Jul 13, 2018


If you want to become successful then you really have to do it the hard way, nothing is easy... keep this in your mind because if success is easy then everybody will get it but only few people succeed. Why is that? it's because only few people are willing to work hard. It's because most people are looking for shortcuts.

The only way is the hard way, the easy way will only give you a mediocre life, it will only give you disappointments. Don't look for an easy life, it will never give you anything, it will only give pain and weakness. There is no magic pill here, the hard path is always the right path.

It is what it is, if you want to become successful... you have to endure taking the hardest path. If you will not take it then you're just wasting your time, you will go down gradually. The easiest path is the weakest path, there is no benefits there. You really have to work hard, this idea has been told a million years ago yet people can't accept it that's why they are suffering even more.

Go hard, go the hardest, what if you're the hardest working person in this world? what do you think will happen? what impact will it give to your life?

Being soft will not work nowadays, you are only fooling yourself if you keep acting like that. If it's hard then it means you're doing the right thing, it means you're not refusing to take the pressure. Don't run away from pressure... come closer to it and see what can it give to you.

What you want will not be given if you will not work hard for it, it will not come to you if you're not willing to pay the price.

So stop looking for shortcuts, stop looking for the blue magic pill.... it doesn't exist. You have to start from the bottom, you have to take the ladder not the elevator.

Keep going... that's the only play that you can ever have, that's the most effective technique ever. Never crumble during pressure times, never quit during the toughest hours of your life. What can't kill you can only make you stronger than ever.

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