May 2, 2024


The number one reason why you can's tart is because you always think that there is something wrong, you think that there is always something lacking, it creates a lot of resistance, it's destroying the flow, it's making your belief weak and you're not taking actions. What if you think that anything you do is right? do you think something can stop you? of course not. You have to allow yourself to take actions and capitalize the situation, keep moving forward and give everything you've got. You have to start even if it feels so heavy and uncomfortable, destroy all of your excuses and you will attract success. Just start and forget what is lacking in your life. Forget all the resources, forget all the skills you need, just start and allow yourself to make a small progress. Because you're already progressing every time you start. You will become unstoppable if you have a habit of just doing it no matter what, yes it is uncomfortable and hard but that's just part of the process. It's about trying and doing something, it's not about winning, thinking about success will only make you overwhelmed, at the end of the day... you will never become successful if you don't become another human being. Never stop yourself, stop holding yourself back because it will never get the job done, you have to start now and take the first step even if you're not sure about it. Everything is right when you're just starting, never care if you don't have any clues, never care if you feel so lost and confused, just do something and figure out later what to do next. Every action will create a momentum. The key is to stop judging yourself all the time, you need to approve yourself and never care about what's going to happen next, as simple as that. At the end of the day you are free to do what you want to do, nothing can stop you, it's your chicken attitude that is holding yourself back, you need to force yourself to take actions and see what may happen if you simply give your all. You can become very creative here, it's just a matter of allowing yourself to take actions and make mistakes. Don't worry about mistakes and failures because you can always try again for one more time you can correct everything and do better this time. Forget the past so fast and never take anything for granted, don't waste your time dwelling on the past or the things that you don't want. Focus on what you want and what you're trying to accomplish. You can become big if you will allow yourself to get big. It's just a matter of exercising your freedom and doing whatever it takes to win. Make the process simple, just work hard and give everything you've got... as simple as that. Don't worry about anything else, don't worry about the outcome and focus on doing the process. You can make your life amazing if you will just believe in yourself and take baby steps, consistent steps, never stop until you made it. Go all the way, give your 100 percent and never be afraid of failing over and over again, it's only just a matter of time before you make a breakthrough. Your life is what you make it, don't ever think that something is holding you back because you can become unstoppable if you wish to. Just do it, just start it and never give up, keep going, you can become relentless if you want to. 

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