Jul 19, 2018


No matter how much you deny it, no matter how many excuses you create to avoid taking the blame... you're still the one who's stopping yourself from succeeding. Not the government, not your parents, not your situation, not the people around you... it's all on you. You're the one who's being lazy, you're the one who's not taking actions, you're always complaining and whining. At the end of the day, people will know if you're really working hard, you can never deny it. You're the one who's always procrastinating, you're the one who's always looking for an easy way out, you wanted to win but you don't want to look like a loser.

You have to keep on losing first, you need to take several lost before you succeed. You're just good in talking but you're too bad in working, you can't even get started, you don't even know how it feels to become super tired because of taking too much actions. All you know is look for results but you're not even willing to pay the price.

Nothing is free in this world, you have to get it if you really want it, you have to sacrifice for it and never stop until it's yours.

Stop looking for what is missing in your life and start taking actions, start creating your own life. You're the boss but you should be willing to make the necessary actions in order for you to become a winner.

There is an opportunity to work hard yesterday but you didn't work. You have an idea yesterday but you didn't execute, you always feel that you need to see the progress first before you work hard. Progress can only be seen if you're really dying for it, the moment you get tired is the moment you progress.

If you're not tired yet then it means you need to do more. Stop complaining, stop acting like a baby, stop being soft and go hard now. Do what is needed, take some actions, be relentless for your dream.

It's on you, if you fail then it means it's your fault, it's nobody's fault... it is your fault, you're the only one who's stopping your own dream.

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