Apr 30, 2020


Don't worry, nobody noticed it, nobody sees it, it's a beautiful mistake. If you can pretend and stay calm and act as if nothing happen then nobody will notice it. It's a beautiful mistake, if you didn't care after committing it... it's a beautiful mistake. If your confidence didn't diminish and your willpower gets stronger and stronger and you want to try again... it's a beautiful mistake, it will lead you toward the correct step the next time you try. Nobody will remember it, so stop making it a big deal, never let it destroy your confidence, just keep moving forward all the time and still get what you want, finish what you are ought to finish.

Most people are worried about committing a mistake, they don't know that it's the path to freedom and development, it's the path to success. If you're afraid to make a mistake then you will never succeed, as simple as that, as simple as it sounds. So keep making mistakes, take risks, go all out every single day, embarrass yourself, ask for a better option, ask for a best opportunity, don't be afraid to ask for more and get rejected. If you are trying and not afraid to get embarrassed... it only means you really want it. If you are trying and you fail... that failure will lead you to a better situation in the future, you have the lessons in your pocket, you already knew what to do, you already knew what not to do... so keep making mistakes, it's a beautiful mistake, it has benefits, it has nothing to do with your capability to win. A mistake is just a mistake, everybody commits it, everyone make mistakes every now and then. So don't make it a big deal if people laughs at you, just keep moving forward and show hem your spirit, show them your animus, display an insane willpower that will shut their mouths. Your willpower and tenacity will scare them, they will think that you're a different kind of animal.

SO don't be afraid to try again, show them that you want it so bad and you're willing to do whatever it takes to win. Keep making mistakes, keep trying, it's a beautiful mistake because the intention is good, the intention is to simply win and do the job. If you still feel confident after making a mistake... they will not even notice that you commit one, you can still act like nothing happened, you can still take control of the situation. Confidence is the key here, never feel that you've been embarrassed, stay calm and stay focused, you know what you want and you're going to get it, stick with the game plan no matter what. Don't be afraid to look like a fool, its only just a matter of time before you win. Just keep persevering, just keep taking actions, this is just a matter of numbers, the more you try the bigger the chances of winning... as simple as that. 

Apr 29, 2020


Everyone of us can do more and be more, we can push as much as we can, we can become the best versions of ourselves, the only problem is most of us were lazy, most of us don't want to get tired, we want to get results right away, we want to become a millionaire by doing less, we want more but we are not willing to pay the price. But the truth is you can work harder, push further and have that laser focus to get what you want. The problem with you is you're focus on having it and not on getting it. If you want to have more results then you need to unleash the beast inside of you. Move faster, decide bolder, do whatever it takes to win, as simple as that. If you can take massive actions then you will have massive results. It is what it is, it's going to get harder, it's not a walk in the park but you too can be on the company of the greats if you will unleash the beast inside of you.

Because most of us were only using 40 percent of our energy, we're not pushing the boundaries, we're not going all out. This is the biggest problem of people nowadays, they're not willing to get tired, they always wanted a comfortable life but they are not willing to sacrifice for it. People want shortcuts, people want handouts and freebies, they're not willing to work for it. It's all about the work and nothing else, you can't have what you want if all you dream of is doing it the easiest way. Hard work is the key, hard work is the only thing that will make you closer from your dreams.

So if you want to have a better life then get better, as simple as that, don't just bum around and waiting for the right moment, the right time is now, there is no such thing as perfect timing, if you really want it then you need to go for it, you need to do whatever it takes to succeed, even if it takes going to the extreme and doing the impossible things. Don't be afraid to get tired, it's normal, every great people experienced it, every big time person was challenged and stressed. Are you not sick and tired of living the same life over and over again? if you want to experience a new life then change your mindset, upgrade our skills, exert more effort... double it or even tripe it.

So stop tripping, stop clowning around and start fast, start fast and then finish strong. Sustain your strong efforts every single day, never rest, never feel tired, push yourself to the limits, force yourself if you don't want to work. All you need to do is start, once you start everything else will become easier. Do the real work and not the fake work, stop looking for results if you only exerted a poor effort. You can lie but numbers won't, how many times did you repeat? how many times did you try again? you can say that you work hard but if your numbers are very low then it means you're just making excuses, it means you're weak. So unleash the beast inside of you, be more, be bigger, do something you haven't done before. 

Apr 28, 2020


Sometimes no matter how hard you try things still doesn't work out for you. For whatever reason it seems like a curse. It seems like success is so elusive and that it's impossible to fall into your hands. You have no choice but to push, push harder and keep going... that's how to create your fate. Focus on what you can control and that is you effort and mindset. You have to keep going no matter what, that's what your mindset should be, keep going even if you feel that you're not progressing at all. You have no choice but to keep pushing and pushing until you finally create a momentum or rhythm. It's the only choice you have, if you will not hustle then what else can you do? nothing right? even if it's too hard and impossible, even if you feel like giving up... you still need to try, try and try until you succeed. While you're still alive, there is always a chance. Stop thinking that you're getting punished, your life is a blessing, all you have to do is make the best out of it, push yourself to the limits and see what is possible for your life. Because you can never discover your full potential if you will not go to the edge of your skills.

Success is not guaranteed everyday, you have no clue when you will taste it. It may come fast, it may come slow, we all have different journeys and timing. Don't get jealous with other people who is making it so fast, for as long as you keep grinding and pushing... you will be fine, as simple as that. So never let this day pass without doing something for your dream, do everything to make your dreams come true, be closer and closer to it, don't be afraid to try, don't be afraid to fail, it's only just a matter of time before you get it, believe that it will fall into your hands one day, believe that nothing is impossible.

Luck is not the result of fate giving you a favor, luck is the sum of taking risk, working hard and pushing the boundaries. You need to go all in if you want to become luck, luck will never visit your life if you're just chilling outside rubbing elbows with people that doesn't work at all. Success is a huge sacrifice, you need to change your thought and behavior. Destroy all the boundaries, destroy all the resistance, you need to create a belief that will never change no matter how hard your situation is, enjoy the journey, enjoy the struggle. Always remember that if you rally give everything you've got for your dream then it will happen, you will manifest everything you are dreaming of. So focus on creating your life, keep chasing success even if it's hard. Everything will become easier in the end especially if you already made a strong foundation that can never be broken even if things gets worse. Don't give up, don't give in, just try for one more time, your situation will change if you keep moving forward no matter what. 

Apr 27, 2020


If you want to become successful... you need to start now. If you want to become a great you tuber, you need to start now, just upload something, don't try to make it perfect, don't think too much, just upload something now, you need to be starting, upload everyday, do something everyday and improve while doing it. If you want to become a professional movie director... make a movie now, start writing some scripts, recruits some cheap artists and direct a movie now. If you want to become an athlete like for example a basketball player then you should start playing games now, play with the best players you can encounter, the journey starts now. The problem with most of us is we tend to wait, we always want the perfect timing, we want the best situation, best inputs, best support, we want everything to look perfect right away and that's why we couldn't even get started. And that's why we are stuck, we want to win and become successful right away that's why our mind are always filled with doubts and fears, we are so scared to fail and that's why we can't win.

You don't need to become good right away, you need to start to become good, but how will you be able to start if you're always looking for something missing in your life? you will never make any improvements if you're always comparing yourself and deciding to just do it tomorrow because you think tomorrow you have better ideas, more motivation and more power to do it better. But once tomorrow is there you will find out that you're not doing it again, you will pass again making the same excuses and trying to find a way how to refrain from doing it. The cycle goes on and on and more time is being wasted, you will find yourself being regretful about what could have been achieve if you just did it everyday.

You have to realize that you will never improve if you keep on skipping this day, you have to show up even if it's uncomfortable, you still have to do something and produce a material even if you feel like it won't work. You have to still give your best even if the odds were not in your favor. Just do it, do it again and again until you become better, stop waiting for the right time, stop judging yourself, you have to make a move or else time will pass and you never achieve anything again. One is always better than zero, a positive something is better than negative nothing, you will improve as you do it everyday. Your work may look like a garbage for now, your skills maybe mediocre for now but you will become better and better each day as you force yourself to take actions. Do something, set yourself free... go all out, give your very best even if you don't have the best help or best resources. You can always make something out of nothing, start where you are with what you have and make something epic. It's not about how great you are, it's about how willing you are to become great. 

Apr 26, 2020


Winning is not about getting an award or getting praises from other people, it's not about winning a championship or getting a lot of money and fans. Winning is simply having the ability to control your life, it's freedom. A bench player that didn't play for a single minute on court will feel like a garbage even though his team won a championship. It's the reality, most players were faking, they don't want to look bad, they don't want to look sad but the truth is they were so mad and sad even if their team won because they didn't even play. Look at Jeremy Lin, he won a championship but he didn't even feel that he's a part of it. It's because he didn't even play during the finals, he's just watching on sideline and wishing for his coach to use him. It's the truth, most players can't admit it, some players were just pretending that they are happy but the truth is they are not. It's better to be playing on a small and unpopular league but you're having a playing time rather than getting money and playing on the big league but you can't even play at all. Your goal should be how to move, how to do it your way, how to express yourself and use your skills... that is how to become a real winner.

So forget about popularity, forget about money, forget about not getting too much appreciation from other people. Some celebrities can't even breathe because they don't have freedom anymore, they can't do what they want to do because they don't have the means or freedom to do it. The best thing that you can do to make yourself a winner is to do it your way, take matters into your own hands and don't ever let other people win for you, you can win by yourself. Because if you trust other people to win it for you... you will only get disappointed if they fail you. It's a weakness because your victory relies on their hands. You have the strength to win, you have the skills, you have the power, it's on you if you're going to go hard and do it yourself or not. Being a winner is very simple, take risks and never let other people affect your decision. Make a stand for your decision, win or lose... live by it. It only takes guts to become a winner, have a thick skin, face what needs to be faced, do it your way and never let other people do it for you. Because the people you trust can make a mistake too, you too can make mistakes, it's better if you will fail because of your fault and not because of other people's fault.

You will only feel free if you will set your life up for something that needs your service and skills, you will only feel happier if you're the person in charge. Look at those bums and clowns that are slaves of politicians... they cry and freak out when their idol didn't win the election, they don't know what to do anymore, they feel so sad, they freak out. But if you will do it your way, if you will walk alone and do what you feel is right... you will feel more happier because you will experience so much freedom, you will become more creative, you will be able to express yourself more. 

Apr 25, 2020


If you think that your government will save you, you're probably wrong, you're just setting up yourself for disappointment. You're only wasting your time waiting for the relief goods, support, money, sympathy and the lost goes on and on. The government will do what it wants to do, you can never force it, it's only using the people, it's not a good place to run to if you have a problem... this is the reality. The government may help you or not, but the point here is... you can never put your fate on the hands of the government because it will not always be there for you, it will help you whenever it wants to. The best person that you can trust is yourself, you can hustle, you can grind, you can do whatever it takes to survive or thrive or simply get something that you want. If you really wanted to win... don't trust anybody, don't trust the government, just trust yourself and the hustle that you can do.

You will lose power if you trust something outside of you. The power is within, you have what it takes to change your situation. If you're struggling now... don't trust other people to do the work for you. Take full responsibility of your life, take matters into your own hands and simply do something positive. Never care if it's hard, never care if you think you can't do it, don't believe your mind, always go further and do whatever it takes to take your life to another level. The point here is you can do something in your life. You can hustle, you can create money, you can work hard. Never complain unless you really give everything you have including your life. You need to endure the hardship of the situation, enjoy the difficulty. Not all the time you're at the bottom, you can rise if you will focus on building your own empire. Focus on what you want and you will get it, focus on pushing yourself and you will be able to make significant strides. It is what it is, it's really hard, it's not going to be easy but if you will trust the government or any other people to help you... you are only setting yourself up for a bigger trouble, you will only get disappointed in the end. It's because you are giving away your power to them. The moment you trust the government... they're already in control of your life.

If you want to regain your power, if you want to become unstoppable... do it your way, you have the strength and the tenacity to do something great, all it takes is using your willpower and believing in yourself. Time will come and you will see yourself already creating a strong momentum towards success. So stop complaining because only weak people do that, stop having the victim mindset. Just push yourself, do something. You have what it takes to succeed, go and give your best.

Apr 24, 2020


Sometimes you are focusing on problems that are not there yet, you are focusing on what could have gone worse and that is why you can't make a progress. You are anticipating something bad to happen, sometimes you even think something as a problem already even if it's not yet, and that's why you're stuck and can't move, you freeze yourself, you created a problem that is not even real. It's all in your head, you need to wake up and do the right thing in your life if you want to change your life. Change your thoughts and you will change your reality, as simple as that. Stop exposing yourself to people, news, ideas that are making you scared. You need to focus on what you want, focus on your dreams, focus on what you wanted to be and what you wanted to get. Because your reality was created by you, if you can just believe that every action, thought and decision made by you will affect your life in the future then it will be easier for you to change your life. Focus is a very powerful thing, where the focus go the energy flow, so if you're too focused on subjects and people that are uninspiring and negative then your life will become negative too, you will attract negativity... as simple as that.

There is a formula for success,  you know it and it's simply hard work. What if you just focus on hard work instead of focusing in things that really doesn't matter at all? what if you just focus on what you want? think about the money, see yourself achieving, see yourself succeeding. Stop focusing on people that's not even make you feel good at all. Never think about your self made problems, focus on getting better each day instead of frightening yourself with information that is not even real. Only see the images that you really wanted to see in reality, never look at poverty, difficulty, failure, negativity, fake news etc.

Your life was already hard, don't make it even harder. If you're poor don't make yourself poorer. If you're dumb don't make yourself dumber. Only expose yourself to ideas, things, people, dreams, information, activities that will give a little improvement. It's very simple to change, it's a little hard because you need a very strong discipline, but it's very simple, you just need to have the right attitude and strong dedication. Never get close to something that is putting your life into jeopardy. It's just a matter of picking the best option in your life, pick the harder option because it has rewards afterwards. If you pick the easier option such as watching TV, passing on your workout, gossiping, etc. etc. then you will never be able to change your life. Always pick the harder option because it's really what you want, it's what you want to manifest in reality. If you want money, nice body, healthy body, good life then work hard, never focus on things that will make your life worse in the end. 

Apr 23, 2020


You think you need it? you think you can't live without it? you're wrong. If you can survive for one day without it then it means you don't need it. If you can survive for one day then you can survive forever. Sometimes you always think that you need something, you want to buy this and but that but in reality you only just want it, you really don't need it. If you want to save more money then you need to control your cravings for spending, stop being a consumer and start being an earner. The more you delayed gratification the more you will become happy and successful, you become mentally tougher every time you discipline yourself to stop consuming the things that you really don't need. Stop getting jealous with other people who have more, the truth is they're not even happy even if they have a lot. The reason why they have more is because they can't see satisfaction, they were always looking for what is missing, it feels like there is a big black hole that they need to vulcanize but nothing is fixing the problem, spending is only making their sickness worse, and the funny sad thing is they don't know it. You don't need what you don't have in your life, you don't need a big house, you don't need a fancy and expensive car, all you need is your ability to create a state of being happy even if you don't have less. You are enough, what you have is enough, it's just a matter of trying to grow and trying to expand your life and the properties that you have. If you don't have the ability to grow for now... just be patient because you will also grow anytime soon.

You are tougher if you don't need anything. You don't need a friend that is just using you, you don't need a partner that is abusing you, you don't need something that is just making you suffer, you don't need stuffs that are jut making you broke. Always remember that to be in a state of abundance... you need to appreciate what you have and just try to make it grow if you can. If it can't grow so be it, it will grow in the future if you work hard for it. Just always remember that you can have it on the right time, you can have what you want if you will just take care of business and do the right thing, there is a right timing for everything. There is a right time to buy, right time to gain, right time have anything you want. You know if it is the right time or not, just accept that you really don't need a lot, all you need is the air that you breathe.

Be happy with the basics, be happy being simple because you can always upgrade what you have if you are content with what you have. You feel like there is nothing to lose, there is nothing to prove, there is only room to grow. So don't feel bad, don't fee mad, don't feel sad if you can't have what you want, even if you try so hard and still can't get it... just let it go, you can have it on the right time, it will come back to you or there will be better things that will come into your life... as simple as that. Always remember that you can be happy by having nothing or having less, happiness is just a state of mind, it's the quality of your thought, it's not the material things, fame or money. You don't have what you don't need, what you don't need... you don't have.

Apr 22, 2020


If your belief is solid then your chance of winning is 100 percent sure, but if your belief is somehow unclear or full of doubts and questions then you are not going to win. Just believe, even if it's hard to believe it... just believe it, force your mind to believe in yourself and the desire that you want to happen. It will manifest, it will come true if you really want it and you're working insanely hard for it. Don't stop, keep moving forward, roll the dice and put yourself on the best position to win. Because it's only just a matter of time before your wishes come true, water it with the most solid belief that you can ever have and it will happen in the future, it can even happen now. So always check your belief, was it solid or was it easy to fade? can it be manipulated easily or can it stay on your mind forever? Your belief is your barometer to success, there is nothing wrong in believing in yourself, there sis nothing wrong in believing the process that you are doing. Believing is free, you should have more of it.

Your belief becomes weak because you compare yourself to others, you see them stronger or better than you, you see them succeeding and you're not, you see them thriving while you are struggling. If you really believe in yourself then you will never stop what you are doing regardless if the people around you is making you eat dust. You will still do what you want and need to do even if it looks like there's no hope left for you to become successful, if your belief is real then it will never stop, it will get stronger and stronger each day, it will power through and destroy all the problems on its way. Nothing should poison your mind, nothing should make your belief weak, once you believe in something... really believe it, do it, support it, groom it, hone it, make it stronger and stronger each day, never let a small or big challenge lessen its power. Your power to believe is your power to win, just believing in yourself is good enough for you to become successful, back it up with hard work and you will become unstoppable. Prove to them that you are relentless, always push forward even if you're severely wounded or exhausted. Go to the point of no return, go all out every single day.

So keep pushing forward, it doesn't matter if you feel good, it doesn't matter if it doesn't feel right... just push forward, keep getting stronger and stronger each day, never stop until you succeed... go all in no matter what. Because at the end of the day, you really have to believe in yourself even if nobody believes in you anymore, the universe will conspire, you will be able to connect the broken wires, you will be able to make a bridge from your position towards success, it's just a matter of believing in yourself.

Apr 21, 2020


Do you feel so stuck? do you feel like nothing is improving in your life? guess what? you're not the only one, some people also feel the same way as you, it's ok if you feel stuck. For as long as you're still working and doing something positive... you will be fine, you will have a break through. Sometimes it's really just like that, you're working hard, you're doing something good but you can't make a progress. But it's ok, always remember that the victory belongs to the most persevering. You need to push during the toughest moments of your life. Legends were born during famine, world war, crisis, pressure times, recession or any form of adversity. Don't worry if you're having too much trouble getting out of the rut you are in, just keep pushing and grinding... you will find a way in just a matter of time. Don't think too much, thinking is a sin, it will make you stuck forever. Why not move instead of overthinking, there is something you can do to make your situation a little bit better. Don't ever give up, it's much better if you're stuck but working instead of stuck but just thinking. Overthinking will make you go crazy. It has no benefit at all, trust your hustle, trust that hard work will save you so keep working all the time and never stop.

All people struggle, all winners struggle, the greatest ones has also felt being stuck before. Don't make it such a big deal if you feel so stuck, don't blame people, don't feel being treated unfairly, just keep going no matter what, you will have a break through, the universe sees all your effort and sacrifice, there is no need to complain nor feel needy because you will have a break, you will get the opportunity you've been waiting for. So don't stop and just keep plodding, keep moving forward all the time. Focus your time and energy for doing something positive that will make your situation improve a little bit. It's normal in life to feel a little stuck, it's because you want to make progress so fast, but you have to be patient here if you really want to make some huge strides.

You will never become stuck forever if you will force yourself to take actions and do something positive for your own good. You know what is right but you can't accept it because it will take a lot of effort and disappointments to make a difference in your life. It is what it is, it's really going to be hard, nothing is easy if you're trying to change your life. It will be stressful but it's all worth it, just move forward and that's it. Don't ask for results, don't ask for improvements, don't ask for reward because you will have a harder time by doing that. Just focus on taking actions, take it one step at a time, keep moving forward until you finally see that you already made it. 

Apr 20, 2020


The reason why you're getting disrespected or getting bullied and left behind is because you're not upgrading your skills, your value is too low. You don't have anything to put on the table, you're not good on anything. Always remember that it only takes a month to learn a new skill or even less. Once you learned the basics... you are good to go, you can become great with it if you keep on learning something everyday, it's all about being great, if you want to command respect then you need to become really great with something that is useful and can be helpful to anyone. If you are useless and has no skills at all then you are nothing, you're just a garbage, that is the reality. But if you're good on something then people will like you, they will follow you, especially if you're better than them.

So use your precious time for upgrading your skills, don't use your time to entertain yourself, use it to make yourself better than yesterday. Because at the end of the day, you will still use your time. The only question is... you are using it for what? So if you're getting disrespected today just work hard and focus on developing your skills, focus on getting better and better each day and BOOM! just like that, you will get respect again, people will get shocked how fast you were able to transform. Don't show off and tell them that you're already good, let them see it naturally, there will be a right time for displaying your skills.

Your confidence will go higher and higher every time you upgrade your skill. If you're really serious in becoming a leader or successful then you need to have an insane skill that drives people crazy, this will upgrade your value. People will disrespect you if your skill is very weak, that is the reality. That is why star players in the NBA get the highest form of respect and bench players were getting scolded by the coaches all the time, if you want a better treatment then be really good so that they can never ignore you anymore. You can command their respect if you can take over and has the special skills to get the job done. You only need time and hard work, you only need dedication, it's too simple. Time is fast, you can upgrade your skills really fast if you're consistent and will show up every single damn day.

So what are you waiting for? don't just stand there, don't just sit there doing nothing. Work hard now and improve your skill. Focus on yourself and your life will change, the treatment from other people will change, they will respect you because they knew you are something. It's time to use your time wisely, it's time to make a change. If you want to have a better life then you need to have a much improve skill. Start now and never stop until you finally become great. 

Apr 19, 2020


It's so simple but it's hard because most people will quit every time they can't see fast results. If you want to succeed in life, all you've got to do is never quit and that's it. Loo for something you can do and will love to do forever and never quit, make it bigger and bigger everyday, look for some ways to take it to another level and that's it. It's all about non stop work ethic, it's all about believing it forever and not thinking about stopping. It's easier to become successful nowadays because most people are soft, according to David Goggins. Yes, it 's true, most people are quitters. They want it fast, they want it now and if they can't get it... they will complain and make excuses, they will look for a scapegoat, they will look for someone to blame. They will blame their parents, coaches, friends, corruption, government, unfair treatment of the system and many more. But if you will look at their work... they didn't even push themselves to the limits, it's look like they're not even serious at all. If you really wanted to win then stop being a cry baby, stop being soft, don't complain and just face the pain. It's easier said than done but it's really possible to avoid quitting, all you have to do is stop looking for results and enjoy what is going on. Enjoy the rain, enjoy the struggle, look for a little progress and try to make it faster and bigger, as simple as it sounds.

If you have a dream... you have to protect it, you have to focus, keep moving forward towards it and never ever stop. That's it, if you can still move, if you still see opportunities to do something, if you still can think right... don't quit. Just try something new, try a different process, try a different approach. It's all about trial and error method. Look for a new thought that will keep you motivated, look for a new belief that will keep you going, invent your unique quote that will keep you hanging on to your dream. Because it's too simple, if you will quit now then your journey is over. But if you will fight then you're still on the game. Anybody can fight, anybody can push but this is what most people don't know, they think that if they can't get results then they need to quit. Always remember that greatness doesn't quit, greatness keeps pushing and pushing even if it's too painful already, greatness can only be seen if you are doing what most people can't do. So never quit because most people were quitters, most people can't take the pain, they don't want to hustle and do something to put themselves on a better position.

So whenever you feel so tired, whenever you feel exhausted and no more air is entering your lungs... keep going, don't quit, just work, one more step, one more day of believing in yourself, one more glass of water, one more push... you're almost there, all you've got to do is do it, take it one step at a time and you will reach the finish line... as simple as that. 

Apr 18, 2020


You don't need to become great here, you just need to win a little bit. Greatness takes a lot of time, you must focus on the now, greatness will come on the right time, you will become great if you will win a little bit for now. Earn money a little bit, earn one subscriber today, do something today, celebrate your small progress, build your own, be part of a winning team, score one or two points, take one small risk, build your empire a little bit... place the first brick and then follow through. Just win a little bit, you can win small time, be happy with that, it's already a momentum, you can make it bigger and bigger as you keep trying again. Expose yourself to risky positions where you can win big time. Don't be afraid to lose, that is they secret ingredient to success. Keep losing again and again until you finally succeed.

So if you want some millions and you got overwhelmed by the process of getting it... just win 200 dollars today, repeat it everyday until it become super easy. Once you mastered winning little you can start to level up and win big. Winning a little bit will give you momentum and motivation, it will give you the drive you needed to keep going further. You can always level up anytime you want one you got bored with the little winnings that you are getting. Because you can take success gradually, you can't be getting the whole package in just one day, you can't eat the whole piece of cake in just one day, this is not a walk in the park. You really need to take it one day at a time, win little by little until you finally learn how to win big. Small winnings are great too, it's much better than not winning at all.

Start now and win by your own means. If you're trying to earn some money then do everything you can to get some money. Any way you can think of, whether it's about selling or looking for a job... do it. Always think that winning a little bit is simply doing the process to win. If you're taking actions then you're already winning, you don't need to compare what you have to what other people have. You can win a little bit, you can earn a little bit if you will push yourself to take massive actions. Hard work always pay off, you will not be left behind if you're working the hardest. So make an extra effort, do whatever it takes to win and be happy with the small winnings or prizes that you are getting, be happy with what you got. Celebrate and appreciate every small victory because it's already a path to bigger winnings. Be happy with what you got but never get satisfied, always look for more, do more and give your best to attract bigger victories. It's all in your hands, it's up to you if you want to get bigger victories. 

Apr 17, 2020


Are you having a hard time moving? are you always in trouble starting something? does it always feel heavy? do you always get overwhelmed because you want to do something but you can't even start? if the answer is yes then all you need to do is very simple and easy... FORGET ABOUT YOURSELF. Once you forgot yourself and you don't care about who you are anymore... that's the only time you're going to make a progress. Stop thinking that you're great, stop thinking that you need to look perfect or outstanding because you are nothing, you're not invincible, you're not special, you're just a human being who wants to become successful or accomplish something.

So what if you get tired, so what if you fail? so what if you didn't get anything? so what if people gets mad at you? so what if you're disgusting and not good enough. Always try to remember your philosophy and that is to give yourself a chance to become a winner, you can only do that by forgetting the future, not worrying about what may happen next and ignoring what people might say. You can only become a beast, you can only feel free to do what you are suppose to do if you will forget about yourself. If you want to try something, if you want to do something... just do it and forget about what people might say against you. Just throw yourself out there, try to adapt, just give your very best and that's it. Detach yourself from the outcome, if you really want to move then stop anticipating, don't worry about the future.

Just move, have no conscience in moving, have no regrets when you made a mistake and keep moving again, always remember that it's your life that matters and not their lives. So what if they don't like what you're doing, you need to set yourself free, you need to express yourself and give your very best every now and then, because at the end of the day... you need to keep taking actions if you want to have a better life, it's much much better if you will start now and do something. Stop procrastinating, stop making excuses... just move now and never judge yourself, never feel ashamed of yourself if you're not doing well. So what if you're not making an impact? so what if you're not getting your desired results, what matters is you are moving. It's better to be doing something than not doing anything at all.

Keep pushing, don't give up, control yourself, you need to master yourself. Tame the part of your brain that is telling you to just quit or go home, you need to push yourself to the limits and give everything you've got. If you really want it then you need to force yourself to take actions and make something. Never stop yourself, never hold yourself back.... just do something positive, forget yourself, forget how you feel and focus on taking actions. Decide now that you are going to do it and just do it no matter what. Nothing can stop you, you're the only one who's stopping yourself from taking actions. Stop making dramas, stop being soft and force yourself to pull the trigger. 

Apr 16, 2020


What do you need? money? food? girlfriend? dog? focus on what you need and you will get it. Every action, every thought, every energy should be focused on getting what you need. Be aware if what you're doing is not helping the process of getting what you need, if you're doing something stupid that is not supporting what you need... stop it, cut it and go back to what will help you get what you need. If you think you need some money then focus on getting some money, stop doing something that will not give you some money. Sell something, work, apply for a job, create small business, hustle, look for someone who can be a connection, look for something you can invent that will help you earn money. You will only get what you need if you're focused on getting it. People can't get what they need because they're too focused on why they can't get it, they're not moving at all. For example... a broke person is so focused on complaining to the government why he can't get a job instead of reading the newspaper and hunting a job that is open. You need to be mindful of your actions and thoughts if you want to get what you need.

If you need a girl then focus on how to get a girl, stop thinking about rejection, never think about your ugly looks or empty wallet... just focus on getting that girl no matter what. Think about your girl, do something to become closer to her, exude a strong confidence because girls love confident men. And not only in getting girls but also if you're chasing success, success will only come to your life if you're too confident that you will get it, as simple as that. Focus your mind on what you need, cut all the unnecessary activities that will slow down the process, you need to be smart and strict here. Stop doing stupid stuffs that will not help you at all. You know what is working and you know what isn't. Admit the fact that you need to work, discipline yourself and believe in yourself even if you have low self esteem if you want to get what you need. You have to want it so bad, make it run inside of your head 24 hours a day, stop thinking about anything else other than what you need. Because what you need will come to you if you're dead serious about it. Get it no matter what, use all of your strength and energy, use your body and mind, make yourself closer and closer to what you need.

Cut all the stupid stuffs, do something that will help you get what you need. Because you will have it if you really want it. If you want it so bad then you will have more energy, time and ideas to get it. You will become relentless, you will become an animal, nothing can stop you, even you can't stop yourself anymore, you're so obsessed of getting it and you feel like dying if you can't hold it as soon as possible. Every move is the right move, every positive thought is the right thought, never count yourself out, never think that you don't deserve what you need, act now and never wait, what you need is waiting for you. 


At least you believe in something, at least you trust your own process and you're not like others who easily quit and complain. Don't give up on your dreams, use your beliefs to fuel yourself to take massive massive actions. Believing is free, you can believe anything you want, you can believe that you're going to become great one day. There is nothing wrong for believing so big and dreaming big, for as long as you're backing it up with hard work... you are good, you are not crazy. Some people will think that a person who is dreaming big is crazy, it's not true, if that person is willing to put millions of hours of work and ready to sacrifice everything he had... he is not crazy, he is doing the right thing, he is just following his heart.

So don't give up on your dream, don't get overwhelmed by your own dreams, chase it, get it... never quit, believing is free... you can believe to the fullest. Always remember that if you are doubting yourself then you better think again, why doubt yourself if you can feel invincible and free? do the work, never let any resisting thoughts stop you, just move forward and the thoughts about the difficulty of your dream will go away. Overpower your doubts and fears with actions, replace your worries with solutions. Stop over thinking, stop thinking what other people will say and just believe. Keep taking small steps, move forward and do your very best, as simple as that. If you wanna see greatness then believe in yourself first, never stop believing, never stop working. Stay calm if you feel overwhelmed and stress because results were not showing up, it's ok, it may take time so be ready to wait. If you really believe then you will never stop. Don't be afraid to believe, some people were so scared to believe because they were scared of failing, they don't want to commit because they don't want to disappoint themselves, they always tell themselves: "what if I am believing the wrong thing? what if I am wrong?". This is crazy because if you really believe in something you will never question yourself anymore, you will just attack your dream, you will ignore your fears and you will move forward as much as you can, you will never stop, you will never feel bad and disappointed if you can't get enough results to keep yourself going.

Believing is great, a man who believes himself will reach the top of the mountain, he will see his full potential, he will not have any form of regrets. So just try, keep believing yourself and keep giving your very best, don't stop, don't hesitate, don't blame anything if you're not winning, stop making excuses and just chase your dream. If you really believe it then you will give everything for it, you will give your life, you will show your heart and soul, you will turn yourself into something that the world hasn't seen before, you will become a beast, you will become weird, they will not understand you because they can't see the fire in your heart, you're the only one who understand yourself. 

Apr 15, 2020


If you have a goal, if you want something... never let anything stop you. Never let your parents, friends, critics, problems, responsibilities stop you. You have what it takes to get it, your willpower will always thrive in the end. It will be hard, nothing is going to come easy but if you persevere and push yourself to the limits... you can accomplish something great in life. It all depends on how persevering and dedicated you are. You can win if you really wanted to win, it will be seen through your efforts and hard work. If you can just work hard and focus then nothing can stop you, as simple as that. Most people were making excuses nowadays and that's why they can't become successful, they think they are good but their efforts were to weak, they will just work hard for a few hours and will immediately ask for a pay. It's crazy because they want to become successful but they are only willing to give something. You have to give everything if you want to become successful, everything including your heart and soul. Including your time and energy, you have to give up sleep and comfort, you have to give up entertainment and having fun with your friends.

Your mind is the only thing that stops you, you are not thinking right, you are thinking too much, you are focusing on the things that doesn't deserve your attention. If you want to become unstoppable then be selective of your thoughts, only entertain thoughts that are serving you and making you feel good. Never think about the past that breaks your heart, never think about a person that makes you feel good even if he's not doing anything to you. You have to think about thoughts that produces good feelings. Once you were able to control your mind... everything you need will fall into your hands, you will become a winner, you will become unstoppable. It's just a matter of doing what other people can do, and that is staying committed and maintainingg your hunger to win.

The challenges, difficulties, overwhelming feelings and frightening thoughts... never let these things stop you. Just push forward and keep going, believe in yourself, believe that you can do it. All you need to do is believe and everything will be alright. Keep moving forward all the time, do what you do best. Nothing can stop you if you will use your willpower and determination. You can become anything you want if you will just do whatever it takes to go to the next level. So keep going no matter what, keep pushing, do something, move and never stop until you reach the finish line. Something is going to work in the end, just believe and never stop working, as simple as that. Because if you really want it then you will push until the end, even if nothing is working anymore. You will still believe, you will still give yourself a chance to try for one more time. 

Apr 14, 2020


Are you sick and tired of procrastinating all the time? do you feel that you've squander a lot of time already and that you need to change your attitude? well, this is the right material to read for you. Just keep reading and I will show you the right way to avoid procrastination. Procrastination is expectation, you expect too much, you expect that the task is easy, you are expecting that people will like you, in other words... you are expecting perfection. And that's why you can't move, you always care about your identity, you always care about the end result, you always care about good feelings and if you don't feel good... you will not move anymore.

Try not procrastinating for two days and see stronger results in your life. You should be aware if you're already procrastinating, you should feel bad or weird if you're wasting a lot of your time. No cellphone for two days, no TV for two days, no contact with your friends for two days... use all of your 48 hours for your goal or any self development process. 48 hours is too fast, once you finished this course... you will never be the same person again, you will feel prouder and stronger, you will fee that you can discipline yourself on any given day because you already did it for tow days straight. Are you sick and tired of your life? well you should be. I know you want more results but you can't get it, I know you've been trying to figure out what you need to do with your life but the truth is you already know it, you just don't execute when needed the most. So stop all the nonsense activities, cut your social media account, uninstall the apps on your cellphone that are eating a lot of your time and just go to your work. Keep working, once you surpass the 48 hour test... you will feel more confident about yourself because you're a new beast already.

Ignore the news, ignore the fake news, ignore all the invitations from any useless entertainment. Never be seduce by something that is useless at all. You need to have a laser focus here if you really want to win in life. Claim your life, it's yours. Claim it from procrastination, social media, gossips, sports, claim it from everything that is eating a lot of your time. Because you could have been the president of the united states already if you didn't waste any single second of your life. You have what it takes to become a winner, you have what it takes to succeed, it's just a matter of trying to discipline yourself every now and then. So starting now... ignore your gadgets, keep your video games, detach from your friends an family and start working on developing yourself. No procrastination for 48 hours is a good start, just try it and you will already feel the change, you will see some improvement in your personality. 

Apr 13, 2020


You can go further, you can go deeper as much as you want, it's all up to you if you will push yourself to the limits or not. There is always a way, there is always a second step. There is always something you can do to make your position better. You can expand your mind, you can strengthen your muscles, you can experience another kind of experience. It's just a matter of showing up and moving, take actions, never hesitate to pull the trigger. You will never be on the same position as yesterday if you do something for your dream now. Go further, the moment you wake up or the moment you realize that you need to work... work, start fast and never stop until you're badly exhausted. You will only know that you really put in the real work if you're so exhausted to the point where you almost sleep on the floor without brushing your teeth. Go to the extreme, be a like a mad man possessed for his dream.

Because the truth is you can always dig something. For example in writing... you can always right a word, there is always a next word, nothing or nobody can stop you, it's you that is stopping yourself. You can write as much as you can, writer's block is not real, it's just an illusion, it's just an excuse made by mentally weak writers who doesn't want to push themselves. But if you really wanted to make results then you need to force yourself, face the pain, you need to make yourself inevitable of failing and looking bad. You need to destroy your identity, you need to remove your expectations from yourself. There should be no doubt, you should go all in. Go further, write something, do something and forget about making it perfect.

Just do something, never let your mind think and just do something, be on a sense of urgency. thinking too much will accomplish nothing, if you will start now and make a move then you will have a much better life. Just do it, forget about anything else and just do it, do it again and again. Repeat until you finally succeed. You're just scratching the surface, you don't know your real potential and capabilities yet. You will only only how much you can go if you will push yourself to the limits, so keep pushing, keep grinding and never stop until you succeed. You have what it takes to go further, your energy is unlimited, your ideas were unlimited, you just have to dig deeper. Allow yourself to take massive actions, forget about what might happen, detach yourself from the outcome and stay committed to the journey.

You have the power to become great, all it takes is sacrifice and commitment. Commit to success, keep moving forward all the time, look for the space where you can operate, look for something to do. Just do it, never stop, never take a break... keep going further until you reach the finish line.

Apr 12, 2020


Get up and climb again. I don't care if you fail big time, I don't care if you need to rest and make dramas about the  journey that didn't materialize. You need to climb again or else you will lose your momentum. Maybe you fail, maybe you didn't capitalize but the momentum is still there, every time you lose... the momentum is still alive, the fire in you is still there. So you need to devour the moment and try again, climb that mountain again. It doesn't matter how long will it take to reach the top of the mountain, what matters is you are enjoying every step of the way, take it step by step, inch by inch... always move forward and push yourself to the limits. Nobody cares if you're tired, success never care if you can't move anymore. You need to force yourself to try again if you really wanted to win. Winners never get tired of trying, they were relentless, they were hungry all the time, they don't know the word "REST". All they know is the word "PUSH". You have what it takes to climb again, it doesn't matter if you're depressed now or sad, your emotions is useless, you have to set it aside and keep moving even if you don't feel like doing it. There is always another step waiting for you, maybe you're just a few steps away from success so never stop, never rest... push yourself like you never push before because it's only just a matter of time before you become successful.

Start now, thinking too much is just a waste of time. If you started earlier then you could have take a lot of steps already. So quit thinking if you're going to do it or not... just do it. Never mind if you're slow, you will gain that speed if you're consistent in taking actions. Climb again, never stop until you reach the top of the mountain. It's on you if you're going to win or not, it's on your effort and determination. So quit crying, quit looking for excuses, you need to star all over again and try for one more time. So never let your mind overthink because you will only go crazy by dong that, start now and finish strong. Have the mindset of going further all the time.

You can try as much as you want, there is no harm in trying. And even if you fail, you only get some wisdom and experience. Don't be afraid to fail over and over again because that is the secret ingredient for success. People who never fail never try, people who doesn't want to try were already considered as losers. So climb that mountain, step by step... conquer it. Never get overwhelmed by the steps you have to take it, a million step can be accomplished by starting now and taking it one step at a time, be patient, enjoy every step, enjoy every process, have fun with your journey and never ever think about quitting. 

Apr 11, 2020


Your emotion is controlling you, not the external things outside of you. You are what you feel, if you are getting annoyed by something that is not that of a big deal it means you're too sensitive and you lack the focus, if you're getting threatened by your boss because of deadlines it means you have a very weak emotional quotient. It is not the people, problem, difficulty of the situation, traffic, unfair treatment, bad rules and regulations that makes your life difficult... it's yourself and your perspective towards anything. If you feel that you've been treated unfairly then you really are, it's because you're focusing on it, you will always see things that you feel are not in favor of you.

It's not the people or anything that you feel is stopping you blocks your success and potential to become happy, it's your mind and how you feel. You always feel that the world is unfair and people were so disrespectful, you always focus on the things that makes you feel bad and that's why it is multiplying everyday. So if someone or something is making you feel bad, it means you're not in control of yourself, you can just laugh at something, you can just ignore the person who is power tripping and it will lose its power against you. You're always in control here, ignoring someone or something is power. Never let your emotions rise because something is making you a little bit uncomfortable, embrace the discomfort, feel it and soon it will be go away. It's just a matter of trying to control your emotions and feeling it, never let it destroy your day, don't worry about how you feel, focus on what you really want. Because if something is making you feel bad it only means you need to shift your focus, put your attention into something that will make you happier. If something is making you feel bad, it means it's teaching you something, it means you need to look for a better subject where you can shift your attention to.

The way you feel about something will dictate the next sequence. For example, if a driver cuts you or didn't turn on a signal light before changing lane and caught you off guard... if you get mad at that happening then that driver already controls you, it's making you feel bad so don't ever expect that the next sequence will be good, it's either you will have a fight with that driver and you will end up in jail or you might place your anger on a different driver, the result is your day was already ruined.

Never feel bad on something that will not even make you grow. Is getting mad on someone who cuts you on traffic going to help you grow? is getting mad on your coach who didn't use you on your game going to make you grow? is getting mad on your noisy neighbor going to make you grow? if you keep your cool and just focus on what you can control then your mental roughness already peaked to another level. It's all about staying patient and focusing on not getting mad, there is something you can do to win in life, it's your duty to look for it and focus on it. 

Apr 10, 2020


Success is simply about showing up, doing something and giving your very best. You can do it if you really want it so stop making excuses and simply give your best, be relentless, keep pushing even if it's hard, don't worry because it will be easier in a while. Once you have that momentum, once you feel it.... you will become unstoppable, don't worry if it is a rocky road that you are traveling, the road will become smoother in just a matter of time, just keep digging, keep working and you will become successful, as simple as that. You can never lose here, it's on you if you will make yourself successful, it's in your hands if you will work hard or work mediocre. So stop being soft and stay focus on the prize, you will claim it later if your effort is already enough. So if you feel stuck on something... it means you're not pushing hard enough, it means you're procrastinating for so long, you better change your mindset from being a waiter to doer. Stop waiting because it's the most nonsense thing to do, stop planning, just do something and keep going further. It's just a matter of working hard and believing in yourself, there is nothing else to do here, stick with the basics and look for what is working and repeat. Success is not that complicated, you're the only who's complicating it. Just be patient, work hard and wait for your time to come. Don't ever quit because it's a waste of time.

Just work, fall in love with your work, trust the process and entertain only the thoughts that motivates you. Be aware of your conscious mind, just entertain only the thoughts that makes you move and inspired. Don't ever think about people, things or happenings that doesn't make you feel good at all. You are in control of your thoughts and emotions, it's up to you if you will continue to feel worse or feel good all the time. It's just a mindset, it's just a habit, develop a cycle or pattern that will give you an advantage. You will become relentless if you can motivate yourself all the time, make yourself believe that success is easy and you don't need to suffer anymore. Trust your work, be patient and never rush to become successful, the more you rush... the more the process will become longer and harder. Just keep doing what you love, keep loving your work and never look back. Don't listen to what people say, never compare what you have with others and simple stick with the basics.

You can become unstoppable if you want to, there is no way you will become stuck in one place if you're moving, feel free all the time, take actions... that's how to make a progress. Focus on what you can control and that is your thoughts and actions. Always live in the moment, always love everything about your life and you will never struggle again. 


Look, you are alright, you're still doing fine, what is the worry all about? maybe you really have some problems, maybe there is a storm that is about to come into your life but real life is happening now, it doesn't happen yesterday and it will not happen tomorrow. You need to focus on the now or else you will go crazy, you will make bad decisions and you're only squandering the happiness that you should be feeling right now. Why worry? it is not happening yet, it may or may not happen but you can always get out of it, you can solve it, you can survive it and thrive in the end. That's what life is all about, that's what make life more colorful and interesting... facing your fears and solving problems. If you have no problem then it means your life is boring or not normal at all, or maybe your head is not alright. You will be fine no matter what happens so delay your worries and just worry when the problem is there, think about your problems when it's already happening, never anticipate it, never think about solutions in advance because it will only make you crazy. What will happen will happen, the most important thing is you enjoy every moment of your life. And when the problem is already there, if it's happening... simple enjoy it, enjoy it even if it's hard and annoying, enjoy it even if you're struggling.

Most of the time you're worrying about something that is not really that big. And even if it's really big and frightening.. you can still overcome it if you will learn to endure slowly and never rush solving everything. It will end, every pain and problem will end, it will end faster if you will just enjoy life and do what is best. Never try to judge any problem by it's appearance, never get intimidated by anything, you can survive anything, it's all in your head. So stop worrying now and start enjoying life, enjoy what you have may it be small or big, enjoy your life and don't resist pain, don't run away from your problems... face it when it's there, if it's not there yet then delay the worry, always remember that your life is the most important thing on earth, if you're still alive and breathing then there is nothing else to worry about.

Because life is not happening if you're living in fear, life only happens during abundance and happiness. And the trick here is enjoy everything even the hardest times, enjoy the ugly things in your life because it is still part of your life, it's part of who you are. Always remember that you can move forward and every time you do it... your life gets better and better, there is a solution for everything, every pain ends, every traffic ends, every struggle has a relief, after every storm is sunshine, all you need to do is be patient and never try to escape the life that you have now. 

Apr 9, 2020


There are two kinds of waiting one is waiting while doing nothing, this is like waiting for luck and the other one is waiting while still working hard. If you're waiting for an opportunity to come, let's say you're waiting for a job call, you can't just be waiting for your cellphone to ring and answer it, you still need to work while waiting. Because waiting while doing nothing means you're lazy and you're just waiting for luck but if you're waiting for the call and at the same time still hustling and looking for money then that's the best decision to make. It means you're still focusing on what you can control and that is your effort and doing something. Waiting for luck means you're not in control, you're just trying to get luck but deep inside you're already hopeless.

The hustle should never end, just because there is an opportunity out there doesn't mean you will get that opportunity, don't wait for it, it may not come so you need to take matters into your own hands and force fate. Because at the end of the day... the real meaning of success and greatness and life is all about taking actions. Once you get successful and you didn't take actions anymore... you will go crazy, you will go down, you will lose in touch with the reality, you will get lost and you will lose your confidence. So don't be afraid to take more actions and go a little bit extreme, that is what life is all about... always looking forward to the unknown and trusting that you will prevail even if you don't know everything.

Taking actions is the best thing you can do, don't wait, don't try to get lucky because if you have that kind of mindset then luck will never come to you. Luck will come to the house of hard workers and most persevering people, look at those gamblers and short cut takers who just want to get lucky... they never get lucky, they always fail, they always get frustrated. Hard work is they key, you need to work hard every single day while waiting for something. For example, if your you tube channel is getting a lot of subscribers and you're just waiting for it to get monetized... you can't afford to relax and feel so sure that it will earn money, sometimes fate is joking, you may not get the money for whatever reason, your channel may get rejected. So you can't be so sure, you can't afford to relax because you feel you're already a winner, you have to stay disciplined and committed with the process because waiting for something and not doing anything means you're not using your power anymore.

Most people who thinks that success, money and opportunity are already for them and all they have to do is wait usually end up getting disappointed. It's because you can never be so sure about the things that are not on your hands yet, if it's not in your life yet then still keep working, you can't afford to relax because that is the number one reason why people fail... they relax and feel lucky, they feel accomplished even if they haven't get anything yet. 

Apr 6, 2020


If you want to become successful... you need to move fast and believe yourself to the fullest, you need to go all in all the time and never stop. It is what it is, the process is going to get harder and harder but you need to move faster and faster, you need to become a believer. That's how to succeed, believing is the key, working hard and taking risks are the main ingredients. Because if you will not take risk, if you will not go hard all the time... you will remain the same bum as yesterday, you will never evolve, you will never learn anything that will help you to take your journey to another level. So what if it's hard? so what if it's not doable? you only think that it's impossible because you're not doing anything at all. 

Apr 5, 2020


If you want to succeed then you better ignore the resistance. Stay still and keep moving forward, that's the easiest path that you can take. Stop talking about your problems, stop thinking that you can't do it and simply do what you can do... as simple as that. Resistance becomes stronger because you are focusing on what you can't do, you're too focused on what you can't control. But if you will focus on what you can control and taking actions... the resistance will go away. Just do something and destroy your idleness, look for something you can do to improve your situation a little bit better. Stop focusing on what's not happening, focus on what you can do that will give you a little bit of a progress. Look for the resistance and ignore it.

What are the most common resistance to your journey? Looking for validation, minding what other people say, laziness, procrastination, anticipating failure, looking at your weakness. These are the most common resistance that stops you from taking actions, avoid these things and you will become more productive than before. Just do it, just do what you need to do and forget the outcome, focus on the process, the outcome will come later, if you really work hard for it and gave everything you've got then there is no need to question if you're going to succeed or not. Nothing can stop you if you will just move and ignore the heavy thoughts that are stopping you. Keep going, keep moving forward no matter what. If you feel so lazy and heavy... just move, stop making excuses, destroy all the negative thoughts inside of your head. Keep pushing no matter what, keep pushing your body, keep pushing your luck. Always remember that hard work pays off and that you don't need to worry about anything else anymore if you're really working hard and doing everything you can in your power to get what you want. Stop thinking too much, stop thinking about what if you fail or make some mistakes, just keep going further. Resistance will go away if you focus on your dreams, focus on the process and never stop... that's how simple it is.

Because resistance keeps getting stronger if you're procrastinating and checking about the status of your journey, you will feel bad if you're not getting the results you expected. But if you're focused on taking actions then you will be able to do more and attract bigger opportunities that will lead to success. Your mind should be fixated to your goal, keep pushing forward, keep doing what you're doing even if you're not getting anything from it. Perseverance will never fail you, just be patient and wait for your turn, your time will come if you believe yourself. Always look for challenge, never back down to any obstacle, challenge yourself to give your best every single day even if the situation is really difficult. It's only just a matter of time before you win, no matter how slow the pace is... keep moving forward. 

Apr 4, 2020


If you want to go to the next level you must look for what is stopping you and try to break it, as simple as that. You will become bigger if there is a resistance and you must break it, you must no longer be afraid of it, it must be easier doing it... that's how to know if you're already on the next level. Just like building a muscle... you know if your strength has improved if you're lifting 50 lbs for months and you're no longer afraid if it, so it's time to move on to 60 lbs or even more. If you're no longer afraid of something it means you already break it. Just like in earning money, if you keep on trying to earn $1000 a day and you've been trying for almost a year, they day will come and you will finally try to break it, you will earn $1000 a day or even more. So just keep trying, keep pushing and one day you will break the resistance that you are trying to break, as simple as that.

Just keep on moving forward and you will finally break that resistance, keep punching the wall, keep kicking the rock, hammer the obstacle along the way, do whatever it takes to go to the next level, as simple as that. Any resistance can break, no mater how difficult it is... it will break in just a matter of time so keep going no matter what, keep pushing and fighting for what you want. Never care if it is hard, never care if it's going to break you, break it first before it breaks you. There is a way how to break it, you have to keep pushing, never pull, never give up, keep trying and one day you're going to finally break it. You are powerful more than you thought, you just need to keep your mind right, be the best that you can be, always give your 100 percent every single day, keep trying, never quit, never give in.

There is a resistance going on and it's your duty to break it. Anything is possible if you will try, it's a battle between you and your mind, your mind it the real resistance here because it always think that it's too hard and impossible. But if you will think differently and allow yourself to just break it then finally you will be able to break it. So condition your mind to think that every process easy, make your mind believe that it's doable. Nothing is impossible if you will believe, you can do it if you really want it, as simple as that. So keep going no matter what, never give in, never surrender, you will make it if you will go further. Keep doing more, keep looking for more, try everything that you can try, take massive actions and push yourself to the limits. It's only just a matter of time before you win, just repeat everyday and one day is going to be your day. 

Apr 3, 2020


It's your time now, it's your time to succeed. Even if you don't feel ready yet... you will become ready if you will take every opportunity presented. Today is your time just throw yourself at the fire and get burned, don't worry because you will never turn to ashes, you will get success. It's just a matter of facing the pressure, feeling the pain and working hard despite of the odds. Show them what you've got, it's finally the time to reveal your true character... the character of a true warrior who will never quit in times of danger and adversity. So go all out and never give in, even if you feel not ready yet... just go, because if you will not grab the opportunity now then when do you think will you be ready? there is no time for preparing anymore, you've got to devour the opportunity being presented no matter how scary or small it is. Just go, never see the red light always see the green light, you should be moving forward all the time if you really want to make this time as your time, make it yours, shine even if you don't have a light, embrace the moment and make it yours.

Because you've been waiting for a very long time and yet your time hasn't come still. Why? because you're not forcing yourself to move, you're not forcing the issue, sometimes being too smooth and oriented is not working, sometimes waiting for the right time is not working at all. There is no timing anymore, you can't wait for the right time because the sun may explode tomorrow. And if you keep on holding yourself all the time... you will never witness greatness. Make yourself believe that it is your time now, use all of your energy, unleash your tenacity and get ready to embrace the moment. Step by step... do it, grind, hustle, stumble and stand up again, try again, you have to show the world that you're hungry to win and you're ready to get what you deserve. Believe that you deserve it, believe that it's yours. Even if it looks really hard and impossible... you will never know if you can get it if you will not try. Today is your time and you must believe it, not tomorrow, not next week... today is your time so give everything you've got, focus on one thing and that is winning.

If you will not try now then when? it's becoming your habit to keep postponing your success. Every time you deprive yourself of hard work, you are setting yourself up for failure. So you need to force yourself to start now and keep going. It's only just a matter of time before you win. Go hard and face the pain, start now and face your fears. Today is your time, make yourself shine, don't be shy and conservative, don't think about failing... just go all the way and claim what is yours. 

Apr 2, 2020


If you think that you're already tired... you're wrong, you're not yet tired, your body is not tired yet... your mind is. If your mind is tired then your body will become tired too. You have to trick your mind that it's not tired yet so that you can do more and push more. Always think that all you need to do is do the next step and that's it. Don't think about the last step, don't think about finishing it right away, be in the moment and enjoy what's going on. You can always reset the level of fatigue of your mind through meditation or simply breathing. Relax, there is nothing to worry about, what will happen will happen but you need to give yourself a chance to enjoy the moment and be happy with your life. Detach from the things that are making you suffer like traffic, people you hate, people you want to please, things that are not happening, problems etc. The more you think about the things and subjects that are making your life difficult... the more stressed you become. Just breathe because everything will be alright, nothing bad will happen to you.

If you need to do something, if you feel you need to do it... do it now, stop waiting because the more you wait the more your mind will think and if your mind is always thinking it means it's worrying, just do it, forget about the difficulty of it and take it step by step. You will be able to finish it in just a matter of time so relax and simply have fun doing it. Be yourself, don't rush, don't judge your work and simply have fun... work hard, take it seriously but don't forget the happiness that you can feel while doing it. You can be happy while working hard, you can avoid stress by taking it one step at a time. There is no need to rush, there is a sense of urgency but there is no need to panic. Your mind will become more tired if you are rushing and pushing too much. Don't waste time but always see to it that you are having fun while doing your work.

Your mind can stay fresh all day if you are happy and not stressed with your situation, the truth is... you can stay calm and happy during stressful situation. It's all about learning to enjoy chaos and learning how to detach from the outcome. So what if your boss will get mad at you? so what if you can't make it right? just keep moving forward and never quit. Always remember that good things will happen if you persevere. But for now... just enjoy the show, enjoy what's going on, it's possible to have a lot of fun during difficult times. It's just a matter of not acting like you deserve respect or deserve to get respected. Always remember that you are nothing and you have nothing to lose. If you can live with that kind of mindset then life will be so much easier for you. 

Apr 1, 2020


Keep doing what you're doing, start this day fast, do your tasks fast, never rest, never procrastinate, never sleep and you will be surprised with how much you were able to accomplish. You can do a lot of things if you're so focused and determined. It's all about building a momentum and making it stronger and stronger every second by working hard and pushing yourself to the limits. The reason why you can't accomplish what you ought to accomplish is because you're resting too much, you were so soft, you don't push yourself hard enough, you're not in a sense of urgency. You're thinking too much and you're always complaining, you always look for bigger results even if your effort is too weak and slow. You will get what you deserve and that is guaranteed. Just keep working hard, keep pushing yourself to the limits and never do a lot of things that are not even related to your goal. You have to be smart where you are spending your time. Because most of the time you're just wasting your time, you're not focused and determined.

FOCUS IS THE BIGGEST INGREDIENT FOR SUCCESS. If you will just focus on running then you can run for 8 hours a day, if you will just focus on push ups then you can push up for 5000 a day. If you will just focus on writing then you can write 100 articles a day. If you will just focus on your family then you will have a healthier and happier family, if you will just focus on earning money then you will earn millions per yer. The power of focus is real, you will be surprised with how much you can do and accomplish if you're focused on one thing and not doing anything other than that. Focus on greatness, focus on health and riches, focus on making yourself better, focus on what you want in life. If you're focused on one thing then you will get it as fast as you can, you will be able to erase all the roadblocks, you will reach another level, you will find a way how to keep going. You can do a lot of things if you know where you are going, you can become big, you can become super amazing.

You have to give up the things that are fun but not helping you at all. If you really want to have a lot of results then focus on one thing, as simple as that. Never engage on useless activities, never waste your time for nothing, you have to be strict on yourself, stay disciplined and committed... as simple as that. You can push yourself and do the impossible, you can do a lot of things that you thought you can't do. It's just a matter of committing to your goal and going further all the time. So focus on the things that will make you grow, do it, never stop and never rest, it's only just a matter of time before you become successful


What does a real professional really mean? do you know what it takes to become a real professional? do you have the right habits and attitude of a professional? a real professional is not that someone who is super talented. A real professional is someone who never miss a deadline, he is someone who will do whatever it takes to accomplish the task given to him before the deadline. He is never late, he never make excuses, he is fast and he always reply to his clients. A real professional is someone who never complain, he is always available, reachable and accepts criticism. He do whatever it takes to make his job outstanding. You don't need to become super talented or experienced to become a professional, you just need to know what you're doing, always be prepared, always stay ready and never rest until your job is done. It's a little bit hard but if you really want clients to like you, if you really want the world to notice you then be able to embrace all the pressure and never give up when the going gets tough. Because you will meet a lot of nasty and mean people in your journey, you will meet people who will dislike your work, the key here is to never quit on them...make them quit on you. Just keep on working, keep pushing and keep giving them results, if they don't like it so be it but never leave them. Let them give up, your mindset is to keep pushing until your job is finally over.

People love quick people, people love workers who never hide during pressure times, clients love workers who do what they said they're going to do. Again, you don't need to become super skilled here or have 20 years or more of experience. You just need to be ready anytime and be willing to push until the job is done, as simple as that. Stay consistent, always be early, work hard as much as you can and never make excuses... people will like you if you have this kind of attitude. Never leave a task hanging on the air, always update your clients on the status of the project. Never hide if your clients were angry... just keep pushing and something that you can do, you will always make a progress every time you pull the trigger. Stop being emotional if the client is mad, just keep moving forward and always look for a solution for every problem that arises.

Never quit, a lot of professionals become rich and successful by simply being early, hard working and honest. Always think that you're a professional, never play on your work, disregard pleasure first if you have a project, never stop when you're tired... stop when you're done. Once you were able to adapt the right attitude of a real professional then opportunities will come to you without looking for them, your past clients will refer you to other clients, they will appreciate your responsiveness, hard working trait and never give up attitude.