Jul 25, 2018


It's not about talking, it's about doing. It's not about being proud of your hard work, it's making the hard work a lifestyle, it's a commitment. You wake up and you stand up right away, you never wait, you never slow down, you just do it.

You're not thinking anymore, you're just addicted to taking actions. You never rest, you're not even scared of failure. You just knew that what you're doing will soon become a blessing, you just knew that all of your work will be rewarded in the end. You're chasing success all day, you don't mind repeating the same thin over and over again, you are in control of your mind, you never let it worry about the future, you're just in love with taking actions because for you that is success already.

You face any pressure, you face any tension and friction, you know that facing those uncomfortable moments is the birth of another level of growth in your system.

You are willing to eat shit, you are willing to get embarrassed but you only have one thing in your mind... that is to do whatever it takes to win. Even the cheapest job, even the lowest paying job, even the most dirty work... you will do it.

Because your philosophy is to do whatever it takes, you don't know anything about complaining, you don't know anything about difficult job... you will just do it. You don't care about getting exhausted nor getting frustrated, you will just push no matter what, you will push until you win. You have no time for craps and useless activities, you only have time for something that is making you closer to success.

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