Aug 14, 2019


If you're hot stay hot, if you have the momentum... keep the momentum alive, never shy away from getting more and more. Once you're in the zone be in the moment and never let that feeling go. Opportunities, strong confidence, a little bit of luck, perfect rhythm doesn't always happen in your life, it doesn't happen everyday. So once you're experiencing good things in life... keep it rolling, keep the fire burning, keep enjoying what's going on because you never know when it's going to last. While the glory is still yours... live with it and try to extend it for a long period of time.

Just like a basketball player who is on his way for a career high... keep shooting the ball, never pass the ball to your teammates, if you feel it, if the confidence level is very high... get the ball and drive it to the rim, shoot it from back court, if it goes in it goes in, have no conscience when shooting the ball, be a cold blooded shooter. Don't be shy and stay greedy. Because that is what being in the zone is all about... you keep shooting no matter what, you keep doing what is working, you never stop, you stay hot all the time.

Because time will come and the momentum will not be on your side anymore, the momentum will shift to another place, you will become cold. So while there are some good things going on... keep the rhythm alive, enjoy the moment because you never know when it's going to last. Because it may only come once in your life so you have to capitalize and keep getting results. Don't be too apologetic when you're hot, you're in control here right? you're the start now, forget about the people around you. Keep doing what is working, feel no guilt about it, when you're hot stay hot, stay hot all the time if you can but that will never happen because time will come and you will get cold. So while you're still hot... be opportunistic, stay hungry and keep eating that meat that serves you.

Just like in business, if something is working, if something is clicking... keep doing it. Never stop when it's your birthday, never stop when it's Christmas, time will come and your business will become weak, while you can still sell... sell, as simple as that, while there are still some money coming in... keep the business open, open it 24 hours a day, stop resting too much, just sleep to get some energy a little bit and go back to work. Because one day you will get zero so you have to keep getting something now while you can still squeeze something, glory days will never last so while it's still there... grab it all.

Being hot doesn't happen everyday, you have to be aware that it is happening. Some people were hot but they are allowing themselves to get cold again that's why they only get small success. Greatness happens if you keep pushing forward during pressure times but still feeling that you can make it through. So when you're hot and you're feeling it... be progressive, always work, always get that small result every now and then because you never know when it's going to last.

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