activity is hard... you will still have a better life in the future, it's simply like investing, you invest your time for good things and good habits and you will be rewarded in the future, as simple as that. So what are you doing now? look at yourself. Be honest and never fool yourself, you know if you're working hard or not, you know if you are simply wasting your time or not. A 10 minutes studying of a specific skill is much better than wasting your 2 hours for non stop watching TV. It's your call, the power is yours, you can get better if you will just practice delayed gratification all the time. So force yourself to get better and never waste a single second, force yourself to do what you need to do now regardless of what you feel. Don't be afraid if time, take actions now and manage later, you can make adjustments later, the most important thing is having a small momentum now and make it stronger and stronger, your life will adjust if you are focused on your goals, you will do what is needed automatically if you are really serious about winning. You don't need to become perfect here you just need to move and start now. Stop being a pussy, stop being a chicken and make a move, the time is ticking, don't be afraid of it but don't ever waste it, if you need to start now then start and give everything you've got, give your best no matter what and do whatever it takes to get to the next level. Yo will have more time if you are not clowning around, just don't waste it for useless activities, be on a roll, keep yourself busy and never stop until you're done. This is not about being perfect about time management, this is about taking it one step at a time to get better and better instead of getting worse and wasting your life for useless and nonsense activities. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 6, 2024


Any deficiency can become a quality. If you're not good in one are you can become good in another are. For example if you're not good in math you can become good in science. In basketball if you're not a tall player you can become a good ball hander, you can become a great point guard, if you're not good in shooting you can become good in driving a basketball. Just believe in yourself and you will make it through. The reason why people can't succeed is because they  were focused on what they can't do rather than focusing on what they can do. Just focus on your strengths not on your weaknesses and you have a chance to become successful. If your body is already aging focus on your mind, focus on your knowledge and try to adapt to any kind of situation. There is something you can do at the moment, the greatest sin is not using your strength and wisdom to make something better. You can survive anything, you can thrive at any given situation if you will just believe in yourself, work hard and do whatever it takes to win. Never underestimate your skills, never count yourself out. Just because you're not winning doesn't mean you can't win, just because you don't look strong doesn't mean there is nothing you can do. Just find a way, just work as hard as you can and never give up, as simple as that. Deficiency can become a quality, all you have to do is look for what you can do that will make your life better and focus on it. Never waste your time and energy looking for what you don't have in life, never waste your day, keep going no matter what and do go all the way. It doesn't matter if you win or lose what matters is you give your all. So start now and never look back, do something and believe that you can win with what you have. Start with what you have and go further as much as you can. Nothing can stop you if you will feel unstoppable, nothing can hold you down, you are the director of your life, you are in control. SO keep going and keep trying, never give up when it is hard... trust the process, always take one step forward and never stop. It is ok if you are slow, it's ok if you're not progressing, just don't stop and never think about quitting. Finish a small task now towards your goals, you can go slow if that's all you can do but be consistent and never stop. Winning is simply moving forward and nothing else, this is not a race, this is not about how great you are... it's about how persevering you are so embrace the difficulty, face all the challenges and never let anything break you. Never let anything make you change your mind, be a single minded person, think only about success and moving forward, never let problems and obstacles affect your mind negatively. Always think that what is making your life harder is making you stronger. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 5, 2024


You can watch all the motivational videos on the web and still act like a bum, you can watch all the motivational coaches in their seminar and still not learn anything. Looking for motivation is just a waste f time, it will never help you, you have to go against your emotions and do it anyway. What you need to do, what you think will work... do it and never give up, as simple as that. Keep pushing forward until you're done, you're not serious that's why you're not getting any money or progress. Take it seriously and you will be able to make a breakthrough. All the stupid coaches out there will just steal your precious time, use your time to get better now, keep getting better and better and never waste any single second for gossips, stories, posts, notifications or something. You have to become a beast if you want to become great, be hungry with the process. Never let any stupid posts from tik tok waste your precious seconds because you can never get it back. Stop giving a person with a lot of followers some respect, you are not respecting yourself if you're wasting your time watching other people because you can become great too, you can become someone too if you will just bet on yourself and be the start of your own story. It's ok to become scared, do it anyway, there is no bravery without fear, it's ok to fail just try again next time. Never let a single thought stop you. It's not that you are tired, it's because you think you are tired that is why you are stopping. It's not that you are emotional, it's because you let a single thought make you feel something, you have to be aware of something and never let a single thought control or stop you. You have to believe in yourself, any motivation is useless, if you want to get better then be faster, start now and finish fast never let any excuses derail your progress, once there is a momentum.. keep going, keep pushing forward and never stop until you're done. You have to live your life to the fullest and you can only do that by being aware of your actions, being aware if you are stopping yourself because of your stupid fear, being aware of what's happening around you. Once you find yourself stopping... start right away and never let the momentum die, keep pushing because that is what it is all about, if you are pushing you are attracting something, if you are stopping you are pushing away something. You need to be mindful of what is going on with your life because most of the time you are doing something because you are doing it everyday, you are addicted to it even though you don't want to do it anymore, you can't stop yourself, that's why you need to be conscious all the time and stop letting your addictions fail you. All people can become successful and win like a champion the reason why they fail is because they let their addictions control their lives, they are not controlling themselves, once you get rid of your addiction... you will win, you will never become a loser again. So start now and just do what you need to do, as simple as that. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 4, 2024


Nothing can make you quit, think about this and you will feel powerful. You feel weak, you feel like a loser because you're always thinking about the results. Don't look for comfort because it will never make you grow. Comfort is for the weak, it's for people who think they are special but didn't done anything, it's for people who day dream about the past and good life but they never do anything to grow and improve a little bit. If you want to grow and improve, if you want to experience a different kind of experience then you need to embrace the pain, embrace the discomfort and never stop pushing forward, as simple as that. Because easy life will lead to a miserable life. Poor people thinks they have a hard life all the time but the truth is they always live an easy life, they're lazy, they're watching TV all the time, they're spending their money for stupid things and occasion every time they have it, they never try to do something new, they always want to feel good, they're always looking for help and assistance. They always feel entitled without having to work for something and that's why they're living miserable in the end. You must have pride in discomfort, if you're doing something hard, if you're really working hard then it means you are progressing. Life will become really boring if you're just playing video games and eating pizzas, you will never feel strong if you have that kind of lifestyle. You will only feel proud of yourself if you're doing something that is hard and being passionate about it even if it is boring and not giving you any results at all. The results will come in the end, you just need to be patient and persevering, you just need to give your very best and do whatever it takes to get to the next level.

It's uncomfortable to grow but it's more uncomfortable if you're not trying to push yourself, you will feel weak if you're just sitting around doing nothing. You have to keep pushing and keep grinding, you need to find a way how to evolve, you will feel it and see it if you're giving your all and disciplining yourself. Stop doing what is easy because you will become stuck in the same place by doing that. You have to be faster, stronger and hungrier, get obsess with the process. Never let anything stop you, you can become unstoppable if you want to, you can start taking actions now and keep going further until you can't go anymore. Just do it, just take actions and never give up, as simple as that. You have to keep pushing and grinding, this is your path, you're a better person, now, keep disciplining yourself. Discipline your thoughts and actions and sky is the limit to you. Just do it, just keep pushing and go all the way. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q

Oct 1, 2024


What's on your mind right now? is it negative or something positive? is it helping you to become productive or is it  making you worse and weak? the choice is yours, your thoughts will make you feel something, it can either make you unstoppable or make you a loser that couldn't even move. Thoughts about other people is only making you weak, it's slowing you down especially if you are thinking about a person you didn't like. So the idea is to stop thinking about things or people that are not putting you on the pedestal. Stop thinking about the problems that are not yours, focus on what you can control and carry on. If you don't want to become weak then get rid of your weak thoughts and start entertaining empowering thoughts that will make you better. 


What's wasting a lot of your time... don't think about it for a month. Don't think about your past, don't think about the people that you hate, don't think about failures, don't think about your fears, don't think about the situation that you hate and it will disappear in your life. Don't think about the things that are making you feel bad, it's your thoughts that are sabotaging you. Be mindful of what you think, you are getting better or worse depends on what thoughts you entertain. Once you find yourself thinking about something that is very time and energy consuming... cancel it out and think about some other thoughts. You can master your mind if you will give it time, you need to be patient with the process and believe that it's the only way to achieve a better and stronger life. 


you are free if you can control your mind, you are powerful if you can control your thoughts. Freedom is in the mind. They can laugh at you, they can humiliate you, they can do anything to you but if you  trained yourself to not be affected by any kind of situation and misfortune then you are free and powerful. make your mind strong, detach from the outcome, detach from anything that might hurt you mentally and physically and you will become invincible. This is not about being crazy, it's focusing on what you can control and that is your mind. If you are in pain but happy despite of it then that pain will be lessen but if you're in pain but you're so mad and depressed about it then that pain will be doubled. Just be happy, this is possible. Feelings and thoughts can be separated. Just because you're in pain doesn't mean you can't become happy anymore. Change your perspective about pain and you will get stronger. 

For more high quality motivational content, please visit: http://ruggedbreed.blogspot.com http://3rdwind.blogspot.com https://payhip.com/b/lT9Q