Apr 13, 2024


You can't move, you can't express yourself, you can't speak your mind, you can't be yourself not because you are afraid of what people say, not because you think you are being judged.... it's simply because you are judging yourself before they even judge you. You always think that you are wrong, you always feel that there will be something wrong, you are not on your side you are overthinking and worrying about the future too much. The key to become fearless is to stop judging yourself, stop thinking that you are wrong, stop comparing yourself to others, focus on how you feel. If you can feel good about yourself, if you can be your own ally then you will become unstoppable and free. You will never feel jailed again if you will never think that there is always something wrong with you and what you do, always believe in yourself, always express yourself and believe that everything happens is helping you to grow and prosper no matter how bad it looks. It's your mind that will make you free, if you can control your thoughts then good emotions will start to flow, if you can block all the negative thoughts then life will get easier and resistance will be lessen. Be your number one friend and never judge all of your actions and thoughts. Always remember that every action is the right action, there is nothing wrong with you. Just do it, if your heart is telling you to do it then you need to do it. Stop questioning your own decision, stop looking for evidences that you are right, trust the unknown and make yourself vulnerable, be open to any kind of experience... that's how to feel free and enjoy life, always think that you are being guided, always feel that something good will happen today. At the end of the day you will feel something, why not feel invincible? why not expect the best? why not trust your instincts? why not do it your way? 

People will judge you, you will make mistakes, you will feel bad, you will fail, you will try again. This is the cycle of life, you can survive anything so it means you have nothing to lose here, just express yourself and be the best that you can be, you have everything to gain because life is an experience. Life is to be felt, never let fear of the future or pain immobilize you. Embrace the pain, embrace the difficulties and you will become free. Don't look for fast results, don't look for shortcuts, embrace the experience and welcome anything that is about to come. Don't resist anything, you have to open your heart and mind... that is how to feel free and invincible. At the end of the day you are the only one who is hurting yourself because of your thoughts and negative perspectives. Always think that life is not hard, it gets harder because you're making it hard. Be open to any problems and blessings, think of a challenge as an opportunity to grow. Never judge yourself, never feel any regrets, love yourself and accept your weaknesses. 

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