Apr 26, 2019


At the end of the day, the only thing that matters is if you're making results or not. You can complain, you can fake hard work, you can blame anybody but if you're not making results then you don't have the right to cry and whine like a hopeless dog that is lost in the park. Life is all about making results, if you can't make results then shut your mouth and just go back to your work. Success will never give any attention to people who were always complaining.

The best thing to do is just shut up and focus on making results, look for something that will give you progress. It's not enough to work hard, you really need to get money or get any small progress that you are looking for. Looking for other people's success will never get the job done, looking for a fair treatment will never give you anything. Accept that the world will always be unfair and there is nothing you can do about it anymore. All you can do is push forward and force yourself to endure the pain of not getting anything despite of exerting some effort.

Don't worry because the quote "hard work pays off" will never fail you, it is 100 percent true and will always be true, it will never fail you just for once. If you really dedicate your life for something then you will get it no matter what. You will become successful no matter how hard it takes to become one. Always push forward and try to get something, always beat those challenges and obstacles, never stop until you become successful. Get that money, get that girl, get that mansion, get that dream. Do whatever it takes to get it, always remember that results are the only thing that matters and not your excuses. Some people will listen to your excuses but they will laugh at you and make fun of you when you're no longer around. So stop fooling yourself, stop playing the victim role and simply move forward all the time. Look for something you can do to make your situation better. It's only a matter of time before you become successful, just keep moving forward and you will never regret it.

Stop wasting time complaining and trying to get a sympathy from other people. You're better than that, what you need to do is take actions and try to see what is possible if you work really hard.

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